
The "3 million baby" party sent a Weibo clarification: a child spends 350,000 yuan a year

A few days ago, the media reported that former model Li Xueke gave birth to three children through test tubes, and then there was an online rumor that "single mothers spent 3 million yuan to raise mixed-race babies.". Suddenly, the whole network watched, and the controversy continued. On January 26, Li Xueke, a party concerned, issued a lengthy article on weibo to clarify and explain some controversial issues.

The "3 million baby" party sent a Weibo clarification: a child spends 350,000 yuan a year

Li Xueke and three children together Image source: I Weibo

"350,000 yuan for one child is the cost of food, clothing, housing and education in the kindergarten stage"

On the 25th, the surging news reported that 33-year-old Li Xueke had three mixed-race babies. Four years ago, single, she wanted to become a mother and decided to go to Thailand to test tubes and give birth. Li Xueke tried to prove that she could give her children a full sense of love and security. According to the report, Li Xueke asked 3 aunts to take the child, spend 100,000 yuan a month to raise a baby, and the kindergarten costs millions a year, and has saved enough money to raise the child to adulthood. Subsequently, she found that there was a hot search on the Internet that "single mothers spent 3 million to raise mixed-race babies", thinking that it was far from her own facts, so she issued a clarification article on the evening of the 26th.

The article first admitted that it was a party to the "3 million baby", "sorry to occupy public resources to explain some private issues". She said that about "3 million baby-raising", she was also stunned when she saw this hot search. She stressed: "In the interview, I said '350,000 a year for one child, more than 1 million for three children'. Later, I found that a friend on Weibo helped me summarize 'three children in three years to raise 3 million', and the result was '3 million baby raising'. So here I still have to explain to you, I said '350,000 a child', refers to the child's food, clothing, housing and education costs in the kindergarten stage. This number of raising a child in Hangzhou is not small, but it is not particularly exaggerated. ”

Li Xueke said that he had imagined their education countless times. In the imagination, they will grow up in a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, choose the profession they are interested in, do what they want to do, and grow up, regardless of whether they have achieved success in the worldly sense, but they have a sound personality and a strong heart.

She stressed in the article: "The three children were born by myself, and I still have scars left by the caesarean section on my body, so I hope that some netizens will not spread false news again." I reserve the right to pursue legal liability. ”

"My love is abundant and I have the confidence to make up for the missing part"

On the question of the impact of "lack of fatherly love" on children that netizens are concerned about. Li Xueke said: "Of course, I know that a family with both parents and harmonious feelings has a very positive impact on the growth of children. But the question is, is it possible that every child in this world has psychological problems? Or conversely, wouldn't a child with both parents grow up hurting a little bit from the family? Having figured this out, I won't dwell on it. ”

Li Xueke said that whether it is father love or mother love, the most important thing is to give the child enough love. My love is abundant and I have the confidence to make up for the missing part. Now my mom and aunt are helping me with the kids... Every day at home, there is joy and laughter, and I think this kind of atmosphere is the most important. As for the "fatherly love" that everyone is worried about... I've always thought that a sound personality is more important than gender. If it is worried about the lack of male elder images in children's lives, there are many ways to solve this problem, such as hiring male teachers for children, encouraging children to have more contact with male relatives, and so on.

Li Xueke said that in the future, he will tell the children truthfully why they do not have a sociological father. "I've always believed that this society is becoming more inclusive and more diverse. Will it come to that day when they don't think it's a problem at all, just think they have a cool mom? I'm still looking forward to it. ”

"Please everyone on financial freedom young women, don't have so many strange associations"

The article also answered the netizens' analysis of Li Xueke's property situation. Li Xueke said in the article: "First of all, I am definitely not a rich second generation. My money is earned on my own. But I have to admit that I am very lucky, it should be said that I stepped on the wind, caught up with the dividends of the times, and met a very good partner. When I was 12 years old, I was trained as a professional model, and I practiced until I took off my shoes and tore off the flesh on my feet, grinding my heels to bare bones. At the age of 16, he began to work as a model, walked a show for 200 yuan, felt that he had begun to earn money, could not find his parents for money, and only had 2 yuan left on his body to buy a pound of rice porridge and drink for a week. At the age of 17, he went to Shanghai to develop, walked a little bigger, participated in various activities, participated in various competitions, and won many awards. In 2008, because of the Wenchuan earthquake, various model competitions and exhibitions across the country were temporarily cancelled, and there was nothing to do, so I could only go home to run model training classes, and my mother sold houses to support me to run a model training school. In 2013, I began to do Thai purchasing, at that time everyone was advertising in the WeChat circle of friends, and I was the same, so some people said that I was a "micro-business", and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. In 2014, a friend invited me to do business together, I agreed, and then I opened a company and did business, all the way to now. Saying so much, I just want to tell you: every penny I earn is coming from the right way, and please don't have so many strange associations and questions about a young woman with financial freedom. ”

Li Xueke finally said that bringing the three angels into this world was the best decision he had ever made. "I hope that my response can restore some of the truth, and also let everyone know more about the female group like me who actively choose to be a single mother." More importantly, as a mother, I don't want my children to be hurt by some unwarranted things, so I write this response and ask you to understand my feelings. ”

After Li Xueke's clarification article was issued, as of now, it has received nearly 30,000 likes at noon on the 27th, and netizens have followed more than 1,000 posts. Some people said that it was inappropriate to expose the three children in front of the public, but many female netizens left messages to praise and cheer them.

Upstream news comprehensive surging news, Weibo

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