
Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

When a man gets married, a woman gets married, gets married and has children, which has become a traditional cognition engraved in people's bones.

The child is described as the "crystallization of love" of two people, and people subconsciously believe that if they want to have children, they must be realized through love and marriage.

However, in recent reports, a woman who claimed that "I don't want love, I just want to have children" has broken everyone's stereotype.

She is Li Xueke, a female model from Shandong.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

She did not marry, but single-handedly gave birth to three mixed-race babies, and the father of the child never appeared.

The keywords "female model gives birth out of wedlock", "triplets", and "mixed-race baby" are superimposed, and any one of them is enough to set off a heated discussion on the Internet.

Young girls don't want men not to marry, as long as they have children, most people may not have the courage and courage to do so, but Li Xueke secretly made a decision four years ago and fulfilled her wish to be a mother before the age of 30.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

What had happened to her and why had she made such a decision to have children out of wedlock? Besides, she was just a weak woman, could she support three children?

All this has to start from Li Xueke's growth history.


In 1989, Li Xueke was born in Heze, Shandong.

When her parents divorced her when she was 3 years old, she followed her mother to live.

Her mother, Li Miaodan, works in a factory, and the money she earns every month can only barely support the life of the mother and daughter. The father only gave one year of child support, and then he resigned again and again, and finally simply did not give it.

His mother couldn't do anything with him, and often sighed to herself: "I was blindfolded and married to him." ”

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

But fortunately, Li Xueke is obedient and sensible, and also well-behaved and cute. The candy given by the teacher in the kindergarten should also be saved for the mother to eat. Every day, when my mother rode her bicycle to the kindergarten to pick up Li Xueke, all the students in the class left. She sat alone on the small bench, not crying or making trouble, quietly waiting for her mother.

When he was four years old, the kindergarten teacher found Li Miaodan and talked to her about the child's situation in school, "Li Xueke, this child is good at everything, he is timid, and he usually does not like to play with his classmates." You can send her to learn to dance and exercise her guts. ”

Li Miaodan has always felt ashamed of his children and failed to give Li Xueke a complete home.

Since the teacher gave advice, she would send Li Xueke to learn dance even if it was difficult.

At first, because Li Xueke was afraid of life, he kept his head down, afraid of his hands and feet, and his limbs were not coordinated. But two months later, Li Miaodan went to the dance studio again and found that her daughter could already mingle with other classmates, and her dancing was praised by the teacher for making great progress.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

Li Xueke was raised by her mother, and her relationship with her father has always been tense.

She still remembers that when she was in the fourth grade, her mother had to go to work in a foreign country, and she could only temporarily entrust her to her father's house for a year.

At that time, her father had a new family, and she knew that she was not welcome, so she was cautious everywhere, and did not even dare to speak loudly, and only dared to eat half full.

Once, on the eve of the final exam, she was reading in the room to review her homework and saw that it was late, and her father pushed open the door to see that she was still at her desk in the middle of the night, thinking that she had been lazy and had not finished her homework until now.

He slapped her indiscriminately, and Li Xueke only felt a fiery pain in his face. The next day there were still finger prints on his face that had not disappeared.

Soon after, her mother returned from out of town to pick her up, and she never went to her father's house again.

When the mother learned that her daughter had been wronged at her ex-husband's house, she hugged Li Xueke and shed tears of pain, "Rest assured, my good daughter, my mother will always protect you well." ”

For so many years, in order to pull Li Xueke up, she has not remarried.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

The real entry of Li Xueke into the modeling industry is also because of her mother's encouragement.

Li Xueke is tall, only in the sixth grade, he is one meter and sixty-nine, which is more than half a head taller than his peers.

When her mother, Li Miaodan, passed through the streets of the community, she saw a poster posted on the billboard that read, "Heze City Holds a Model Contest." She wrote down her phone number and signed up for her daughter.

Li Xueke did not have the confidence to participate, and her mother took her hand and advised her, "The emphasis is on participation, as for winning the prize, do your best, just exercise yourself." ”

On that occasion, Li Xueke passed the audition, the preliminary round, and the rematch, although he ultimately missed the final. But it was this experience that made Li Xueke fall in love with the feeling of being a model. Only on stage can she be generous and confident in herself.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

In the third year of junior high school, he also participated in the variety show "Sunshine Fast Lane Sunshine Girl" of Shandong Satellite TV, with this program, Li Xueke accumulated a certain degree of fame.

After graduating from junior high school, Li Xueke went to Qingdao Art School to study and accept professional model teaching. She can endure hardships and her professional ability is outstanding. In 2006, Li Xueke took the college entrance examination, and because the results of cultural subjects were too poor, he finally had to give up his studies.


After separating from campus life, in July 2006, 17-year-old Li Xueke came to Jinan alone.

She is not an adult, she can only pick up some catwalks in pieces, and the cost of each appearance is only one or two hundred. I worked for more than half a year, and I didn't save a penny. In order to seek better opportunities and development, she moved to Shanghai and successfully signed a contract with a well-known modeling company with excellent professionalism and perfect body.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

In the past few years in Shanghai, it has also been the highlight of Li Xueke's career.

Every month, I can get ten or twenty thousand yuan for my salary alone, and in addition to sending some back to my mother, I can save a lot. Not only that, but also participated in major model competitions and frequently won awards.

Li Xueke, who is less than 20 years old, has already made a small name in the modeling circle.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

Until May 12, 2008, a major earthquake occurred in Wenchuan, causing huge damage to people and property on the mainland. The whole country was in grief, and model contests and entertainment were banned during that time.

Jobs are temporarily gone, consumption in Shanghai is high, and bank card balances are disappearing day by day. Li Xueke decided to return to his hometown of Heze, Shandong first.

It was also during this period of time in his hometown that Li Xueke smelled business opportunities. After her research and investigation, she found that there were very few model training courses for children in Heze.

As soon as she patted her thigh and had an idea, she immediately rented the venue, printed hundreds of leaflets, set up a few tables on the side of the street, and began to recruit students to run modeling training classes.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

It was summer vacation, and the streets were full of students and parents. Coupled with Li Xueke's good image and temperament, it is the "living signboard" of the model class.

The modeling workshop was full of participants, far exceeding her expectations.

There are many students, and the original rented space is not enough, and it is necessary to expand the scale. Mother Li Miaodan sold the house in exchange for 300,000 yuan to support her daughter, and turned the model training class into a model training school.

In November 2012, Li Xueke and a friend were partying, and overheard a friend mention that an imported product from Thailand was very popular.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

Three days later, Li Xueke flew to Thailand to enter a batch of goods and began to sell them in the circle of friends. Surprisingly, it was sold out in just two days. This also allows Li Xueke to see the potential of making imported goods.

She put more effort into it and has a team of professionals who specialize in the retail business. It was also those years that laid the economic foundation.

In July 2015, Li Xueke established Enxi (Beijing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and decided to make her own cosmetics brand. Sales in the first month were as high as 20 million.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

Every time the times Li Xueke seems to be stepping on the right one, but she is a girl in her early 20s, and the wealth value she has accumulated is enough for her to achieve wealth freedom.

Career is smooth, but in terms of feelings, it has been stumbling, and several relationships have ended without a problem.

She has a strong sense of enterprise, but her boyfriend wants her to be a good wife and mother at home after marriage. Restrain her everywhere, control her. Doing business has socializing and not allowing her to go, and clothes are worn with a low collar and are not allowed to wear.

She really couldn't stand such a life, and she didn't want to compromise, and she has been single since the breakup.

In 2018, Li Xueke was 29 years old, at this time she had already accumulated nearly 100 million fortunes, in order to fulfill her wish to have a child before the age of 30, after careful consideration, she decided to accept IVF.


Due to her work, Li Xueke often travels back and forth between Thailand and China. She already knew the policy of IVF in Thailand, but she did not dare to tell her mother or anyone what she thought.

Heze is a small city, and the circle of small towns is small, and there are not many. For such a thing as being single and having children out of wedlock, it is absolutely unacceptable.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

Li Xueke is beautiful in appearance and has a successful career at a young age. Originally invited criticism, often people discussed her behind her back, was she raised by which big boss?

She worries that if she gives birth to a Chinese baby, it is likely that the rumor will be implemented in the eyes of others. So she decided to use a foreign sperm transplant, not to mention that she herself likes mixed-race babies.

In advance, she had chosen a handsome Russian, but she temporarily returned to China because of an affair at the other party's home. So the Thai agency re-found a Britishman for Li Xueke.

Single model mom, 29 years old unmarried IVF gave birth to mixed race 3 twins, bluntly said that marriage is not a necessity

Li Xueke was not very reassured and asked to meet with the Englishman to see the real person.

The other party is tall, sunny-looking, does not smoke, and loves sports. Li Xueke was also very satisfied with this, and donated sperm the next day under the arrangement of the institution.

The first transfer failed, and the second time for insurance, an additional embryo was transferred. As a result, the three embryos transferred, a daughter and two sons, were successful. The doctor suggested subtracting one, but Li Xueke was reluctant to do so, so he kept all three embryos.

Test tubes require fetal protection injections, and she has a total of about 140 injections before and after. Morning sickness also tortured her whole body to the point of yellow muscle. The day before production, Li Xueke was still working on projects in the company, staying up late with his partners until 12 o'clock.

In July 2019, mixed-race triplets were born, one three pounds six two, one three pounds seven two, one three pounds two two.

The whole thing Li Xueke's mother has never known, so Li Xueke has no relatives around whether she gives birth or confinement.

Those days were also the most difficult time for Li Xueke.

Before I could experience the joy of becoming a new mother, I was tormented by the pain of my postpartum body and depression and cried every day.

Two days before the end of the confinement, she sent a picture of the child to her mother and told her that she had given birth to a child.

The mother's initial surprise, to the subsequent heartache, finally became understanding.

After leaving the confinement, Li Xueke hired three nannies to take care of the three children, and she threw herself into her work.

For Li Xueke, work is a good medicine to solve all troubles, and money can bring the greatest sense of security.

After becoming a mother, Li Xueke returned to the company and returned to the work rhythm of the previous strong woman, and there was no longer depression.

Before, she was fighting alone, but now that she has three more small ones behind her, they are the driving force behind her to fight forward.

In 2020, Li Xueke released a video through a short video platform to introduce her experience and share her life with triplet children.

In the past, she could not adjust her mentality well, afraid of the strange eyes of others, and did not dare to disclose her child's life.

But watching the children grow up day by day, opening their mouths and calling their mothers, her heart is fast.

She never hurt anyone else, just did what she wanted to do. Besides, the children are beautiful and smart, why should she sneak up on hiding the children.

She wants to openly and honestly reveal the child's life.

After becoming popular on the Internet, some people in the comment section slammed her for being too selfish, the child never enjoyed paternal love, that is an incomplete family.

But most people think she lived the envy of women, independent and sober, away from bad marriages with men, with a career, and beautiful children.

Some people also ask the child when he grows up, where will she answer when he asks the father?

In Li Xueke's view, love does not distinguish between gender, whether it is fatherly love or maternal love, the most important thing is to give children enough love. As long as there is love, it is a complete home.

Whenever she has time, she will wholeheartedly accompany and take care of the children. There is also enough financial strength to make up for the missing part of the child.

In the past year, she also set up a children's clothing brand, planning to move the work headquarters to Hangzhou as a whole.

She asked three aunts to take care of the children, and the cost of the aunt alone needed 20,000 yuan per month, and the expenses of the three babies a month needed about 100,000 yuan.

The children will reach the age of kindergarten next year, and Li Xueke inspected a private kindergarten in Hangzhou, and the tuition fee is about 283,000 yuan.

Regarding the cultivation of children, she will do her best to provide them with the best conditions, and they will support whatever they want to learn.

Even if she can't work and can't make money one day, her savings for many years are enough to raise her three children.

As for the attitude towards marriage, Li Xueke said on social platforms that it may be a pity not to have marriage, but it is also a kind of happiness to have a career and children.

Everyone's definition of happiness is different, and there are many ways of life, only suitable for themselves is the best.

References: The Paper, 2022-01-25, "Single Mom and Her IV Triplets: With Enough Love, Home is Complete"

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