
How to judge the quality of IVF embryos?

In IVF treatment, we all know that embryo quality is one of the key factors affecting the success rate of IVF, and the quality of embryos is an important factor in determining the success of IVF transfer.

The development potential of high-quality embryos is relatively high, that is to say, the stronger the implantation ability after transfer, so what is a high-quality embryo? And how to judge the quality of IVF embryos? Is the transfer carried out in a situation where the embryo quality is not particularly good to protect the fetus?

Usually, morphology is commonly used at home and abroad to score embryos, and embryos are graded according to the number of cell cleavages of embryos, the degree of uniform size of egg lobes, whether the morphology is regular, and the number of fragments.

Embryos are divided into grade I (no fragments or fragments≤5%), ii. (5%)

How to judge the quality of IVF embryos?

1. What are the factors affecting embryo fragmentation?

Current clinical and laboratory studies have shown that embryo fragments occur for a variety of reasons, including many internal and external factors, such as egg quality, sperm quality, laboratory culture environment and manipulation, and chromosomal abnormalities.

2. How to reduce embryo fragmentation and increase pregnancy rate?

However, the IVF culture environment cannot perfectly simulate the environment in the mother's body, resulting in the embryo not adapting to the environment of in vitro culture and fragmentation. But as science continues to delve deeper, we also understand the laws of embryonic development more and more deeply.

In order to reduce the production of embryo fragments, it is possible to adjust the clinical ovulation induction program to improve egg quality, improve the quality of male sperm through medication, and improve the laboratory culture environment, adopt polydermal culture and other methods or use corresponding preventive measures, etc., so that embryos can develop better, reduce the formation of embryo fragments, and thus improve the pregnancy rate of assisted reproductive technology.

Shenzhen Zhongshan genitourinary reminder: For female patients with poor physical conditions, such as patients with older age and premature ovarian failure, in the case of poor egg quality, it is more difficult to obtain high-quality embryos, but there is still hope to conceive embryos, after the transfer, such patients should pay close attention to the situation of the body, and after a smooth pregnancy, they also need to carry out fetal protection treatment for a period of time.

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