
A woman never changes her WeChat profile picture, and nine times out of ten it is these 3 types of people

author:Mr. Bee

A person's WeChat profile picture is often an important way for him to show himself, express his personality and attitude towards life.

Especially for women, they often change their avatars to convey their current mood and feelings.

When they're in a bad mood, they change their avatars more often as a way to show the people they care about their inner changes.

However, there are also women who do not change their avatars all year round and just live in silence.

Nine times out of ten, such a woman is one of these 3 types of people, and she can't be wrong!

A woman never changes her WeChat profile picture, and nine times out of ten it is these 3 types of people


Life is changing rapidly, but there are always people who always maintain a steady rhythm of life, they don't like change, and they don't want to break the established trajectory of life at will.

Such people like to be stable, like to stay in their comfort zone, work silently, and live their own lives.

I used to have a very good girlfriend, she belongs to the kind of girl who is very simple and not good at words.

Since she first uploaded her WeChat profile picture, she hasn't changed it.

She is a girl who loves to live according to the rules, does not like to take risks, and does not want to be disturbed by sudden interruptions to break the peace of life.

She has her own pace and way of life. She never changes her WeChat profile picture, showing her preference for stability.

When dealing with others, she is used to sticking to her principles and not compromising easily. Whether in adversity or in good times, she is able to assert herself and show extreme patience and will not be easily changed by external pressures or temptations.

These people who pursue stability have lived a peaceful life and few detours.

This is also a different kind of blessing.

They enjoy the sense of security and comfort that stability brings, are vigilant against unknown risks, and their pursuit of stability reflects their wisdom and philosophy of life.

A woman never changes her WeChat profile picture, and nine times out of ten it is these 3 types of people


Someone once said, "Those who are attached to their feelings are always deeply nostalgic for the past, so they are reluctant to throw anything away." ”

The same is true for WeChat avatars, every avatar that is reluctant to be replaced is a precious memory.

is reluctant to change their avatar because they want to protect this deep love and keep the emotion that is difficult to let go.

I once knew an older sister in her fifties, and her WeChat profile picture was always a picture of her daughter.

The story behind this one is both heartwarming and poignant:

The eldest sister's daughter is smart, cute, and versatile, and is the treasure of the whole family.

However, when she was only a teenager, she was unfortunately diagnosed with leukemia.

Despite several years of running and aggressive treatment, the disease still ruthlessly took her life. Since then, her daughter's photo has become her WeChat profile picture, and she can't part with this memorial.

There is a saying:

"In the past, people didn't like throwing things away, and they always felt that as long as the things were there, there was a thought. Once a person has a thought, there is a meaning to live. ”

Those who use an item for a long time, as well as women who are reluctant to change their WeChat profile picture, are often nostalgic and affectionate.

For them, the avatar is both a memory and a longing.

A woman never changes her WeChat profile picture, and nine times out of ten it is these 3 types of people

Low profile

Writer Feng Jicai once said: "To be low-key is to live in your own world, and to be high-profile is to live in someone else's world." ”

Women who rarely change their WeChat profile picture tend to focus more on inner self-growth rather than showing off their gains to others.

They have mature and stable personalities, and they have their own joys and sorrows. I rarely show off myself on weekdays, and I don't show off everywhere when I have results.

At the same time, they will also bear the heavy pressure alone, swallow the full burden of their hearts, and do not burden anyone.

They understand that the adult world is a lonely practice, and they can only rely on themselves to survive the bumpy and tribulating journey.

These women know how to restrain their light and avoid stabbing others and making enemies everywhere; I also know how to abandon the voices of the outside world and live a better life unhurriedly.

They don't care about the ethereal "face", they only pay attention to the down-to-earth "lining".

Only by being a man who does not show off and does things unassumingly can he have spiritual richness and soul abundance.

These women interpret the true meaning of life with their actions: true maturity is not to cater to others, but to focus on their inner world, to maintain a calm and serene atmosphere.

A woman never changes her WeChat profile picture, and nine times out of ten it is these 3 types of people

Psychological research shows that a person's attitude towards the objects they belong to can reflect their inner qualities.

Therefore, we can more or less understand a person's personality traits and life status by observing the changes in WeChat avatars.

For those women who do not change their WeChat avatars for a long time, they tend to cherish every bond very much, and will firmly manage a bright future.

But whether you like to change your WeChat avatar or not, it will not affect you to cherish the person in front of you and love the current life.

I hope that we can all have rich emotions and strong beliefs, and that our hearts are strong and abundant, and that we can live life to the fullest.