
The Sun That Never Sets (Poetry)

author:Floating Qiu Yihe
The Sun That Never Sets (Poetry)

Beijing in the golden autumn is clear and sunny

I walked into chairman Mao's memorial hall

Look up to a generation of great people

Childhood wish

Half a lifelong dream

Today it was finally paid

From the Monument to the People's Heroes to the Gate of Zhengyang

From the Zhengyang Gate back to the memorial hall

Visit the Chairman's team

It's ten miles long

Walk slowly

Dignified air Dignified face


Forget the sadness

Face the chairman's crystal coffin

I offer five flowers

Represents the wishes of a family of five

The chairman's remains are still so rosy and serene

Right now

I want to say a word

I see you, Sir


Turn into tears and flow quietly

My heart goes back to September 9, 33 years ago

It was a black day that cursed the people

The days are so low

The air is so stuffy

Bad news came suddenly

Eight hundred million people's hearts and livers are broken and they weep and weep

From the green grasslands of the north of the Seychelles

To the green red soil of Gangnam

Suddenly enter the hall wrapped in silver

A giant star has fallen

A generation of great men has resigned

The whole world wept bitterly and tearfully poured into the tank

Spring and autumn turnover

Time flies

In front of the Beijing Memorial Hall

The long dragon that hangs on the hanging is still cold and hot

Winter to spring back to the trail of Shaoshan Chong

Worship the crowds of people hao hao hao soup soup

Day after day

Year after year, the nostalgia for the President grew louder

A voice is forever floating over the earth

The sun rises

China came out with a Mao Zedong

This song is deeply remembered in people's hearts

Chairman Mao

It's you who lift a hammer

Smashed the chains that imprisoned China

Let the Chinese nation stand up in the world

It's you who light a lighthouse

The red boats that guide the South Lake are chopping the wind and chopping the waves and sailing in the right direction

You laid the foundation stone

Stabilize the foundations of the People's Republic

It is you who hold up a round of rising sun

Cast out the clouds

Shine the new China brightly with you

The faltering of the Chinese revolution became majestic

With you

The first five-star red flag in Tiananmen Square can fly high

China has become brilliant and remarkable

The world becomes magically colorful and its way is great

China told me

You are a book

A magnificent work written in ink by the five lakes and four seas

The distinct theme is a resounding song

The world tells me

You are a poem

The majesty of the mountains The depth of the sea

The elegance of the snow The beauty of the plum

Give you a majestic and noble people to tell me

You are a song

The sun is brilliant and the moon is bright

The heroism of the wind The dashing of the clouds

Interpret your kindness for a long time

Your merits are like mountains and rivers

Your feats are inscribed on 9.6 million square kilometres of land

Rest in peace

This thin wall of crystal

There is no separation between you and the hearts of the people

Your spirit is still so vibrant

Your voice is still so kind

The solemn atmosphere was no longer filled with tears

What sprouted in the autumn field was the heart of the 1.3 billion Chinese people who had gathered into one sentence

Chairman Mao

You are the sun that never sets in our hearts

(Fuqiu Yihe 11 years ago old work)