
Silent sun

author:Kim Dong-jin

I have forgotten the content of this article when I was young, perhaps because it was too long. It wasn't until the comrades-in-arms mentioned the stone repeatedly that I vaguely felt that there was such a past. Although I forgot the article, my original heart was always rooted in my chest, scattered and depressed.

It was in Liaoyuan, a city that wasn't too big. The sun always gives this city the warmth, warming the longshou mountain full of dwarf pines, warming the ripples of the Liao River, and warming each of us who are thousands of miles away from home. In retrospect, the clear memory of Liaoyuan is that there was a Xiangyang village, sandwiched in a mountain pass, the houses were staggered and old, and the streets were surprisingly narrow. Narrow to the point, there is an extra mountain road winding upwards. When I was able to get out of the barracks, I mostly went up this rugged mountain road with my comrades-in-arms. The mountain is a dead mountain, with artificial pines, dwarfed as shrubs. Occasionally there were one or two poplars, standing tall there, and it was a towering mountain. I often leaned on the trunk of a poplar tree, sat on a rock, and listened to all kinds of birds. The sun shines down, lazy body and mind, close your eyes and sleep, and enjoy the beauty of the sunshine of this northern city.

Soldiers are artillerymen, belong to the field army, training is quite tight, and they are always in the company of artillery. When the sweat was dried by the sun, the clothes were attached to the body, clinging to every nerve. Although there is no war in peacetime, there are always various imaginary enemies, such as the United States, Japan and South Korea. In every cultural class, it is necessary to understand the number of platoons, weapons configuration, and parameters of the United States, Japan, and South Korea, and sow the seeds of war in our hearts for future roots and sprouts. I read a novel about artillery, "The Third Eye", which has a sentence, "Lead but not hair, jump like also".

I never felt that my youth was wasted in the barracks, and I needed soldiers even more in peacetime. It was like that summer, in August, and it was raining. At eight o'clock in the evening, I suddenly received an order that a reservoir on the Liao River should burst its embankment and go to the flood and rescue the danger. It took three minutes to assemble, and when we got there, the water was less than half a foot from the edge of the embankment, the rain was still falling, and under the embankment was a railway. So the whole night is loaded with sandbags, back sandbags, yard sandbags, indeed forgetting the time and forgetting the tired. It's just not at all like the news propaganda, what does not care about personal safety, the heart is worried, anticipating how to escape in case this collapses. When it was not six o'clock in the morning, the rain stopped, the water level of the reservoir stopped rising, and the moment I sat on a high place and lay down to rest, the whole person was soft.

I only remember a sentence in that article: Every soldier is a particle of the sun, silent in the vastness of time and space, and when it is condensed together by justice, it must shine brightly.

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