
Good family women vs fox essence, shi yi long skill to control yi

author:Writer Wood Poplar

Many married women hate the so-called "fox spirits" very much, feeling that they rack their brains every day to destroy their families, so they try their best to prevent themselves, impose an economic blockade on their husbands, insist on checking their mobile phones every day, stipulating the time to return home from work, and sometimes even if the husband comes back half an hour late, he must plan the root of the problem, review the trajectory route, and prevent the husband from deserting halfway. (But if there is a husband who can desert half an hour late, it is not that everyone looks down on him, to prevent him from doing anything, he is not worthy, yuck.) )

Good family women vs fox essence, shi yi long skill to control yi

The final result is often not satisfactory, the husband ran away, followed the "fox spirit" outside and never returned, and had an iron heart to divorce. The saddest thing is that the "fox spirit" of the husband who took away is not actually a young and beautiful goddess, but many of them are ordinary-looking, or even far inferior to themselves. In the end, he actually lost to people whose conditions were worse than their own in all aspects, and this sense of sadness made people feel a sullen breath in their hearts and could not be released, light and depressed, heavy and no longer believe in love, thinking that "the world is as black as a crow, and no man is a good thing."

Why they lose to a "fox spirit" who is inferior to him in all aspects is mostly for two reasons:

Good family women vs fox essence, shi yi long skill to control yi

1, did not learn the "fox essence" routine, lost at the technical level.

You have to know that everyone is a woman, she is still the one with poor conditions, but how can she lose? Because the simplest reasons for love are often more intuitive and more real, the power of details is infinite, and maybe you unconsciously stretch your loins, which is a sexy weapon for a certain man, and therefore fall in love with you. Men court with their eyes. Fox spirits are definitely not internal shows, but they have first-class tricks to attract men. From this point of view, women of good families can also learn from the fox spirit, do not be afraid to release their feminine charm to their husbands, but also believe in it, to understand how to attract their husbands primitively before marriage, what kind of actions or behaviors make him impulsive, and then increase it into the life after marriage. Many people feel increasingly bland and boring after marriage, because after marriage, they give up some behaviors and symbolic actions during love, thinking that they should be "dignified" when married, and should not play with the "pediatric things" of the past, which is wrong, what was effective before, and still valid now, to continue to expand the role of those charismatic behaviors, and even to form a tacit conditioned reflex. Marriage is just a unique conjugal life relationship between you and your husband, not a lock on it, and the adjustment of life is still essential. Otherwise, it will be used by others, and it is still yourself who regrets it.

Good family women vs fox essence, shi yi long skill to control yi

2, too strict prevention, so that the husband has no freedom, no dignity.

No one likes to be monitored 24 hours a day, the family should be a warm harbor, not a prison of marriage, oppressed for a long time, people will be tired and afraid. Men no longer pursue gorgeousness, only want a moment to soothe the tired heart, encounter such a thing, just like grasping the life-saving straw, walking without hesitation. Therefore, between husband and wife, we must give him freedom, so that he can unload his burdens at home and return to ease.

Just as the so-called master Yi long skills to control Yi, recharge themselves, life must be better.

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