
King Arthur 3: The works we've been chasing together over the years about King Arthur

author:Warm book and new knowledge
King Arthur 3: The works we've been chasing together over the years about King Arthur

The history of the British Middle Ages, like the history of our country, has been adapted many times by various creators. Not only can it be adapted from historical real people, but it can also be used to elevate and create legends.

King Arthur is a typical hero who has been artificially erected. The appearance of King Arthur has a historical background. At that time, Great Britain was troubled at home and abroad, there were Saxons outside, the Irish were looking at the tiger, and the internal dynasty was even more crumbling. The people of that time desperately needed a strong leader to lead them out of their predicament. Thus in the mouth of the bard, there was a leader who, like a god, led the knights against the invaders and defended their homeland.

Later generations created King Arthur based on the intermittent legends of the time. Whether King Arthur and his people have ever appeared in history remains a mystery. But the legends and literary works of art about King Arthur must be second to none among so many kings of Britain.

I remember that my enlightenment work for King Arthur was disney's cartoon "Sword in the Stone", there were not many cartoons at that time, and I watched this "Sword in the Stone" many times. The image of a king who could be a king by drawing his sword alone fulfilled the dreams of many boys as a king knight.

In terms of movies, Cliff Owen and Kayla Knightley co-starred in the film version of "King Arthur" in 2004, and although the two were in the sky at the time, red and purple, the film seemed to have no splash and was unremarkable.

In 2017, Charlie Hannham and Jude Lowe starred in King Arthur: The Battle of the Beasts, which is also a pure king Arthur legend story. The props and casting are very good, and it is a film worth watching.

King Arthur 3: The works we've been chasing together over the years about King Arthur

In addition to King Arthur, his friends are also the objects of adaptation, the most famous of which is the Grand Mage Merlin. Merlin has magical relationships and is easier to hook up with magical themes.

In 2008, the BBC published a "Legend of Merlin", which tells the story between King Arthur and the mage Merlin. The two of them know each other and grow together. If this drama is placed now, it is estimated that it will have been praised by the pure love system.

The 1998 NBC miniseries Merlin starred Empress Cersei Lena Headey.

As for the mist of Avalon, the legends of the Round Table Warriors and the Holy Grail have been adapted and quoted. Hellboy - Blood Queen even forcibly installed King Arthur's father on Hellboy.

In so many magical adaptations, Bernard Cornwell did the opposite, portraying King Arthur as a normal human being without magic, without the fairies on the lake, without the fog of Avalon.

Bernard Cornwell himself was very good at writing such medieval novels, and his "Spring and Autumn in a Lonely Country" was adapted into a TV series, with a Douban score of 8.2, telling the story of a child raised by an enemy in the British context of the Viking invasion.

The Middle Ages itself was a time perfect for storytelling, and the iron armor, chivalry, loyalty and blood were all suitable for telling legendary figures of heroism. The birth of the legend of King Arthur is also inevitable in this era.

Bernard Cornwell, who is good at telling historical stories, naturally does not let go of King Arthur's subject. And he also lived up to expectations, writing this legendary character more flesh and blood, as if it really existed.

Although King Arthur's dynasty has long since passed away, it does not prevent his legend from passing on in the modern era. King Arthur represents not only a piece of history, but also a kind of chivalry, a heroism that dares to resist in difficult situations. This is why the legend of King Arthur continues to live.

King Arthur 3: The works we've been chasing together over the years about King Arthur
King Arthur 3: The works we've been chasing together over the years about King Arthur