
Innovative Qizhi was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, specializing in "AI +manufacturing" to create a new pattern of AI commercialization

On January 27, 2022, Qingdao Innovation Qizhi Technology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Innovative Qizhi", stock code 2121.HK) was officially listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and set sail again.

Innovative Qizhi was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, specializing in "AI +manufacturing" to create a new pattern of AI commercialization

Xu Hui, CEO and co-founder of Innovation Qizhi, said in his speech at the listing ceremony: "After nearly 4 years of rapid development, Innovation Qizhi has landed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and entered a new development milestone. At present, the "AI+" era is accelerating, and the upgrading of traditional industries will leverage the intelligent blue ocean market of 100 billion enterprises. On the road of exploring "AI+ manufacturing", Innovation Qizhi consolidates "technology products" internally, and deeply cultivates "industry scenarios" externally, delivering the torch for the industry and expanding the boundaries for technology. In the future, only with excellent R&D capabilities, a more competitive product portfolio, and better performance growth, with high growth to promote high growth, looking up to the stars, down-to-earth, with a long-term vision to insist on doing the right thing, to create long-term value. ”

As a fast-growing enterprise-level AI solution provider in China, Chuangxin Qizhi is committed to using cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to promote industry change, providing full-stack AI products and solutions for the enterprise-level ARTIFICIAL solution market, including AI platforms, algorithms, software, AI-enabled equipment and related services, to help customers achieve intelligent transformation of business operations and decision-making processes.

Adhering to the corporate mission of "artificial intelligence empowering business value", Innovative Qizhi plunged into the wave of the fourth industrial revolution era with AI technology as the core driving force, jumped into the game, stood up and worked hard, and concentrated on the two core tracks of "AI+manufacturing" and "AI+financial services". Since its inception in February 2018, the company has grown rapidly to become the largest AI technology-driven solution provider in China's manufacturing AI solutions market and the third largest AI technology-driven solution provider in China's enterprise AI solutions market (Source: Frost & Sullivan, in terms of 2020 revenue).

With the introduction of new infrastructure, the 14th Five-Year Plan for Intelligent Manufacturing Development, and the introduction of specialized new policies, Innovation Qizhi takes "AI+ manufacturing" as the starting point, and develops three proprietary AI platforms of MMO, namely ManuVision Machine Vision Intelligence Platform, MatrixVision Edge Video Intelligence Platform, and Orion Distributed Machine Learning Platform, which is one of the few companies in China with proprietary deep learning platforms, and builds intelligent manufacturing systems for the manufacturing industry and injects AI technology into steel metallurgy Engineering construction, automotive assembly, panel semiconductors and many other fields, and traditional enterprises all over China to practice the new application of technology landing, and many customers to create ai for the first time in many industries.

In the context of continuous favorable industry and policies, Innovation Qizhi landed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as China's largest "AI + manufacturing" solution service provider, becoming a hard technology stock that empowers the real industry, and this successful listing will surely leave a footnote in the road of China's manufacturing transformation.

Leifeng Network

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