
Ling Bo fairy Gao Qunpin, Hua Rong Graceful Na Yu Sheng Chun

author:Play the master old hey
Ling Bo fairy Gao Qunpin, Hua Rong Graceful Na Yu Sheng Chun

In the morning, I went to the Deer Crane Vegetable Market to buy vegetables, and there were outsiders selling daffodils. A few clusters of green leaves on the bulbs, pregnant with flower buds.

Casually asked, 10 dollars a bulb. I know, there is no problem with a counter-offer of 10 bucks to get 2. But I didn't buy it, and Kaichun may have to drive out again, leaving no one at home to mess with it. Although I like to raise flowers, especially daffodils.

I love daffodils. It is clean, elegant and beautiful. In previous years, every winter waxing month, I always had to buy a few plants, put them in a shallow porcelain flower jar, lay a layer of pebbles, pour them into the water, and place them on the window sill of the living room, quietly waiting for the flowers to bloom.

Bought home daffodils, onion-like bulbs grow small shoots, wide index fingers, long and flat, all turquoise and verdant, like garlic leaves. From between the leaves, a cylindrical stem was drawn, and small flower buds grew, hidden in the middle of the leaves, shyly answering, like a little girl. Inadvertently, the flower buds expanded, broke the membrane, opened the white petals, goose yellow flower buds, do not need to get close to smell the sweet light fragrance, the floral fragrance lives alone, the room is full of nostalgia, refreshing.

Raising daffodils is simple. Let the flower seller cut the bulbs well, pick a ceramic shallow pot, go home and peel off the outer dry skin of the daffodil bulb roots, clean them and put the stones one by one, remember to change the water every day.

Sunlight and moisture are indispensable to flowers, which is the most basic truth of raising flowers. Daffodils like the sun but are afraid of low temperatures, do not need any flower fertilizer, whether there is sun or not, in the morning to go out to see the light, and in the evening to put into the balcony. In this way, daffodils will grow short, strong, brushed, and green leaves will have more flower buds.

When changing the water every day, the flowering period can be controlled by water temperature. If you want to bloom earlier, increase the water temperature; if you want to bloom later, reduce the water temperature. However, it is not recommended for beginners to experiment.

Daffodil is the elegant guest of the flowers, its flower color is clean, the body is elegant, and Tingting Yuli is like a Lingbo fairy, which is a symbol of purity. It has the same character as the lotus flower, "out of the mud and not stained", Liu Kezhuang's sentence "Do not allow the mud to invade Haosu, all by the wind dew and beauty." "Wrote the wind bones of Narcissus.

Since ancient times, daffodils have been favored and praised by literati and scholars. Huang Tingjian's "Wang Chong Dao Sends Fifty Daffodils" in the sentence "LingBo Fairy Born Dust Socks, Water Light Step Micro Moon" says that Narcissus is the embodiment of the sentimental Luo Shui Narcissus, and the phrase "Lingbo Fairy" delicately outlines the charm of Narcissus; in Liu Hao's "Guangqun Fang Spectrum" of the Qing Dynasty, "The wind and mist are untangled, not the rich makeup of the world" two sentences praise Narcissus's simple and unpretentious character and noble temperament, which makes people feel more beautiful and smell its fragrance.

I think that a person's love or love for a flower, in addition to her appearance and color, there should be some complexes condensed in it, such as an ancient poem, a story, a mood, an epiphany. Like the inseparable affection we have for our hometown, it is because it hides and scatters many bits and pieces of our old past.

I love daffodils. I like its innocence, I like its tranquility and elegance, and I like its independence. But I can't buy one to go home. I didn't want to leave it "alone" at home, I went out, no one changed its water, no one moved it to the sun, no one appreciated it, how lost this fairy must be.

Ling Bo fairy Gao Qunpin, Hua Rong Graceful Na Yu Sheng Chun

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