
iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

The official iOS 15.3 system was released to users on January 27.

iOS 15.3 does not have significant changes to the new features, but a series of problems that existed in the previous system have been centrally fixed.

After the official version of iOS 15.3 was only pushed for one day, Apple released the first beta update of iOS 15.4.

In the early hours of this morning, Apple released the iOS 15.4 Beta 1 system, the version number is 19E5209h.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

Users who have previously installed the iOS 15.3 beta version can now upgrade to the latest iOS 15.4 Beta 1 system.

iOS 15.4, the fourth major version update of iOS 15, brings us a lot of new content this time.

Including the newly launched "Mask Face Unlock" function, "Universal Control" function, unlocking third-party application high brush and new Emoji emoji.

Next, Xiaoguo will take you to understand what new changes are in iOS 15.4.

Mask face unlocked

At present, the global epidemic situation is still grim, because everyone wears masks to travel, resulting in the Use of Face ID function is very inconvenient.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

Previously, Apple introduced the ability to unlock iPhone with Apple Watch assist, which can be used to unlock iPhone while wearing a mask.

But for users without Apple Watch, the feature is still not practical enough.

And Apple Watch Assist unlock iPhone only supports unlocking, not payment function.

Now, in the iOS 15.4 beta, Apple has finally introduced the mask face unlock feature.

After updating the system to the iOS 15.4 beta, the opportunity is open to remind users if they need to wear a mask to use Face ID.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

After the user chooses to use it, it will guide the user to perform a face entry, mainly to enter some detailed features around the eyes.

In addition, a "Face ID and Password" switch option will be added to the "Face ID and Password" settings.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

To use this feature, turn on the switch for that feature.

In order to make the recognition more accurate, the function can also record the appearance of the user wearing glasses, but the sunglasses are not within the recognizable range.

After the small fruit test, after wearing the mask, the speed of system recognition is very fast and very convenient.

It is worth mentioning that the topic of iOS 15.4 support for wearing masks to unlock is also the first time to rush to the hot search.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

You can see that everyone really needs this feature.

However, according to the feedback from the outside world, this feature currently only supports iPhone 12 and newer models, and users of earlier models are temporarily unavailable.

Universal control

In addition, in the iOS 15.4 beta, many long-awaited universal control functions have finally been launched.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

As introduced at the previous launch, as long as the device is under the same iCloud account, you can control iPad and Mac computers with a keyboard and mouse.

This means that the MacBook's trackpad and keyboard can be used directly on the display of the iPad.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

When you need to control your Mac computer, you need to upgrade your Mac to the latest macOS 12.3 beta system.

Unlock third-party apps for high brushes

As we all know, the iPhone 13 Pro model supports ProMition adaptive refresh technology, which can adjust the refresh rate between 10Hz and 120Hz according to demand, bringing a more process experience while taking into account power saving.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

However, according to developer feedback, the animation refresh rate of some third-party applications is limited to 60Hz.

In the iOS 15.4 beta, animations in all third-party apps support display at 120Hz for a smoother experience.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

New Emoji emoticons

In addition, this update also brings a wave of new Emoji emojis, including 37 new emoticons and 75 skin tone additions, for a total of 112 emoticons.

According to MacRumors, the new skin includes a melted yellow face, a two-hand gesture, a peek expression, a lip bite, a salute, a low battery, bubbles, and more.

iOS 15.4 update, wearing a mask can also unlock the iPhone

These are the main new changes brought by iOS 15.4 Beta 1, which should be the last system update a year ago.

From the perspective of update content, iOS 15.4 can be said to be a major update.

In particular, the newly launched mask face recognition function is very practical.

Let's look forward to the push of the official version of iOS 15.4 in the next year.

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