
A strange saying in the Southern Song Dynasty: Warn the world that when walking with beautiful women, we must be cautious and cautious

Throughout the ages, there have been many strange things in this world. There are more strange things, and the story themes written by the literati and inkers are naturally more. Otherwise, how did the love-hate relationship between the poor scholar and the ghost fox elf come about? It's not all hearsay, and then turn yourself into a love seed rooted in the book, and those national color and heavenly elves are entangled all day long, and from then on live a good life of clothes to reach out and food to open their mouths.

It's funny, there are a few people under the sky who are Zhang Junrui, most of them are not "no chance to see the warbler's face, and take the red lady to relieve the hunger." "Even if you don't get it, it's always okay to fornicate." Jun did not see, ancient and modern many disciples prodigal sons, bachelors, always fantasize about the fairy sister uninvited, suddenly appeared in his broken house in the dark room, even if the person can not be fairy, is a goblin, it does not matter, as long as it is colorful enough, whether it is pipa pheasant, or green hill nine tails, can be generously accepted. But once a demon really appeared in front of him, the good dragons all incarnated as "Ye Gong". Think when you don't see the real face, and be afraid when you see the real face. Man, it's just so ridiculous.

A strange saying in the Southern Song Dynasty: Warn the world that when walking with beautiful women, we must be cautious and cautious

Half a day, the book returns to the main text. It is said that in the first year of the Southern Song Dynasty Ningzong Qingyuan (1195 AD), in May of this year, outside the south gate of Huzhou, the crowds were crowded, coming in and out, noisy, lively, and chaotic.

"Such a playful woman." I don't know who cried out. The gaze is like electricity, and when you look at the sound, it is indeed as beautiful as a heavenly immortal. That woman, the appearance of flowers and the moon, the sinking fish and the falling geese, the eyebrows like the willow leaves of the yang spring, and the face is like the peach blossoms in March. The jade is fragrant, and the Ting is in a state of hesitation. Xiangluo skirt conceals the small golden lotus, and the gauze sleeve is half swallowed to depict the flower wrist. It was as if Xi Shi was in the world, and it was clear that he was the Seven Immortals under the dust.

Alone, striding forward lightly, I saw that everyone's eyes were on themselves, and they were ashamed to cover their faces with a red veil, and hurriedly moved to the bank of the river. Seeing that there was a small boat on the water, he raised his qianqian jade arm and beckoned the boater to come closer.

She said: "The slave family is going to Yi Village." ”

The boatman was a strong man, and he was thrilled to see the beauty, so he hurried ashore and took her on board. The aroma of blue musk penetrates into the nostrils and makes you feel relaxed. Usually only crossing the yellow skin, that carries this kind of good goods, the strong man can't help but numb his bones, and the whole person is suddenly three points shorter.

A strange saying in the Southern Song Dynasty: Warn the world that when walking with beautiful women, we must be cautious and cautious

The boat is leisurely and slow when it goes down the water. After about an hour of touching, the beautiful woman pulled over the broken reed mat used by the boatman to cover the rain, covered it on top of Ayara, fell on her side, closed her eyes, seemed to be seasick and tired, and could not help but take a break.

The boatman pitied Xiang Xiangyu, did not dare to disturb, stopped singing, and gently shook the bridge, for fear of disturbing the beauty of xiang's dreams. After rowing for more than an hour, the boatman was a little tired, and sat on the board of the boat for a short rest. Peeking at the beautiful woman, she was still asleep. Looking at it, I can't help but be obsessed. In a trance, I overheard movements under the reed mat. Although the sound is not loud, it is chaotic and messy, which makes people listen to it. The boatman was a gentleman who knew the difference between men and women and could not take advantage of the danger of others, but he could not help but be curious, so he crept to the edge of the reed and gently lifted a corner.

It was okay not to look at it, this look frightened the three souls of the boat family to disappear seven times, like a cold water topping, holding ice in his arms, and the whole person instantly froze.

Rank, guess what's under the reeds? How could a well-informed man be frightened into such a look? Tell you, under the reed mat is a nest of small snakes, dense, turquoise throughout, chopsticks thick, more than a hundred, coiled and tangled into a pile, try to ask who is not afraid to see?

A strange saying in the Southern Song Dynasty: Warn the world that when walking with beautiful women, we must be cautious and cautious

After all, the boatman passed through the wind and waves, and soon eased up from the fear, cautious, trembling, covered the reed mat, quietly moved back to its original position, hands trembling, unable to shake the bridge. Fortunately, it was smooth water, no need to shake the bridge, the boat went forward on its own, a total of more than sixty miles, and finally arrived at the shore of Yi Village. Seeing that the beautiful woman was still not moving, the boatman had to knock on the side of the ship, trying to wake her up with a loud noise, asking her to get off the ship quickly, it didn't matter if she gave money or not, thank God for leaving.

The beautiful woman woke up, and Hui Smiled: "You have seen it?" ”

The boatman did not dare to lie, nodded his head in panic, and stumbled: "Look—see." ”

Seeing his sincerity, the beautiful woman smiled sweetly, lifted her feet to the shore, turned and untied a cloth bag from her waist, swept it in her hand, and handed it to the boatman: "This is the boat money, you hold it." ”

The boatman shook his head, not daring to borrow it. The beautiful woman asked him why he didn't. The boatman was full of horror and rushed out: "I see you like that, how dare I take your money." Please lord bodhisattvas do not remember the villains, let me go. ”

A strange saying in the Southern Song Dynasty: Warn the world that when walking with beautiful women, we must be cautious and cautious

The beautiful woman chuckled, "Look at what scares you, how dare you be such a big person?" Just rest assured, I won't treat you like that. The money you take, it's the hard money you deserve. It's just that you must not tell others about this matter, otherwise I will not let you go. You are a sincere man, and I might as well tell you the truth. I came from the city to spread the snake plague, and I went back a month later. You have to think that I am poisonous, this is all providential arrangement, and no one can stop me. After saying this, the woman took a lotus step and walked toward the depths of the bamboo forest, and soon disappeared.

The boatman hurriedly threw the money bag into the water, and rowed away like a madman, and since then he has not dared to come to Yi Village again. Sure enough, in the summer of that year, nearly half of the more than 700 families in Yi Village died. When the government came and went, it could not find out that they were ugly and ugly, but only said that those people died of heat stroke and could not be solved.

A strange saying in the Southern Song Dynasty: Warn the world that when walking with beautiful women, we must be cautious and cautious

And the boatman, after all, failed to control his mouth. After hearing about the tragedy that happened in Yi Village, he was very conflicted in his heart, and through drunkenness, he told others about his experience. Knowing that his life was short, he simply stopped rowing, but ate and drank at home every day, living a decadent life of drunken dreams and death. But a few months later, he was fine. After all the turning years, it was still fine. He didn't know why the demon girl didn't come to take his life that day, and since she didn't come, why did he abuse himself so hard that he returned to his old business, rowed a boat, and made it easier for Cangsheng, although he was cautious every day, he never had a calamity.

This incident was recorded by the literati of the Southern Song Dynasty and spread widely, and even several later dynasties recorded this matter. As for whether this matter is true, it is difficult for future generations to have an answer, let alone listen to it, as a folk tale.

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