
The first meeting of the Tenth Committee of the CppcC Changning County committee was successfully closed

author:Changning News Network
The first meeting of the Tenth Committee of the CppcC Changning County committee was successfully closed

Liver and gallbladder look at each other and seek common development, and work together to compose a new chapter. On the morning of January 28, the first meeting of the 10th Changning County Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held the third plenary meeting, which was successfully closed after successfully completing the agenda.

The first meeting of the Tenth Committee of the CppcC Changning County committee was successfully closed

The meeting should be attended by 211 members, 7 people should take leave due to illness, and 204 people actually attended the meeting, which is in line with the relevant provisions of the "CPPCC Charter".

The executive chairmen of the meeting were: Xia Hongjun, Yang Zhijun, Hui Zixiong, Yang Xiaowei, Qu Dandan, Yang Yincong, Luo Xingwu, Yang Zhengming, Dong Zhengwu, Li Yongzhou, Xiong Xiaoxia, and Wang Qingyuan. Xia Hongjun, executive chairman of the conference, presided over the meeting.

The first meeting of the Tenth Committee of the CppcC Changning County committee was successfully closed

The leaders who came to the meeting to guide the meeting were: Zuo Guanghu, deputy head of the municipal party committee election guidance group, member of the party group and deputy director of the standing committee of the municipal people's congress, and relevant comrades of the guidance group; Yang Binbin, deputy secretary of the CHANGNING County CPC Committee and county magistrate of the county people's government; Huang Xiaodong, deputy secretary of the Changning County CPC Committee; Zi Qingming, secretary of the party leading group of the county people's congress standing committee; and Hui Bo, director of the standing committee of the seventeenth county people's congress.

Leaders of the county party committee, the standing committee of the county people's congress, the county people's government, the leaders of the judicial procuratorate and the procuratorate, and some retired county-level veteran leaders were invited to attend the meeting as observers. Leaders of some county party committee departments, government departments and offices, enterprises and public institutions, and provincial and municipal units stationed in Changchang attended the meeting as observers.

The first meeting of the Tenth Committee of the CppcC Changning County committee was successfully closed

The meeting deliberated and adopted the resolution of the first meeting of the Tenth CPPCC Changning County Committee on the work report of the Standing Committee of the Ninth CPPCC Changning County Committee; deliberated and adopted the resolution of the first meeting of the Tenth CPPCC Changning County Committee on the work report on the motions work of the Standing Committee of the Ninth CPPCC Changning County Committee; deliberated and adopted the report of the Proposal Review Committee of the First Meeting of the Tenth CPPCC Changning County Committee on the examination of motions; and deliberated and adopted the political resolution of the first meeting of the Tenth CPPCC Changning County Committee.

Xia Hongjun, newly elected chairman of the Tenth Changning County Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, delivered a speech before the closing of the meeting.

The first meeting of the Tenth Committee of the CppcC Changning County committee was successfully closed

Xia Hongjun pointed out that Changning is in a critical period of higher quality leapfrog development, striving for the "14th Five-Year Plan" and starting a new journey. The Fourteenth County Party Congress drew a grand blueprint for Changning in the next five years and sounded the clarion call to accelerate the construction of socialist modernization in Changning. We must bear in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's admonition of "catching up with the examination", take the baton, run out of acceleration, and show new deeds on the new journey of the new era.

The first meeting of the Tenth Committee of the CppcC Changning County committee was successfully closed

Xia Hongjun stressed: Under the strong leadership of the CPC Changning County CPC Committee, with the vigorous support of the county people's congress, the county government, and all sectors of society, and on the solid foundation laid by the successive county CPPCC leading bodies, the COUNTY CPPCC Committee will consistently persist in putting the overall situation first, putting the cause first, with the character of being brave in making contributions, the spirit of being good at surpassing, and the momentum of daring to tackle tough problems, polishing the CPPCC brand by relying on hard work, realizing their own value with their achievements, and leading the vast number of CPPCC members to strive to write a new chapter in the cause of the CPPCC in Changning.

The first meeting of the Tenth Committee of the CppcC Changning County committee was successfully closed

Xia Hongjun demanded: First, we must unswervingly adhere to the party's leadership. It is necessary to continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and ensure that the work of the CPPCC always resonates with the party committee's decision-making, rotates on the same axis, and advances in the same direction. Second, we must unswervingly strengthen the overall situation of the service center. It is necessary to take the initiative to place the CPPCC work in the overall situation of the work of the county party committee and the government to plan and make arrangements, find the entry point and the main direction of attack for performing duties, and strive to do things in grasping the overall situation, deliberating in serving the overall situation, and accomplishing things in the process of integrating into the overall situation. Third, we must unswervingly and courageously shoulder the responsibility of serving the people. It is necessary to keep firmly in mind the original mission, take the fulfillment, protection, and development of the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people as the starting point and end point of our work, closely follow the promotion of common prosperity and gathering people's hearts, minds, and strengths of the people of all nationalities, and enhance the people's sense of closeness and satisfaction with the CPPCC. Fourth, we must unswervingly unite and develop synergy. It is necessary to conscientiously do a good job in publicizing policies and resolving doubts and doubts, drum up more enthusiasm for unity and struggle, and jointly promote development, strengthen confidence, gather people's hearts, build one heart, transmit positive energy to the society, mobilize all positive factors to the greatest extent, unite all forces that can be united, and gather centripetal forces and bring together peers for the high-quality development of Changning. Fifth, we must unswervingly carry forward self-revolution. It is necessary to persist in the party managing the party and administering the party in an all-round and strict manner, persist in taking the party's political building as the command, unswervingly adhere to the main tone of strictness, persist in carrying forward the spirit of nails and nails to strengthen the building of work style, unremittingly push forward the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth, and provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for serving the CPPCC in performing its duties. Sixth, we must unswervingly shoulder the mission. It is necessary to perform duties in accordance with the rules and regulations, handle affairs in accordance with regulations, consciously practice the core socialist values, and in the activities of performing duties, we must not only dare to speak and tell the truth, but also strictly abide by the bottom line and boundaries, be rational and measured, and act in accordance with the rules, carry forward the main melody, stimulate positive energy, sing a good voice, and be a model of "observing discipline, stressing rules, and emphasizing conduct," and be worthy of the glorious title of CPPCC members.

The first meeting of the Tenth Committee of the CppcC Changning County committee was successfully closed

After successfully completing its agenda, the conference closed triumphantly with the majestic sound of the national anthem.

Reporters: Zhang Zhonghai, Yang Qiankun, Li Dequan, Yang Xiaohua, Duan Hongliang, Yang Binliang (Intern)

Editor: Yang Li

Review: Liu Zian