
Grow inward and empower yourself (2) – Strengthen your brain

Yesterday's article, how to grow inward, learn to empower yourself (one) - strong fitness body from the first dimension - the body, talked about the mother to develop a sports habit, can empower their own body.

Today, starting from the second dimension, the brain, in two ways, strengthen the brain and enhance your overall energy.


One pregnancy stupid three years

After the birth of the child, the mother puts her whole heart on the child, due to long-term efforts, the body functions are declining, the more significant is the ability to remember and think.

"One pregnancy for three years" is not just a folk saying, nor is it a subjective feeling, but an objective fact.

Neuroscientists have found that pregnancy causes major changes in the structure of a mother's brain.

The gray matter of the brain becomes thinner, the surface area becomes smaller, and the volume decreases, resulting in poor memory.

This change in brain structure is intended to eliminate the mother's hostility to the newborn, make it easier for the mother to develop an attachment relationship with the baby, and allow the mother to adapt more quickly to the mother's new role and focus more on the baby's needs.

Grow inward and empower yourself (2) – Strengthen your brain

After the child is born, the mother feeds the child, the sleep is insufficient, the pressure to take care of the child increases, and the phenomenon of "one pregnancy for three years" is more obvious.

At the same time, mothers are also facing many parenting problems and unknown confusion, and need "brain light".

And the brain is a very "power-intensive" part, high oxygen consumption and high energy consumption.

Supplementing nutrition, paying attention to sleep, and increasing exercise all create the possibility of mental adjustment to optimal condition.

But in order to keep the brain in good shape, it is also necessary to regularly strengthen the brain, nourish it through learning, thinking and other forms, so that it is "aura" and "energized." ”


Read diligently

If fitness can be achieved through exercise, then brain fitness can be achieved through reading.

Reading, not only can stimulate brain activity, help mothers enhance memory, but also the best way to store a lot of parenting knowledge.

After the birth of the child, the mother needs a lot of parenting knowledge in her head to help her solve the difficulties and problems in the process of raising children anytime and anywhere.

Although some problems can be solved by communicating with experienced peers, they have to rely more on their mothers to face and solve puzzles, because their children know best.

Grow inward and empower yourself (2) – Strengthen your brain

Like what:

About the child's feeding, what stage is suitable for eating what complementary food, the child's constitution what food can be eaten, what food can not be eaten.

Regarding the child's upbringing, what sensitive period is the child in, and what kind of ability is suitable for development and development?

Why don't children like to say hello?

Why do children love to beat people with their hands?

Why does the child not grow tall and not strong?


Every "abnormality" in the child can pick up the mother's heart.

The knowledge to solve these problems does not come out of thin air in the brain, but has to be filled in the head through a lot of reading.

The process of filling the brain, reading invisibly completes the shaping and activity of the brain, and fills the brain.


Work Thinking

In addition to reading, another way to recharge the brain is to use the brain diligently, think diligently, and improve thinking ability.

Neuroscience has been clearly studied that there are many small branches protruding from the surface of nerve cells in the brain, and nerve cells are connected to each other by these small branches of "synapses".

People who regularly use their brains, the more this synapse number, the closer and more extensive the connection between nerve cells, and therefore the smarter they behave.

Usually, encounter one thing, for example, the child does not sleep, does not eat, hits people.

The usual thinking path for moms is to look ahead and find a way to solve these problems.

This way of thinking along the direction of the development of the problem and with the purpose of solving the problem is positive thinking.

In addition to thinking like this, you can also look back at the problem and look back at the problem.

Grow inward and empower yourself (2) – Strengthen your brain

Why don't children sleep?

Why doesn't he eat?

Did something ever happen that led to this problem?

This way of thinking that goes backwards against the problem is backward thinking.

The combination of positive and reverse thinking forms dialectical thinking.

Mothers use this way of thinking diligently, so that the brain from processing simple things, to deal with complex things, stimulate the brain neurons in the myelin continue to grow, so that the brain circuit is more sensitive, equivalent to improving the overall ability.

Final words

Neuroscientists have found that "three years of pregnancy" is an objective fact.

Pregnancy makes the mother's brain, gray matter thinner, the surface area becomes smaller, and the volume is also reduced, resulting in poor memory.

Reading and thinking strengthen the brain.

Combining positive and negative views, and the diligent use of dialectical thinking can stimulate the continuous growth of myelin in the neurons of the brain and make the brain's operation circuit more sensitive.

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