
Be Truth-Seeking and Pragmatic CPPCC Members in the New Era Who Dare to Take Responsibility -- Visiting CPPCC Member Wang Yongsheng, Director of the Yuanzhou District Cultural Center in Guyuan City

author:Nine Schools of Observation

2022-01-28 09:19:02 Source: Huaxing Times

Be Truth-Seeking and Pragmatic CPPCC Members in the New Era Who Dare to Take Responsibility -- Visiting CPPCC Member Wang Yongsheng, Director of the Yuanzhou District Cultural Center in Guyuan City

Wang Yongsheng attended the first meeting of the fifth session of the Guyuan Municipal CPPCC Committee for a photo.

Wang Yongsheng is a member of the CPPCC National Committee of Guyuan City and Wonju District, and the director of the Wonju District Cultural Center in Guyuan City. Over the years, based on his own duties, he has given full play to his expertise, conscientiously performed his duties, put forward many practical opinions and suggestions for promoting the development of local culture, education and people's livelihood, and practiced the duties of committee members with practical actions.

Based on their own duties, we will help the development of cultural undertakings

"Becoming a CPPCC member means having more responsibilities and obligations. To be a CPPCC member who has made a difference, we must not put up a false name; this is what I have set for myself and what I have pursued unremittingly. Facing the reporter, Wang Yongsheng said.

When he met Wang Yongsheng, he was distressed about one thing, that is, the question of "how to develop the wonju district cultural compound in the future". Wang Yongsheng said that at present, there are more than 50 cultural compounds in Wonju District, covering 13 townships in Wonju District, and the number of participants has reached more than 20,000. The cultural compound has become the spiritual home of Wonju District to enrich the cultural life of the vast number of peasants and enhance the happiness index of the masses. However, most of the cultural compounds are free to visit, and the utilization rate and revenue rate of the cultural compounds are not high. How to increase the utilization rate and revenue rate of the cultural compound? Wang Yongsheng said that this issue has been thinking about for a long time and has been raised on the platform of the CPPCC to further clarify the thinking and continue to promote the solution of this problem.

As a worker in the cultural department, this year, after detailed visits and research, Wang Yongsheng wrote proposals such as "Suggestions on Strengthening the Protection and Rational Utilization of Ancient Buildings in Guyuan City" and "Suggestions on Establishing an Anxi Wangfu Station in Wonju District". He suggested that the existing ancient castles, typical courtyards, and other rural ancient buildings in Wonju District should be comprehensively mapped and registered, and audio-visual materials should be preserved so that they can know the roots. For good castles, they should be included in the rural revitalization plan, and protection plans should be formulated according to local conditions, so that rural ancient buildings can become a new highlight of rural revitalization.

Ancient architecture is an important symbol of the development of a local civilization, carrying rich historical and cultural elements, shining with strong cultural and regional characteristics, and is a non-renewable humanistic resource. Wang Yongsheng found in the survey that with the acceleration of the pace of rural revitalization and construction, the contradiction between the protection of rural ancient castles, ancient buildings, and typical courtyards in Wonju District and the beautiful life that the people yearn for has become increasingly prominent. After many rural ancient buildings were demolished, the farm yards built were exactly the same, lacking local characteristics. "Rural ancient buildings show the culture and customs of Guyuan, and we must encourage private capital to invest in the protection and development of rural ancient buildings, and use ancient buildings as folk customs exhibition sites to make rural ancient buildings 'alive'." Wang Yongsheng said.

Spare no effort to promote the development of education

The proposals and social conditions and public opinion information submitted by Wang Yongsheng are not limited to the cultural protection and development of Wonju District, but also actively pay attention to the development of education.

"In 2021, the news of a middle school class teacher in Guyuan City helping boarders clean and sew school uniforms caused concern, and netizens praised the 'class mother' who selflessly helped students. At the same time, it hits a weakness of current campus education: the lack of labor skills classes. Wang Yongsheng said that educating young children from an early age should establish the concept of labor glory, do their own things, help others to do things, and strive to do public welfare things, sow hope and harvest fruits through labor, and also temper their will and exercise themselves through labor.

In order to put forward this proposal accurately and precisely, Wang Yongsheng actively docked with the education department of Wonju District and went to the primary schools in Wonju District to investigate and ensure that the proposal was accurate.

"Through visits to the three primary, sixth, eleventh primary schools and other schools in Wonju District, it is found that 'fighting for school' has now become the mainstream of education, and the double deficit of working hours and labor ability of primary and secondary school students is prominent, and some parents even 'do everything' that their children should do." Wang Yongsheng said that the unique educational value of labor has been ignored to a certain extent, labor education has been diluted and weakened, students lack the awareness and basic labor ability to take the initiative to undertake labor, and even some teenagers have not cherished the fruits of labor. He submitted the "Proposal on Schools to Carry Out Good Student Labor Skills Courses", suggesting that relevant departments should build a labor education platform for students, create real and meaningful daily life labor, production labor and service labor opportunities for students, and let students really sweat and temper their will.

It has been learned that as soon as this proposal was put forward, it was highly valued by the Wonju District CPPCC Committee, and after actively discussing and improving it at the CPPCC meeting, it was submitted to the Wonju District Party Committee and government. At the end of 2021, in response to the proposal, the wonju district education department actively communicated with primary schools in wonju district, carried out labor skills courses, and began to build a labor education platform.

Wang Yongsheng also submitted proposals such as "Accelerating the Development of Inclusive Private Kindergarten Construction" and "Suggestions on Regulating the Charging of Electric Vehicles in Communities", and actively paid attention to the development of education and people's livelihood in Guyuan City.

In order to shoulder this responsibility, perform my duties well, and fulfill my responsibilities well, I submit at least two proposals a year to be a good staff officer of the government and a good spokesman for the people." Wang Yongsheng said that in the future, we should make more efforts to spread the voice of the people, build truths for the people, show feelings for the people, and practice the original intention of performing our duties with practical actions.

【Source: Ningxia CPPCC Network_Member Style】