
Vice Chairman Cao Zhi's annual salary of 6.659 million yuan is higher than that of the chairman, and his wife's 6.75 million are all contributed greatly

author:Operator Finance, Food FMCG

Operator Finance Network Intern Liu Wenyan/Wen

Makihara Food as one of the domestic head pig enterprises, in the epidemic period far beyond other pig companies' performance is very eye-catching, in the eye-catching results, the company's leadership is naturally also attracted much attention, and the company's vice chairman Cao Zhinian is also obviously a well-known person in the industry, operator financial network also tried to reveal his past resume.

Vice Chairman Cao Zhi's annual salary of 6.659 million yuan is higher than that of the chairman, and his wife's 6.75 million are all contributed greatly

Makihara co., Ltd. is a private enterprise, and the major shareholder and actual controller are Qin Yinglin, the founder, chairman and general manager.

According to the operator finance network, Cao Zhinian was born in 1977, college degree, graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic Institute in 1996 majoring in financial management, and most of the company's executives are bachelor's degree or above.

From public information, we can know that in Cao Zhinian's tenure experience, there is only one company, Makihara Food.

In 1998, Cao Zhinian entered the Mashan Pig Farm in Neixiang County, joined the company two years later, and then worked stably in the company. During the 20 years of Makihara Food, Cao Zhinian has held various positions, such as serving as the general manager of Wolong Makihara, the cashier of Makihara Food, the financial director, the financial manager, the financial director, the deputy general manager, etc.

Since 2012, Cao Zhinian has served as the executive deputy general manager of the company, two years later as the financial director, and since 2018, he has been appointed as the vice chairman of the company and also served as the executive vice president of the company.

But none of these titles are the most notable points for Cao Zhinian, whose high salary is enviable.

According to the company's financial report, Cao Zhinian's salary as vice chairman of the company is 5.793 million, which is 430,000 higher than the 5.3643 million salary of chairman Qin Yinglin. And this is not the time when his salary is the highest, in 2020, Cao Zhinian's salary is as high as 6.659 million yuan.

When it comes to salary, another executive I have to say is Yang Ruihua, vice president of the company, whose salary is as high as 6.75 million yuan.

As the company's highest-paid executive, her relationship with Cao Zhinian is not simple. It is rumored that Cao Zhinian and Yang Ruihua are actually husband and wife, in this regard, some investors have asked the secretary of the company's board of directors whether Cao Zhinian and his wife, who are also senior executives, receive such a high salary in the company, and at the same time have a large number of shares, whether it is reasonable. The company's board secretary responded that the remuneration of the two was in line with the company's remuneration system.

It is worth noting that according to the announcement released by Makihara Food in January 2021, Cao Zhinian was also issued a regulatory letter by the management department of the small and medium-sized board company of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in January 2017, due to the phenomenon of short-term trading when buying and selling the company's stock.

In fact, Cao Zhinian and his wife add up to tens of millions of salaries a year, and there is nothing wrong with it, Makihara Food is a private enterprise, and the founder and chairman Qin Yinglin is willing to give them so much, which is no problem. In the list of the new Fortune 500 rich, Qin Yinglin and his wife ranked 19th with 156.2 billion yuan (based on the market value at the end of 2020), pressing the 145 billion yuan wealth of Jingdong founder Liu Qiangdong and his wife. Therefore, to give executives more compensation, Jiang Yinglin does not care.