
Our greatest sin is to forget her

author:Newspaper man Liu Yadong
Our greatest sin is to forget her

Anti-lost, elevator to safety island reporter Liu Yadong A

Our greatest sin is to forget her

Source: There is a wind to be silent

Author: Duan Xieping

There is a County in Yangcheng County, Shanxi Province, on the Taihang Mountains. There is a legend of the Leofoo Inn.

The owner of the Leofoo Inn is Awid, a white woman born in England who came to China as a missionary in 1930 and joined the Chinese nationality in 1936. Later, from language to lifestyle, she was completely Chinese, loved China more than her mother country, and won the reputation of "the mother of Chinese orphans".

In 1958, based on Avaid, Hollywood, the United States, filmed the film "Leofoo Inn" and won the Golden Globe Award. Almost overnight, Shanxi Yangcheng, Liufu Inn, and Ms. Ai Weide became household names in the Western world.

Our greatest sin is to forget her

Starring in the film is three-time Oscar-winning actress Ingrid Bergman, known as the "First Lady of Hollywood". Business cards "Casablanca", "Murder on the Orient Express" and "True and False Princess" are her masterpieces.

Luk Fook Inn is located in Xinghou Lane, Dongguan Village, Yangcheng County.

This is a two-story courtyard facing north and south, and the lintel is written with the four characters of "Liufu Inn", which is actually the seat of the Church in Yangcheng County. The Leofoo Inn was across the road from the door, but unfortunately it was destroyed, and a new residential house was built on the original site.

Like the other rooms in the courtyard, it is full of the vicissitudes of time. Desolation filled the courtyard.

Ai Weide is a girl from an ordinary British family, only 1.5 meters tall, and she spent five years as a maid in britain to save enough money for tickets to China.

In the late autumn of 1930, she carried an old box given by her neighbor, carried a ticket, and was alone, bidding farewell to her hometown of Edmonton, waving goodbye to her parents and relatives.

She crossed the English Channel, crossed The Hague, crossed Germany, passed through Poland, went to the Soviet Union, changed trains several times, and fell backwards.

Travel through the long siberia, sleeping in the snow, being arrested and interrogated for no reason, forcibly changing passports, being raped by soldiers, forced to flee late at night, and encountering border wars.

Helplessly, I changed my way to Japan, went to Tianjin, and after all kinds of difficulties and dangers, I finally came to the completely unfamiliar Taihang Mountain, and to Yangcheng County, which was still in the agricultural era, and lived for a full 10 years.

Here she opened the Leofoo Inn, an ordinary inn. It is to earn some money to support the orphans and refugee children they take in. At first, there were only one or two, and later, there were more than a hundred children left behind.

Our greatest sin is to forget her

Some orphans taken in by Everde

It's hard at first. In order to make money, Ewelld hardened his scalp and squatted in front of the inn waiting for guests. The first mule husband was the one she was good at talking about and dragging into the store. Two in life, two in three, business gradually boomed.

Soon after, it was discovered that the rude language of the mules who came and went was gone, and in its place were polite words and deeds and songs that taught people to do good.

A letter of appointment issued by the county government allowed Ai Weide to enter many mountain villages around Yangcheng County.

At that time in Shanxi, the feudal bad habit of women's foot binding was deeply rooted, and for many years, it could not be eradicated. Yan Xishan, who was in charge of Shanxi, was deeply ashamed and bitterly distressed: "The wind of foot binding in various provinces has long since receded, and Shanxi does not think about itself, so why is it still standing on the earth?" "

Ai Weide was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the governor of Yangcheng County. Escorted by two soldiers from the county government, she walked from village to village, eating and drinking dew, and persuading women to let go.

"It is easy to break a thief in a mountain, but it is difficult to break a thief in a broken heart." Crying and laughing dramas are staged in villages and villages, and farces of soft grinding and hard resistance appear from time to time. Aveid kindness: You hide, I wait patiently, you greet each other coldly, I smile at each other, you come hard, I take the soft kegang... Kung Fu does not lose people with hearts, and the women of Yangcheng are full of feet and gradually achieve results.

The county magistrate was very strange: with Ai Weide's ability, why not choose a big city such as Beijing and Shanghai, but stay in this small place and tell stories to mules and prisoners?

Aived replied quietly, "Look out from this window, the drowsy carrying the burden, the crumbling coolie who walks up, and the farmer in the field, the woman in the hut, and the naked and hungry child." These poor, grievous, hungry people, every Chinese should have hope and happiness. ”

The little woman with blue eyes, yellow hair, a Chinese dress and a local dialect became the most popular person in the area. Ai Weide's name is known to everyone in Yangcheng.

The japanese invasion of China burned to the Taihang Mountains.

In the face of the Japanese burning and looting, Ai Weide used his status as a foreigner to angrily rebuke the Japanese army in front of his face, treating the wounded day and night, and leading the masses to flee the mountains. In the midst of the war, she was hit in the back with a bullet that she had never been able to remove for the rest of her life.

In an interview with the famous Time magazine in the United States, Awid said: "I hate the atrocities of the Japanese army and cannot remain silent. ”

Ayvaid ruthlessly exposed to the Western media and angrily denounced the Japanese army's crime of aggression, and the world was in an uproar, but it angered the Japanese army and issued a wanted order to arrest her: "A reward for the arrest of the little woman Aweed."

Aived himself can hide, can return to his hometown in England without war, but what about the children of the Leofoo Inn? She made the decision: to lead a hundred children to the rear of Shaanxi. The oldest of these children is 16 years old and the youngest is only 3 years old!

A thousand-mile migration that is unique in ancient and modern China and abroad, began in the spring of 1940.

Our greatest sin is to forget her

Stills from the movie "Leofoo Inn"

Spring is cold and steep, the mountains are high and the ditches are deep, and the wild wolves lie out day and night. With no logistical supplies, begging along the way was her main source of livelihood for her and her children.

Taihang Mountain, Zhongtiao Mountain, a mountain releases a mountain barrier. Aived and the children walked cautiously and slowly in the rarely inhabited deep mountain forest.

When hungry and exhausted, Aveid led the children to sing together; when the darkness was boundless and the night was cold, Aveid let everyone huddle together to warm up; when the road was dangerous and the pace was frightening, Aveid held one in his arms, carried one on his back, and held one in his hand, rushing to the front of the line to explore the way, and returning to the back of the tail hall of the team for a while.

Every day is an unimaginable battle, every stretch of road is an extraordinary test, every child's headache and brain fever, the soles of the feet are blistering, all the time tightening the nerves of this "little woman".

This is a struggle between hope and despair, a struggle between tenacity and vulnerability, a contest between light and darkness, a challenge of will to the limit, a legendary victory over mediocrity, a demonstration of the power of faith, a witness to the boundless love, and a real "challenge to the impossible".

After 23 days of arduous trekking, this inn baby, which has never been heard of in history, went out of the deep mountains, crossed the Yellow River, crossed the pond, stepped on the "Tongguan Road of the Mountains and Rivers in the Table", and finally "left Egypt" to the Song Meiling Children's Fund located in Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province.

There were not many children, but Aveid had a high fever, malnutrition, typhoid fever, plus pneumonia, excessive fatigue, and the wound of a bullet on her back before, and she was unconscious. Three months later, he was discharged from the hospital.

After the victory in World War II, in 1949, Ayvaid returned to Britain. The reporter wrote an interview for her: "The Legend of a Girl Living by Faith", which attracted widespread attention.

The BBC produced the show "Daughter Aweed Returning from China", which attracted continuous attention from the European media.

In 1950, Avaide's dictated biography was published, and within a few years it was reprinted in one edition, reaching 17 editions.

The BBC's book Little Women, based on Eweed's biography, was once published as a sensation and adapted into a radio drama.

Our greatest sin is to forget her

Later, it was the 1958 Hollywood film "Leofoo Inn" that influenced generations in Europe and the United States.

It has to be said that in the 1950s, Sino-US relations were frozen, and this film was not allowed to be filmed in China, which was not satisfactory, including the county magistrate's actors and actors.

In 1957, Ai Weide wanted to return to the haunted continent and wanted to return to Yangcheng, but to no avail. In desperation, she had to go to Taiwan. Fortunately, Taiwan also has the surname Zhong (China).

From 1959 onwards, Ayvender lectured in Europe and the United States. Everywhere you go, it is the climax of a wave of public opinion.

In 1963, Queen Elizabeth II invited Eweed to Buckingham Palace, and the two had a cordial conversation, which attracted the attention of the world.

In 1966, Ai Weide returned to Taiwan. She stayed in Taiwan for 13 years, during which time the "Little Women", who are more than half a hundred years old, still devote most of their time and energy to helping and raising orphans and children.

She has founded charities such as the Avetech Children's Nursery and the Avetech Children's Home, and has adopted and rescued hundreds of abandoned children and street children. Orphans without names all followed Ai Weide and took "Ai" as their surname.

On January 2, 1970, Ayvender, who had never been married, died in Taiwan. He died on December 31, 2012 at the age of 6 The United States, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, and Hong Kong all mourned.

Avaide's cemetery is in Guandu Christ College, Tamsui Town, Taipei City, which overlooks the Chinese mainland at the mouth of the Tamsui River. According to her will, her cemetery faces her second hometown, Chinese mainland, and her head faces Yangcheng, Shanxi.

Yangcheng, on the other hand, has never returned since she led the orphans away in 1940; and the mainland, since she left in 1949, has never been able to take a step.

In Ewellard's eulogy there is a sentence: "Our greatest sin in the future is the forgetting of her." ”

We don't have to worry about this crime falling on our heads.

Because we had no idea she existed!

In 1970, Ingrid, who played Avis in the film "The Lucky Inn", was killed in the film .1970. Bergman came to Taiwan and visited Ai Weide for the first time, but the two were already yin and yang.

Ingrid. Bergman looked at things and thought about people, and sighed with a stranglehold——

"I finally came here after so many years, but Ayvaid is gone. In the afternoon, with Catherine, I went to the room where Ewelld had stayed, which was exactly the same as when she left, and I was very touched by the simplicity and poverty of her room. On top of her bed was a very beautiful green cheongsam, her favorite color. In the room we met Aveid's adopted child, who has now grown into a young man. We lay on the edge of Eweed's bed and cried bitterly. Although we have never interacted, it feels as if God has been friends for a long time. She worked until the last moment of her life, and what an amazing woman she was. ”

"Missionary Mother" Ai Weide, "Chinese Orphan Mother" Ai Weide, really deserved! In Europe and the United States, in Taiwan, no matter where she is, Ai Weide calls herself a Chinese, and she is proud to be a Chinese!

Our greatest sin is to forget her

In 1973, the school named after Avender was officially inaugurated in her hometown of Edmonton, a northern suburb of London.

In 2012, the principal of Ewelld School wrote a preface to "The Leofoo Inn that Shook the World": "We (the school) often hold group and classroom activities to publicize her great deeds. On the day of each year's name after Ewelld, all the students and staff celebrate her life and deeds, what an extraordinary life! ”

A lifetime of self-denial, a lifetime of willingness to be poor;

A lifetime of dedication to love, a lifetime of not marrying anyone else;

The mother who adopts the most orphans in her lifetime.

Ask the world, what is love, straight life and death promise!

Our greatest sin is to forget her

Ewell and the Orphans

The internationalist Bethune was described by The Chinese leader as "a noble man, a pure man, a moral man, a man detached from low-level tastes, a man who benefits the people." This assessment can also be applied to Aveid.

Do you know so many legends about such a holy and glorious woman, for this great woman?

Mr. Zhang Shishan and Tan Shufang made a series of painful tortures in the preface to "Liu Fu Inn - The Legend of little woman Ai Weide":

"What is puzzling and haunting is that Aveyd and his people and their affairs have been blocked in the dust. Chinese (mainland) people know nothing about one, Shanxi people know nothing about one, and Yangcheng people know nothing about one.

"What the hell is going on with Chinese?" Do we belong to a ruthless, ungrateful race?

"The shield of history is so thick and so desperate, can we still discover the truth of history?

"After knowing the truth, can Chinese do something to wash away the false stigma of the snow?"

"Is Ewell's story going to continue to shield the snow or is it known?" Is the great humanitarian spirit embodied in Eweed justified and boldly preached, or is it blind to its own survival? ”

Our greatest sin is to forget her

With the adopted orphans and refugee children, the woman standing on the left is Aveid

Canada's Bethune and Britain's Avender have all made their own contributions to China. Why is the difference between the reputations behind the two so great?

This question, the preface to "The Liufu Inn that shook the world" also has a helpless confession: "For many reasons, the story of Yangcheng Liufu Inn and Ai Weide has been sealed and hidden in the snow for fifty years, and the people of Yangcheng do not know it, the people of Shanxi do not know it, and even the whole of China (mainland) knows very little." "

It is said that there are also requests to come to the Chinese mainland before The Teresa nuns, and it is said that the answer is that we have no one to help.

This is probably one of the reasons why Aveid's death in Taiwan.

History allows us to encounter virtue again and again.

History has made us bump into regret again and again.

History makes it difficult for us to talk about again and again.

When will the people of Yangcheng, Shanxi, and mainlanders welcome the humble and great family members, the remains and souls of Ai Weide, back to their hometown?

Our greatest sin is to forget her

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