
Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

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Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!


Former Asian heavyweight No. 1 Zhang Junlong will make a comeback on July 27.

He said that after 1-2 adjustments, he will challenge nearly the best players.

has responded that netizens will fight Chesoka and so on, and also mentioned that they will fight against Helgovich, with the intention of avenging Zhang Zhilei.

Khgovic had just suffered a defeat and was depressed, and if Zhang Junlong fought against him at the end of the year, he might have a chance of winning.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Zhang Junlong: The king returns, and the sword points to the gold belt

After two years of silence, Zhang Junlong finally announced his shocking comeback plan.

As soon as Zhang Junlong's comeback plan was announced, it immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Many netizens suggested that Zhang Junlong should directly compete with Chesoka, Ortiz, Joyce, Hego and other near-first-class masters.

to show its kingly demeanor.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

In the face of these expectations, Zhang Junlong did not evade, he responded calmly: "Yes."

These four words not only express his respect for the suggestions of netizens, but also highlight the true purpose of his comeback.

It's not just about regaining your presence, it's about making a push for the world's heavyweight belt.

This kind of ambition makes people look forward to his comeback.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Among the many potential opponents, Hrgovich's name stands out.

Zhang Junlong has made it clear that he intends to have a showdown with Hrgovic.

And the reason behind it is to avenge compatriot Zhang Zhilei.

In August 2022, Zhang Zhilei competed for the qualification of the IBF mandatory challenger.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Unfortunately, Hrgovic was defeated by Hrgovic, a scene that has left countless Chinese fans suffocating.

Zhang's decision undoubtedly adds a layer of revenge to this potential matchup.

It also makes the meaning of this game go beyond the simple victory or defeat.

Hrgovic's recent situation is not promising.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

In a match on June 2, 2023, he suffered a major setback in his career.

By Dubois by TKO in the eighth round, he not only lost the IBF transitional belt, but also put himself in an unprecedented predicament.

With Dubois being righted by the IBF as the official world champion.

And with Joshua on the horizon, Hrgovic's future is uncertain.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

This may be the best time for Zhang Junlong to challenge Đrīrč at this time.

Because the opponent is at a low point, and he is full of blood and revenge, ready to crush the opponent in one fell swoop.

If all goes well, Zhang Junlong is expected to face Helgovic in this high-profile showdown by the end of the year.

For Hrgovic, this is not just an ordinary match.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

It could be a turning point in his career, and it could even determine where his future will go.

And for Zhang Junlong, this will be a crucial battle on his comeback road.

If he can defeat Hrgovich, he will not only be able to avenge Zhang Zhilei.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

It could be an important springboard for him to challenge for the world's heavyweight belt.

The entire Chinese boxing world is looking forward to who will be Zhang Junlong's comeback opponent on July 27?

How will he behave to announce the return of his king?

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Zhang Junlong: The king is back, and the fist is not young

Zhang's comeback has caused an uproar in the global boxing world.

Different from the past, this return, he not only carries the pursuit of personal glory, but also shoulders the heavy responsibility of justifying the name of Chinese boxing.

After two years of silence, the "Dragon King" knows that the road ahead is full of challenges and opportunities.

His goal is clear and determined – not only to return to the top, but also to spread the sound of Chinese boxing to every corner of the world.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

On the road to comeback, Zhang Junlong adopted a steady and steady strategy.

Relatively weak opponents were selected for the debut, aiming to quickly regain form through actual combat and assess their own recovery.

This decision shows his wisdom and prudence as a veteran.

And Zhang Junlong's ambition goes far beyond that.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

After one or two adjustment matches, he set his sights on stronger opponents.

This is not only a test of his own ability, but also a signal of challenge to the world boxing world.

Every step is carefully laid out, and every attack is ready to go.

Zhang Junlong's comeback plan, like his boxing, is precise and powerful.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

On this comeback road, national feelings have always been the strongest driving force in Zhang Junlong's heart.

When it comes to a potential matchup with Hrgovic, his words reveal more than just a desire for victory.

is more determined to avenge his compatriots.

Zhang Zhilei's defeat became the force that inspired Zhang Junlong to move forward.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

He knows that every competition is not only a competition for personal honor, but also a reflection of national honor.

Therefore, every punch is for the motherland and for the fans who support him.

In order to prove the strength and tenacity of Chinese fighters.

Looking at Hrgovic's recent situation, it is not difficult to see that the once glamorous fighter is now facing a low point in his career.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

The TKO from Dubois not only deprived him of his valuable IBF transitional belt, but also caused him to suffer a heavy psychological blow.

For Zhang Junlong, this is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity.

Hrgovic's slump in form has provided him with an excellent window to attack.

If he can seize this opportunity, he can not only avenge Zhang Zhilei, but also accelerate his pace of attacking the world's heavyweight belt.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Standing at the starting point of his comeback, Zhang Junlong's gaze has already surpassed the opponent in front of him.

He knows that the real challenge is to constantly surpass himself and challenge for the world's heavyweight belt.

For him, every challenge is a ladder to his dreams, and every victory is an affirmation of himself.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

Zhang Junlong's comeback is not only a continuation of his career, but also an exploration and development of the future of Chinese boxing.

He proves that age and time are not insurmountable obstacles, as long as there are dreams and perseverance, infinite possibilities can be created.

Zhang Junlong's comeback journey is a story of dreams and glory.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!

In the process, he will not only face physical challenges, but also have to overcome psychological pressure.

But as he's proven countless times in the ring, he never backed down in the face of difficulties.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!


Every punch of Zhang Junlong is a pursuit of dreams, and every time he stands up, it is a desire for glory.

On the upcoming July 27th, let us witness how this "dragon king" is a king.

Shine again in the boxing world and write your own immortal legend.

Great news! Zhang Junlong: I will beat Hrgovich and avenge Zhang Zhilei!
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