
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?

author:Inspector Nanho
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?

●Epidemic News ●

At 16:00 on January 28, Hangzhou held the 43rd press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, introducing the latest situation of epidemic prevention and control and answering questions from reporters.

At the meeting, it was reported that at 0-12:00 on January 28, 2022, Hangzhou reported 8 new locally confirmed cases, involving 4 cases in Fuyang District, 3 cases in Xiaoshan District, and 1 case in Binjiang District.

Wang Xuchu, deputy director of the Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission, reported that this round of epidemic has reported a total of 30 locally confirmed cases. Among the 30 cases, 15 were employees of Huierte Catering Equipment Co., Ltd., and 4 family clusters involved 9 people. Among the participants in the wedding banquet, 7 people were found to be infected, and another 7 infected people lived or worked in the Changjiang Xiyuan Community in Binjiang District, showing a certain degree of aggregation.

What challenges and pressures are being faced by the epidemic in Hangzhou? Last night, "News 1+1" connected Xia Shichang, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission.

Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?

Most of the confirmed cases of the current round of the epidemic in Hangzhou

All in one catering company

It has been associated with a nearby community, and 3 cases have spilled out of the province

Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?

Xia Shichang, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission: The current round of the epidemic in Hangzhou was caused by Huierte (China) Catering Equipment Co., Ltd., which has a total of 297 employees, and most of the cases found this time are employees of the enterprise. In addition, some are residents of the nearby community, this community has commercial houses, restaurants, etc., and enterprise employees will also go shopping and eating, so there are some associations with the residents of the community. In addition, a wedding banquet was held in the next neighborhood near the enterprise, and cases were also found during the wedding banquet. In addition, because the company took a holiday after the year-end summary meeting on the 21st, some employees returned home for the holiday, so 3 cases have spilled over to the outside of the province.

The catering equipment company that triggered the current round of epidemic in Hangzhou

Where are the 297 employees scattered?

Xia Shichang, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission: Huierte (China) Catering Equipment Co., Ltd., a total of 297 employees, of which 240 employees are in 12 counties and municipalities in Hangzhou, and 57 employees have returned to their hometowns for the New Year, in sister provinces and cities. The employees who remain in Hangzhou are mainly concentrated in Binjiang District.

The existing confirmed cases of the current round of the epidemic in Hangzhou belong to

A chain of propagation

Xia Shichang, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission: The existing cases of the current round of epidemic in Hangzhou, the transmission chain is clear, that is, the employees of Huierte (China) Catering Equipment Co., Ltd. are mainly related to them, as well as their associated personnel. Including renting a room, eating together in the next neighborhood, attending a wedding banquet together (there have been 4 confirmed cases at the wedding) and so on. Although there has been community transmission, the chain of transmission between them is very clear and belongs to the same chain of transmission.

The first confirmed case in Hangzhou may be infected on 19 January

Within a week the virus may have spread to the third generation

Xia Shichang, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission: On the 21st, the catering equipment company held a year-end summary meeting, and the first case felt symptoms on the 24th, and went to the hospital the next day to take the initiative to seek treatment and initially screened positive. We infer that he may have been infected on the 19th, so that it has been nearly a week since the 19th to the diagnosis of the case, and there may have been three generations of case transmission during this week.

The Spring Festival is approaching, can I still travel?

The deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission sent a reminder

(1) If you want to leave Hangzhou to go to other cities, it is recommended to check the prevention and control policies of the destination, such as whether you need to provide a valid nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, check clearly before leaving, otherwise you must temporarily do nucleic acid testing at the airport and railway station, which may bring some trouble.

(2) It is recommended not to go out unless necessary, if necessary, or do nucleic acid testing, and understand your health status before traveling.

Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?

At present, Binjiang District, Xiaoshan District, Xihu District, Fuyang District and Shangcheng District of Hangzhou Are divided into sealing and control areas, control areas and prevention areas. For those with a history of residence in the sealed control area and the control area, the city implements 14 days of centralized isolation medical observation + 7 days of health observation of health management measures for those who have a history of residence in the control area and the history of residence in the control area, with reference to the management of medium-risk areas, and the health management measures of 2 days (48 hours) of negative internal nucleic acid testing + 14 days of daily health monitoring are implemented. (All retroactive from January 19.) )

Spring Festival travel health strategy please collect

During the Spring Festival, it is the peak period of large-scale concentrated return to the hometown and gathering of relatives and friends, whether it is returnees or people in the countryside, they must pay close attention to the development of medium and high-risk areas in The country, non-essential, do not go to medium and high-risk areas or cities with reported cases to visit relatives, friends and travel. If you need to go, please report to your community and work unit in advance and do personal protection.

Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?
Three generations a week, Omi kerong is a bit fierce! Can I travel during the Spring Festival? How do I protect against it?

Nanxun District "sweep away the evil forces" clue

Reporting methods

Nanxun District Public Security Bureau:


Or dial 110 directly

Review: Mao Yuming Editors: Shen Xuwei, Zhao Shensiyuan

Source: Huzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention


Public security organs' people's police handling and investigations will always meet the parties by going to the door or inviting them to police stations or other public security places, and will never directly investigate and handle them by telephone or network, let alone require the parties to send money or transfer money. Inconsistencies with this, citizens can be regarded as suspected of fraud and can directly dial 110 to call the police.