
Recently, the voice of Wei Shao is not small, Green supports Wei Shao, and his words are very reasonable!

Recently, the voice of Wei Shao is not small, Green supports Wei Shao, and his words are very reasonable!

The Lakers lost to the Eagles 121-129, this game, James because of injury, continue to be absent, no James, so the Lakers and the Eagles This is a game of equal strength, the two sides played difficult points, no points, however, the Eagles came in, the last quarter the Eagles will be the score back, and beat the Lakers, the Lakers in the fourth quarter to pull the crotch, the cooked ducks flew, it is a pity.

Recently, the voice of Wei Shao is not small, Green supports Wei Shao, and his words are very reasonable!

In this game, Wei Shao played 35 minutes, shot 8 of 15 shots, 4 shots of 2 three-pointers, 7 rebounds, 12 assists and 1 steal, scored 20 points, the data is very beautiful, and also revitalized the team through his own assists.

Wei Shao came up to break through the layup, made a foul to stand on the free throw line, opened the curtain for the game, and then Munch and thick eyebrow brother hit three consecutive points, the cannon rumbled, the Lakers came up to give the Eagles a down horse, Munch felt bursting, this quarter hit 3 three-pointers, thick eyebrow brother shot also hit consecutively, Howard aired to complete, Tucker also hit the basket, the Lakers played the whole people, but Wei Shao's main pass in the first quarter assisted teammates, only 1 point was scored.

Recently, the voice of Wei Shao is not small, Green supports Wei Shao, and his words are very reasonable!

Because the lakers' main force played for too long in the first quarter, in the second quarter, Vogel sent a full bench lineup, Anthony found the feel, the mid-range attack played with wind and water, continuous hits, Tucker also played crazy, and it was a breakthrough, and it was a shot, and also came a pull bar to look back at the moon, a rare dash, the second half of the course Wei Shao began to exert force, once a time tore open the defense line, less than 5 minutes, Wei Shao alone actually completed 5 breakthrough layups, all scored, this section Wei Shao charged for the Lakers, made a great contribution, The Lakers led the first half 71-62.

Recently, the voice of Wei Shao is not small, Green supports Wei Shao, and his words are very reasonable!

Easy side to fight again, Johnson came up is a three-point knife fall, Wei Shao is not far behind, he also opened a bow and arrow hit a three-pointer, thick eyebrow brother killed the basket, Wei Shao was fierce, and then another three-point hundred step through Yang, Wei Shao like this consecutive hit three points is rare, Wei Shao has a inside and outside, there are shelling, there is a charge, both artillery and infantry, or mechanized troops, the next fast attack Wei Shao is also a horse, and this section Ofk and Reeves also hit three-pointers successively, to help, the Lakers' attack wave after wave, Wave after wave, three quarters of battle, the Lakers continued to lead 101-91.

Recently, the voice of Wei Shao is not small, Green supports Wei Shao, and his words are very reasonable!

Back in the last quarter, the Lakers started unfavorably, more than 1 minute did not score into the account, the Eagles' attack was rushing in, Lu Wei, Trae Young both shot the horse to kill, and it was a breakthrough, and it was a shot, and there were three points, three-dimensional crossover, the firepower was very fierce, 10 minutes and 45 seconds Munch's three-point shot helped the Lakers stop the bleeding, and then the thick eyebrow brother mid-range attack hit consecutive hits, Wei Shao broke through the layup, Munch continued the three-point feeling, the two sides played difficult to solve, fell into a street battle, but in the last 5 minutes, the Lakers defense had problems, so that the Eagles played a wave of climax, The Eagles cut 17 points in more than 5 minutes, the Lakers lost the battle, broke the sand, Wei Shao tried his best, and returned to the sky.

Recently, the voice of Wei Shao is not small, Green supports Wei Shao, and his words are very reasonable!

Recently, there have been many voices about Wei Shao being traded, but in the last two games, Wei Shao has performed very well, and the outside world also holds two views on the transaction of Wei Shao, many people think that Wei Shao's ability is still there, if the mind is not hot, control the mistakes, his play is still very helpful to the Lakers.

Warriors' Green recently spoke on a podcast about whether Westbrook would be traded by the Lakers, saying, "You haven't had a chance to see what that team looks like in their health and how they grow together when they're healthy." I also don't like that Westbrook has to bear blame for everything that goes wrong. It is impossible to blame all the wrong things on one person. ”

Recently, the voice of Wei Shao is not small, Green supports Wei Shao, and his words are very reasonable!

Green said that everyone has not really seen what a full healthy Lakers are like, what the development of the Lakers' health will be like, these are question marks, Green said that the current situation of the Lakers, can not let Wei Shao alone to take responsibility, blame the mistakes on Wei Shao is very unfair, very reasonable, obviously Green is fighting for Wei Shao, if Wei Shao like these games continue to be in the state, it is indeed a pity to trade him, to believe Wei Shao, but also to believe in the Lakers, this team is still an injury problem If these two problems are solved, once the Lakers enter the playoffs, they will also make all teams afraid, because this is the potential of the team, how big the explosive power is, it has always been a question mark, Wei Shao to stay, I believe the Lakers will make the right decision!

Recently, the voice of Wei Shao is not small, Green supports Wei Shao, and his words are very reasonable!

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