
In 1946, the People's Liberation Army held a banquet for the 2,000 bandits who surrendered to Cheng, and during the banquet, the bandit leader took off his coat and hung it on the wall. This scene was seen by Commander Ye Changgeng, and it was about to be

author:Yan Dongsheng

In 1946, the People's Liberation Army held a banquet for the 2,000 bandits who surrendered to Cheng, and during the banquet, the bandit leader took off his coat and hung it on the wall. This scene was seen by Commander Ye Changgeng, and he was about to smash the wine glass in his hand: "Arrest them and shoot them!" ”

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You must know that after the founding of New China, there were still bandits in some places, and these bandits burned, killed, looted, and did all kinds of evil, causing very serious harm to the people, and the PLA soldiers made unremitting efforts to eliminate the banditry.

Among the many anti-bandit movements, such an incident happened, Commander Ye Changgeng and 2,000 bandits worked around and successfully put down the bandits.

One day in 1946, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) held an extraordinary banquet in a barracks deep in the mountains, and the guests at the banquet were not ordinary people or comrades-in-arms, but 2,000 bandits from the depths of the mountains and forests who once terrified the villagers.

Exhausted by the long guerrilla war, these bandits finally chose to lay down their arms and surrender to the PLA. In order to show its sincerity, the PLA decided to hold a grand reception banquet for them, hoping to win their sincere submission and transform them into a force against a common enemy.

Smoke curls up, and although there is still a faint smell of gunpowder in the air, it is more the aroma of the food, and everything seems to be going smoothly, but in reality, things are far from being as simple as they seem.

When Commander Ye Changgeng heard that the bandits were going to come to surrender, he had already learned through intelligence that these bandits were pretending to surrender, so the ultimate goal was definitely not to surrender, so he decided to plan it.

At this banquet, the bandits will definitely make any small moves, and Ye Changgeng has been waiting for this moment to come, and the PLA soldiers are ready, these bandits must be the turtle in the urn.

At this moment, the bandit leader who was surrounded by everyone suddenly stood up and took off the heavy clothes on his body, Ye Changgeng saw this scene, his eyes were sharp, and he immediately knew that something was wrong and immediately ordered to arrest all the bandits.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the banquet hall changed all of a sudden, and it was full of laughter just now, but now it was like falling into an ice hole. Before those bandits could react, they were pushed to the ground one by one by the PLA soldiers like eagles catching chickens.

At this time, they realized that all this was a scene carefully planned by Commander Ye Changgeng, and the real hunter often appeared as a prey.

Commander Ye Changgeng is like a master of chess skills, and he has already calculated every move of his opponent.

In 1946, the People's Liberation Army held a banquet for the 2,000 bandits who surrendered to Cheng, and during the banquet, the bandit leader took off his coat and hung it on the wall. This scene was seen by Commander Ye Changgeng, and it was about to be
In 1946, the People's Liberation Army held a banquet for the 2,000 bandits who surrendered to Cheng, and during the banquet, the bandit leader took off his coat and hung it on the wall. This scene was seen by Commander Ye Changgeng, and it was about to be
In 1946, the People's Liberation Army held a banquet for the 2,000 bandits who surrendered to Cheng, and during the banquet, the bandit leader took off his coat and hung it on the wall. This scene was seen by Commander Ye Changgeng, and it was about to be

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