
When the Year of the Tiger arrives, traces of "tigers" are found in the poetry forest

The Year of the Tiger is approaching in the lunar calendar, and the "tiger" traces are found in the poetry forest. Shao Fengli, associate professor of the College of Literature of Liaoning University, said that in traditional Chinese culture, the tiger is the king of a hundred beasts, and many of the literati and rioters of the past generations have written poems for the "tiger", some have shown their ambitions, and some have expressed their feelings of home and country, which have enriched the historical and cultural connotations of tiger culture.

When the Year of the Tiger arrives, traces of "tigers" are found in the poetry forest

On January 27, children selected New Year goods at the one-year market in the urban area of Daoxian County, Hunan Province. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Jiang Keqing)

"Chao Zuo Fierce Tiger Line, Twilight Fierce Tiger Yin" - Tang Dynasty Li Bai's "Fierce Tiger Line" is a poem he wrote and gave to the calligrapher Zhang Xu on his way to escape the anshi rebellion, in which the An Lushan rebels are compared to man-eating tigers. Shao Fengli said that in the face of the dangerous situation in the Tang Dynasty, the poet wept bitterly for the safety of the country and the disaster of the people, which reflected the poet's feelings of home and country.

In the Tang Dynasty Zhang Yuan's "Miscellaneous Songs and Lyrics and Young People's Travels", "The unique shot of the double tiger in front of the dragon, the king gave the golden bell in his hand", through the description of the tiger shooting in the hunting ground, showing the heroic and mighty spirit of the teenager.

Song Dynasty Xin Abandoned Disease's "Yong Yu Le Jingkou Beiguting Huaigu" is full of words of grandeur and sadness, deep righteousness and deep affection, and full of patriotic ideological brilliance. In the words, "Think of that year, Jingo Iron Horse, Swallowing Like a Tiger" renders the pride of the whole word to the extreme, making people feel as if they have traveled through time and space, seen the heroic feats of heroes plotting horses and enemy camps, going deep and lonely, and catching rebels alive.

Shao Fengli said that there are many traditional festivals in China, the Spring Festival is the most important festival for everyone, revisiting these tiger culture hidden in poetry, hoping to let more people understand and inherit the Chinese context.

When the Year of the Tiger arrives, traces of "tigers" are found in the poetry forest

Reporter: Zhao Hongnan

Editors: Wang Shuhui, Chen Dongshu

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