
Read tiger poems in the Year of the Tiger, twenty poems of the tiger, I wish you the Year of the Tiger like a tiger to add wings, tiger tiger vitality!

Read tiger poems in the Year of the Tiger, twenty poems of the tiger, I wish you the Year of the Tiger like a tiger to add wings, tiger tiger vitality!


Tiger Row

Southern Dynasty Song Xie Huilian

The tiger dives deep into the mountains and roars in its own wind.

People say that the guest is happy, and the guest is bitter and sad.



Don Du Fu

Feng Qiwei, the fierce tiger, is often bound in a hurry.

Thunder roared, branches propped up at their feet.

Looking at the leather sleeping place, there is no flash of light.

Man has more than Si, enough to persuade evil.


"Tiger Words"

Don Chu Guangxi

Cold does not worry about snow, hunger does not eat people.

The blood of man is not willing, and the evil wounds of the gods.

TaiMuro is my house, and Mengmen is my neighbor.

The hundred beasts eat for me, and the five dragons serve me.

Mengma is a he wei, and fu jiang is also benevolent.

CaiZhang shines in the morning, and the claws are majestic.

The high clouds floated one by one, and the thick ground vibrated with the sound.

Junneng Jia Yu Yong, day and night long blind date.

Read tiger poems in the Year of the Tiger, twenty poems of the tiger, I wish you the Year of the Tiger like a tiger to add wings, tiger tiger vitality!


Don HanYu

Although the tiger is evil, it also has its own rivals.

Between the deep valleys, the hundred beasts looked down on the wind.

He eats the father of the yellow bear, and the son eats the red leopard musk.

Choose the flesh of the bear, and be willing to look at the rabbit and the tanuki.

When the day is sleeping, the eyes have a hundred steps.

Self-conceited, temperamental and obedient.

Chao Fury killed his son, and Twilight returned his concubine.

The horses scattered, and the tigers were still roosting.

On all sides of the fox-ringing gate, the black magpie came from the noise.

The monkeys are expelled from the house, and the tigers do not know where they are.

Whoever clouds fiercely tigers are evil, the middle road is crying.

Leopards come to their tails, and bears come to grab their tails.

The tiger died, but was ashamed of what he had done.

The tiger sits helplessly to die, and the situation is as delicate as Ru.

Therefore, it is necessary to believe in the knot, and to marry in person.

The deceased and the unsafe, the people who believe in Ru.


Don Zhang

The trees of the north mountain of the South Mountain are silent, and the tigers walk around the forest in the daytime.

Xiang Wan's body was a Taoist food, and the elk in the mountains were silent.

Every year the adopted son is in the deep valley, and the male and female go up the mountain.

There is a mountain village near the cave in the valley, and the chief takes the yellow calf from the village.

The five young people did not dare to shoot, and came to the forest to see the traces.


Don Lee He

Long Gomo, strong crossbow Mo cooking.

Nursing grandchildren feed their children and teach them to be fierce.

Raise your head for the city, and turn your tail for jing.

Huanggong of the East China Sea, sad to see the night.

The road is full of sorrow, and the cow mourns unevenly.

How to use a ruler knife, thunder on the wall.

Under Mount Tarzan, the woman cried.

Officials have a way, but officials dare not listen.

Read tiger poems in the Year of the Tiger, twenty poems of the tiger, I wish you the Year of the Tiger like a tiger to add wings, tiger tiger vitality!


Tiger Trail

Don Wei Zhuang

White foreheads frequently arrive at the door at night, and traces at the water's edge gradually become numerous.

I am now sheltering in the cave, how the cave is again seen.


Don Lee Ham used

The fierce tiger is not afraid of the enemy, and the martyrs are not false.

The enemy insults his class and falsely speaks of his kindness.

The minions deceive the white blade, and the courage is invincible.

It is necessary to know that it is easy to sing water songs, and there is no regret until death.


"Smell the West Mountain Tiger"

Song Mei Yaochen

The tiger is afraid of the day, and the lone guest is not at night.

He is not violent, so why forget his life?

Hunger will see people eat, and there will be no food and no name.

Elk can be far away, and Ann is angry.

By the people are not often, the service officer has a course.

Read tiger poems in the Year of the Tiger, twenty poems of the tiger, I wish you the Year of the Tiger like a tiger to add wings, tiger tiger vitality!


The mountains are twilight and the wind is yellow.

There are tigers that begin to leave the cave, and bears dare to be.

The tail drop is a flag and the teeth are a sword hammer.

Fiercely swallow the red leopard, and the male power seals the wolf.

Don't covet dogs and pigs, don't peep at the clan and the wall.

When you eat human flesh on the way, what you get is great.

Cannibalism is both self-divided and an ominous.

Elk is not fatal, and its kind is not hurt.

Manno set up a net, competing to fill the square.

And if you want me not to kill, why should I be hungry.


Song Xuzhao

The tiger went out into the woods and roared for food.

The dwellers are worried about the tiger, and the thorns are hanging on the walls.

The tiger loves his body and is shocked not to come near.

Man or tiger is not as good as a tiger, willing to follow the thorns.


"Painting the Tiger with the Title Of Teaching"

Song Wang Anshi

Zhuang is not a bear nor a cat, and the two eyes are in the corner of the road.

The rampage is not afraid to chase, and gu pans to go still hesitantly.

At first sight, his heart moved, and he looked at it slightly.

Gu Zhi painter happened to do this, and this object was willing to come to the court to remove.

When you want to paint, you will look at the history of the people like a philistine.

God's idleness is set to sweep away, and the theory of work and creation is in full swing.

The sad wind blows yellow reeds, and there are cold finches on them.

The dead tree with its teeth sounded old and stooped down to Wen like a chick.

After dusk on the gable wall, Feng Nu also got out of the car from a distance.

Read tiger poems in the Year of the Tiger, twenty poems of the tiger, I wish you the Year of the Tiger like a tiger to add wings, tiger tiger vitality!



Yuan Yu Ruyu

Ban Yin won the Number General, and the Moon Black Mountain Star Division.

With a long roar, the wind covered the ground, and the male jumped three beasts to run the group.

Unable to bear the sheep quality Phi Wen Bing, helpless fox line false flame smoke.

Sting poison is commonly feared by everyone, do you know that it is more fierce than the king!


"Shooting Tiger"

Yuan Zhang Hongfan

The black wind swept up the empty mountain, roaring out of the rock forest out of the brocade.

The proud general flew the iron hammer and suddenly startled a little grass shoot Yin.


"Qinyuan Spring Tiger"

Yuan Wang Jie

Born in the West Mountains, often living in the East Valley, haunted all the time.

Towards the dead tree rock, by the fountain stream,

Hungry and thirsty, full and warm.

A long-term, brave life, walk into the jungle Wanmu Pi.

Who knows, but carefree, cut off the fox doubt.

Wait for idle to raise your eyebrows. There are thousands of miles of wind and eight sides of the might.

Self-treading leaves patrol the mountains, do not leave the Yuan,

One spirit is not ignorant, and a hundred beasts take refuge.

Jump off the cliff, roar and shake the ground, the moon white mountain cold water full of streams.

Collect your teeth and claws, and hide in the shadows, and walk alone.

Read tiger poems in the Year of the Tiger, twenty poems of the tiger, I wish you the Year of the Tiger like a tiger to add wings, tiger tiger vitality!


Ming Gao Qi

The wind blows the forest and the magpie is sad, and the tiger wants to be a prophet.

Gazing at the road, the general fell at first sight.

Several thorns were planted high as doors, and pigs and dolphins were confiscated before the arrival of the day.

Although the tiger is fierce, it is only in the mountains.


Ming Xu Ben

Where did Erhu come from, holding the three-pronged mouth.

Yesterday the East Family Pig, today eat the West Family Dog.

The hundred beasts in the mountains did not dare to sing, and the poplar yellow bamboo was born in the wind.

The boy next door, with his will, bent his bow and hung arrows to patrol the mountains.

Night operation day weather tiger out, tomorrow morning rough grass margin bone?


"Should be made tiger Gu Zhongbiao map"

Ming Xie Jin

The tiger is a hundred beasts, who dares to touch its anger?

Only father-son affection, step by step, review.



Majestic and majestic, fierce and not with mortal beasts.

Devouring cattle and eating leopards, claws and teeth are sharp, and the empty valley roars with the wind of the sky.

Black is the quality of the text, white is the quality, and the brilliance is dazzling and sunny.

The tail is not afraid of people, and the hundred beasts are full of chestnuts in the mountains.

Crossing the river is a negative son of He Ren, and the fossil of the title is also a god.

Quinoa did not dare to pick it because of it, and it was known that the dove was invincible.

Born with a strange thing, the history of mediocrity is like a forest.

This picture is clear and new, absolutely similar to the true white forehead of Nanshan.

The mind is idle and calm, and the eyes are like the light of the eyes of the double pupils.

To the non-pen end coincidence, this thing is safe to come to the high hall.

Shocked at first sight, who dared to touch it.

I didn't hear the roar, but I felt like I was jumping around.

Calling on this beast to be named Mountain Jun, foxes and rabbits are difficult to see.

The depths of the five clouds accompanied Canglin, and Yu Wei was self-sufficient to clear the demon atmosphere.


"Inscription Painting Dragon and Tiger Two Songs , Tiger"

Ming Liu Pu

Thousands of mountains and mountains are facing the sun, and dumb old trees are sad.

Long-distance delivery is extinct, and the only thing that can be jumped is Huang Yuyu.

The long wind shook the forest, and the hundred beasts looked at the wind.

The frost teeth were frozen, and the golden mirror pupils shot into the eyes.

Hunger chooses meat only bears, not less jackals and beavers.

The Yellow Calves of the Tian family want to cultivate, and they are willing to grab and boast of what they can do.

For example, today's guard is guarded, and Gai Shixiong Weisu is different.

Raise your head for the city to drop the tail, and may the royal family be protected for thousands of lifetimes.

From: The World of Poetry

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