
The women who were tied up and picked up

author:Big white eat hot melon

Feng County, Xuzhou, stood on the cusp of the storm before the New Year's Pass.

In a widely circulated video, a woman huddled in a broken house, chained around her neck, dressed only in a single suit in sub-zero temperatures, thrown on the bed with a bun and a bowl of unsightly leftovers.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Image source: Weibo @ Qiao Kevin

In another video, her face is slightly clearer. The footage of the short video blogger boasted at her that she was "really handsome", she said something to herself, many netizens recognized from the video voice, she seemed to be saying: "The world is not going to be messed with." ”

There are also netizens in the comment area sighing, this woman's fingers are very beautiful. If her life had been a different path, she might still be playing the piano now.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Image source: Weibo

The tethered woman had given birth to eight children intermittently for more than twenty years. After the video flowed out, almost all the eyes of the Internet fell on the county: Was this woman who was chained to the chain forced to give birth to eight children after being abducted and sold?

The official quick response, the woman's name is Yang Mouxia, in 1998 and Dong Moumin obtained a license to marry, there is no abduction. The explanation for the chain is that the woman is mentally ill and violent, and will beat the elderly and children for no reason, so she is "placed" in a separate house.

The women who were tied up and picked up

At the same time, dong Moumin, the husband of the party in the whirlpool center, "became popular" on the short video platform in another grotesque way.

The way he dressed and fed eight children was called "fatherly love like a mountain" by some netizens. There are also short video bloggers who ask him for "tips for giving birth to eight children". He smiled happily in front of the camera, showing his good fortune. He also admitted that he was not married in his thirties at that time, which made the villagers look down on him, and as a result, he gave birth to seven sons, which was very happy.

Even he himself has registered a Douyin number. The introduction reads: "I am a father of eight children, an eighty-year-old mother and a single brother with a disability. And the woman chained to the cabin next door never appears in his video.

Talking about this crazy woman, Dong Moumin said that his daughter-in-law's spirit was not good, "three meals a day are cooked for her, which is equivalent to pulling nine children", "the child's mother is the great hero of our family".

The women who were tied up and picked up

His appearance made most netizens out of anger. From beginning to end, there are still many questions waiting to be answered in this incident -

Are women "crazy" before marriage or "crazy" after marriage?

If it is before marriage, how to get a marriage license?

If there is no evidence that she was trafficked, does her current situation know about her family?

Was her tooth really pulled out as rumored to be?

Has she ever experienced any form of violence or sexual assault other than detention?

Is she related to several missing women who have been rumored online?

The women who were tied up and picked up

Weibo netizen @Mango Mango made a set of comparison charts for reference only

It is gratifying that Jiang Shengnan, a deputy to the National People's Congress and screenwriter of "The Biography of Mi Yue", promoted the follow-up of this matter.

The question that most netizens are concerned about has some echoes: whether the parties are suspected of breaking the law and committing crimes, the relevant departments will investigate.

The women who were tied up and picked up

At this point, the facts and truth are still hanging in the air, and this eight-child mother has become the most important stone in the hearts of many people this Spring Festival.

There is so much we need to ask. Who made her "crazy"? Is she really "crazy" or is she forced to become mentally ill?

On the day before the Spring Festival in the Year of the Tiger, people collectively fell into the attention of women who were chained, trafficked, and destroyed.

The women who were tied up and picked up

After Feng County, a movie immediately rushed to the first hot search of Douban today.

"Blind Mountain" in 2007 tells the story of a female college student in Sichuan who is abducted and sold to a mountain village in Shaanxi Province.

Because this movie is so cruel and real, many people dare not watch it a second time.

Outside the empty camera of the beautiful mountains and rivers, you can hear a woman's heart-rending cry for help, you can see how the surrounding villagers "tied" her to the mountain, and you can also witness the ignorance and evil of the whole village.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Bai Chunmei, a college student in Sichuan, was tricked into the village by human traffickers in the name of purchasing Chinese herbal medicine, and a glass of water made her faint.

When she woke up, she was tied up on the bed with her mouth covered with a rag. In the courtyard outside the door, her wedding was being held lively.

The women who were tied up and picked up

For seven thousand yuan, she sold the older bare stick in the village.

At first she resisted fiercely, punching and kicking. As a result, she was pressed to the bed by Guanggun's parents, and the three of them stripped her of her clothes together and helped Guanggun and Bai Chunmei force the "cave room".

The murakami man also squeezed his eyebrows and teased the single stick: Did you get it? Beautiful or not? You boy is really blessed.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Bai Chunmei was not reconciled, ran to the village committee to find the leader, the leader prevaricated her a few words and then turned around to play mahjong. In this village, where is the reason for the daughter-in-law who spent money to buy it?

Still unwilling, she stopped the postman in the village and stuffed him with a letter she had secretly written, hoping for the postman's conscience. As a result, the husband used two boxes of cigarettes to intercept all the distress letters she had written from the postman.

Many people have commented on Bai Chunmei's innocence, because she is stupid, she does not know that the whole village is working together to do evil. Holding her firmly in chain is the moment when the whole village is most united.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Her mother-in-law even found her Sichuan compatriots to persuade her to stay. This is also a girl who was abducted and trafficked, who has been trapped in this village for five years and has given up running away, after all, "what if I run away from the child?" ”

The women who were tied up and picked up

But Bai Chunmei was still not dead hearted, she kept running away and accumulating experience.

First, he ran into the forest and was dragged back by her husband and the men in the village, and she could not avoid a violent beating.

The women who were tied up and picked up

The second time, she sold her body in exchange for a precious 40 yuan and escaped to town by hitchhiking.

Even though she had stepped on the bus into the city, she was caught by the villagers who had arrived.

During this period, no one stepped forward to interrupt the lynching, because the public acquiesced that it was a "housework" with no right to interfere, and the husband even said to the passing policeman, "This is my crazy mother-in-law, I will take it back to pick it up."

The women who were tied up and picked up

After returning to the village, Bai Chunmei also witnessed the drowning of the baby girl in the pond, and the villagers were accustomed to it: it was normal. Who threw the son?

The darkest humorous scene is born: on the one hand, the elderly bare sticks of the whole village cannot marry a wife, and on the other hand, the newborn baby girl is drowned. Almost no one thinks that they are wrong, and in the closed and backward thinking, there is not enough space and conditions for them to understand whether the current situation is a bitter consequence.

The women who were tied up and picked up

In the end, Bai Chunmei was really pregnant, and she was so anxious to get rid of the child on her body, and kept smashing her stomach, as if she had something dirty. But "fortunately", she eventually gave birth to a son and became the so-called "great hero" in the village.

The women who were tied up and picked up

The film gives us an ironic and feeble ending.

When the police and my biological father came to the door, but they were surrounded by a whole village, the mother-in-law sat in front of the car and threatened the police, "If you want to take away your daughter-in-law, then roll over me." The whole village held shovels and could even overturn the police car on the spot. Even the public officials in this blind mountain have no power.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Desperate, Bai Chunmei and her father were trapped in the blind mountain, and at the moment when they planned to escape, their husband and the men in the village rushed out and threw Bai Chunmei's father to the ground.

Finally, Bai Chunmei, who couldn't bear it, grabbed a kitchen knife and slashed at the head of the so-called husband and actual buyer. At the end of the black screen of the movie, the audience can also guess that Bai Chunmei, after killing people, may face a darker life.

The women who were tied up and picked up

The so-called blindness is the backward blindness of the whole village, the whole city, and the entire Chinese countryside. No one realizes that human trafficking is illegal, and as long as it is bought for money, she is no different from the value of a pig, a goose, or a car.

Women's reproductive function is thus eaten up layer by layer, and everyone wants to take money to buy it. Even when the police came to rescue people, the villagers on the narration shouted, "My daughter-in-law also bought it, and you have the ability to arrest me."

It is the closed environment and backward educational conditions that make them completely "blind".

Backward and barbaric ideas thus drifted above the valleys of countless China.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Outside of the movies, would the women who are chained better off? We can't make up our minds.

Cao Xiaoqing, a girl from Sichuan, was abducted and sold to Inner Mongolia. Then she was sold to other people by her husband, and in the next ten years, she was sold several times, abused by domestic violence, and sexually assaulted by father and son.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Image source: Sina News

The 76-year-old man picked up Yang Xiaoping, a 29-year-old stray girl, "kindly took her in" and gave birth to a child.

People in the village quipped that this was the daughter-in-law sent to him by God.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Image source: Network

In a 2012 news program, He Chenghui, a female college student who had been abducted and sold for 17 years, was exposed. She was bought home by a single stick old man for 120 yuan, slept on a wooden board, and did not even have a quilt in the winter.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Source: B station @ Cai boss's long-term worker

Such news, as long as you search for "rural daughters-in-law", you can gain a lot.

Most of the women who were picked up were insane, wandering, and mentally retarded in their one-sided descriptions. The party who detained the woman turned into a kind person who took in women.

The women who were tied up and picked up
The women who were tied up and picked up
The women who were tied up and picked up

Source: Weibo @ Flower Killing Seventy-Three

The most intuitive case is the self-description of Ma Panyan, the daughter-in-law of Wushan Tong.

At the age of 12, she was sold by her uncle to an elderly single-stick Chen student. At the age of 13, he was raped by Chen Student, and after calling the police, he did not get away. After that, Ma Panyan was locked up by Chen Student, and there was a thorn bamboo stick at the head of the bed, and as long as he escaped, he was beaten. After being raped and conceived, she gave birth to a child at the age of 14. After escaping at the age of 18, Student Chen sent someone to arrest her back.

She sighed that if she hadn't been fighting, she might have been "crazy" herself, chained around her neck, and become a sexual tool for Student Chen and his brothers until death.

What is even more lamentable is that in Ma Panyan's description, her mother is also a crazy woman who was also abducted and sold, repeatedly picked up by single sticks to give birth to a child, constantly escaping from the previous fire pit, and then falling into the next fire pit.

Ma Panyan recalled that in 2002, when her mother was picked up by Hubei Guanggun to give birth, she also happened to give birth to a child at the age of 14.

A nightmare-like fate that has been reincarnated in generations of women. Procreation has almost become another form of curse.

The women who were tied up and picked up

Source: Weibo @ Wushan June Snow

Everyone hopes that the women who were victimized will be like Nicole Kidman in the movie "Dogtown", who will kill everyone at the end of the story and let all those who insult her die under the gun.

But the truth is that the people who have survived are already a minority, and those who can be reported are already lucky.

How many other women are chained to dark corners out of our sight, we have no way of knowing. And the next one to be swept into the dark corner will be the girl of whose house.

Can she, who is chained, really have a warm Spring Festival?