
A roaring fireball sweeps across the British sky, why is the fireball blue-green? May contain such elements

The earth world in 2022 is not very peaceful, the epidemic spread around the world, the Tonga supervolcano erupted, a large number of volcanic clouds entered the stratosphere, then the number of fire vents on Mount Fuji in Japan soared several times, the volcano seemed to explode at once, and then there were many major earthquakes of magnitude 6 or above in the Pacific Ring, followed by the eruption of The Sakurajima Volcano in Japan.

A roaring fireball sweeps across the British sky, why is the fireball blue-green? May contain such elements

For example, on January 29, 3 asteroids flew over the Earth, temporarily named 2022 BP3, 2022 BB1 and 2022 BU4, some asteroids were really massive, and the 7482 (1994 PC1) asteroids that arrived on January 18 reached 300 meters in diameter.

When the asteroid is not relatively fast with the Earth, and the distance from the Earth is very close, it is easy to be captured by the Earth's gravity, and at about 18:46 on January 29, an asteroid was captured by the Earth's gravity, entered the Earth's atmosphere, and quickly turned into a roaring fireball, skimming the British sky, some people will call it a fire meteor.

A roaring fireball sweeps across the British sky, why is the fireball blue-green? May contain such elements

The fire meteor flew from Scotland to North Wales, and it emitted a blue-green glow while flying, very dazzling, and lasted only ten seconds, because 18:46 minutes belonged to shortly after dark, many people were active outdoors, many people witnessed this spectacle, and also took pictures, but because it was a quick shot, the picture did not look very clear.

A roaring fireball sweeps across the British sky, why is the fireball blue-green? May contain such elements

Some people are surprised why fire meteors produce blue-green light, because the general meteor is displayed as green or yellow, some people may think that the color of fire meteors is similar to the aurora color production principle, when high-energy particles from space hit oxygen molecules in the atmosphere to produce emerald green glow, this is the normal color of aurora, when high-energy particles descend to an altitude of 100 kilometers, the impact nitrogen molecules emit purple glow.

A roaring fireball sweeps across the British sky, why is the fireball blue-green? May contain such elements

This idea must be wrong, in fact, meteors have red, yellow, green, blue and other colors, but green and yellow are the most common, and the color of the meteor flame is related to the metal elements of the meteor body itself.

When the meteoroid is flying in the atmosphere, the high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius generated by the violent friction with the atmospheric molecules makes the metal elements vaporize instantly, showing a unique color flame, different metal elements show different colors of flames, fireworks are made according to this principle, showing colorful light, very beautiful.

A roaring fireball sweeps across the British sky, why is the fireball blue-green? May contain such elements

So let's take a look at the color displayed by the metal element, the sodium element flame is yellow, the magnesium flame is blue-green, the copper element flame is green, the lithium element flame is purple red, the potassium flame is light purple, the calcium flame is brick red, the barium flame is yellow-green, and the iron and aluminum flames do not have a unique color display.

A roaring fireball sweeps across the British sky, why is the fireball blue-green? May contain such elements

Fire meteor flame is displayed as yellow, then it is possible that the meteor body contains sodium, if the fire meteor flame is displayed as green, then it is possible that the meteor body contains copper, if the fire meteor flame is displayed as purple red, then it is possible that the meteor body contains lithium, then the fire meteor is displayed as blue-green, it may be that it contains magnesium.

A roaring fireball sweeps across the British sky, why is the fireball blue-green? May contain such elements

The arrival of each fire meteor will bring us a surprise, a visual feast, and also send a priceless meteorite to mankind, because there were meteorites sold at sky-high prices, 1 gram sold to more than 10,000 yuan, which is several times the price of gold, perhaps at this moment meteorite hunters have set off and begun to look for meteorites everywhere. Interesting and informative scientific content, please pay attention to the only WeChat public account: Interesting Exploration

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