
The last major meteor shower of this year was staged, and the best observation time in Shenzhen was in the early morning of the 14th

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Nandu News Reporter Cheng Kun Correspondent Wu Liang The last of the three major meteor showers this year, the Gemini meteor shower will usher in a maximum period on December 14, when the zenith hourly meteor occurrence rate (ZHR) can reach 150. The best observation time in the Shenzhen area was at 2:33 a.m. on December 14, after the moon was close to sunrise. In the case of good weather, choose a location with a wide field of view and less light pollution to observe with the naked eye. In addition, the Shenzhen Astronomical Observatory will carry out live broadcast of the meteor shower on the evening of the 13th according to the situation, please pay attention to the "Shenzhen Astronomical" WeChat public account news for details.

The last major meteor shower of this year was staged, and the best observation time in Shenzhen was in the early morning of the 14th

2020 Gemini Meteor Shower, Shenzhen Observatory - Merlin

For astronomy enthusiasts in the Northern Hemisphere, there are three major meteor showers worth paying attention to each year. These are the Quadrant Meteor Shower in early January, the Perseid Meteor Shower in Mid-August, and the Gemini Meteor Shower in December, all three of which are famous for their large number of meteors.

The last of the three major meteor showers this year, the Gemini Meteor Shower occurs between December 4 and December 17 of each year and will reach its peak on December 14, 2021, when the Zenith Meteor Occurrence Rate (ZHR) can reach 150 per hour. However, due to the extreme peak of this year is expected to occur at 15 o'clock Beijing time, coupled with the impact of moonlight, the actual number of meteors that can be seen will be greatly reduced, and it is expected that 20-30 stars will be 20-30 per hour.

Through the recent meteor shower radio monitoring data, it can be seen that the Flow of Gemini Meteor Shower has begun to rise gradually, and in the slow live broadcast of the "Shenzhen Astronomical" video number in recent nights, it can be seen that there have been many meteors and even fire meteors, and the staff has also recorded a lot of meteors in the Gemini Meteor Shower group.

The best observation time in Shenzhen is at 2:33 a.m. on December 14, after the moon falls to before sunrise, although the traffic is lower, but these days the moon set earlier, less disturbed by moonlight.

The Gemini meteor has a moderately slow speed (about 35 kilometers per second), a medium-to-bright brightness, and occasionally a brighter fire meteor with fewer traces after the meteor has been scratched. Unlike most meteor showers, which originated from comets, the Geminid meteor shower was the first meteor shower to be confirmed as an asteroid, and its parent body was asteroid 3200 Phaethon.

Since meteors can appear anywhere in the sky and are unpredictable, the wider the field of view to watch the meteor shower, the better, so there is no need to use a telescope, the naked eye is enough. In addition to the wide field of view, you should also choose a safe and light-free location. According to the staff, Shenzhen Dapeng Nan'ao Xichong is far from the city, and there are mountains around it, which has a better stargazing environment.

Citizens who cannot go outdoors to watch still have the opportunity to witness this romantic moment through live footage. If the weather is sunny, the Shenzhen Astronomical Observatory will conduct a live broadcast of the meteor shower on the evening of the 13th, please pay attention to the "Shenzhen Astronomical" WeChat public account news for details.

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