
The relationship was opposed by the other parents The man repeatedly threw firecrackers at the woman's home and caused a fire, and was sentenced to 11 months in prison

author:Bright Net

Because the other party did not agree to his love affair with his daughter, starting in the second half of 2019, Zhu Mou, a man from Xinmin City, Liaoning Province, went to the woman's home many times, threw stones to smash windows, burned firecrackers and exploded glass... As a result, a fire was sparked, but there were no casualties. A few days ago, the Xinmin Court ruled the case in the first instance, sentencing Zhu X to 11 months in prison for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

On September 18, the judgment document network published the judgment of the case.

The judgment shows that the defendant Zhu Moumou, male, born in 1986, primary school education. After trial, the court found that he had a grudge because the victim Zheng mou did not agree with the object of his and his daughter's treatment. One night at the end of June 2019, Zhu went to the vicinity of Zheng's home in Xinmin City, Liaoning Province, picked up a stone from the side of the road, threw the stone at the window on the north side of the victim's house, Zheng Mou, and fled the scene. One night in early July 2019, Zhu Moumou came to the vicinity of Zheng's house again and threw stones at Zheng's house. At about 23:33 on October 26 of the same year, Zhu Moumou carried the purchased firecrackers and tied stones with yellow tape, and in the courtyard of Zheng Mou's family, after lighting the firecrackers, he used the side with the stones tied to them to smash the window on the south side of the victim Zheng's house, but the window glass was not smashed, and then the firecrackers exploded outside the window, igniting the straw stacks 2 meters away from the house, and the straw stacks had burned independently, because the victim found that they were extinguished in time and burned more than 20 bundles of straw. At about 23:23 on November 1, 2019, he once again carried firecrackers to the north side of Zheng's house, and after lighting firecrackers, he threw them at the north side of the house, and after the firecracker exploded, the window glass of Zheng's house was broken. It was also ascertained that the defendant had compensated the victim for the actual losses and obtained the victim's forgiveness.

The court held that the defendant Zhu X, who had taken advantage of his past life, had repeatedly and arbitrarily damaged other people's property, intimidated others, and undermined social order, and the circumstances were serious, and his conduct had constituted the crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles. In view of the fact that the defendant voluntarily admitted guilt during the trial, and had compensated the victim for his losses and obtained the victim's forgiveness, the defendant was given a lighter punishment. On September 9, the Xinmin Court ruled that the defendant, Zhu Moumou, had committed the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble and sentenced him to 11 months in prison.

Text/Beiqing- Beijing headline reporter Kong Linghan

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