
Love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, the confidence comes from "here" to love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, where does the confidence come from? No matter who you marry, you must understand the importance of self-independence, economic independence, is the most confident of a married woman

author:Psychological counselor heart language
Love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, the confidence comes from "here" to love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, where does the confidence come from? No matter who you marry, you must understand the importance of self-independence, economic independence, is the most confident of a married woman

Love is sometimes like a suspense drama, we guess the beginning, but we never expected the ending.

At first, we chose him alone among many people, thinking that this person could give us the happiness and happiness we wanted, so we entered the palace of marriage, but as the layer of gauze was uncovered one by one, we found that many things were not what we thought.

The person who swore to be nice to us at the wedding scene, the person who said that he wanted to shield us from the wind and rain, in later life, let us understand what it means not to listen to what a man says, and what is that all the wind and rain in marriage are actually brought to us by him.

We love the wrong person, we should have chosen to stop the loss in time, but I don't know why, so many women find themselves in love with the wrong person, but few choose to leave, most of them turn a blind eye and choose to swallow.

Therefore, in a marriage that has long since deteriorated, it is already a very luxurious idea for these women to be able to experience happiness.

Love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, the confidence comes from "here" to love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, where does the confidence come from? No matter who you marry, you must understand the importance of self-independence, economic independence, is the most confident of a married woman

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, where does the confidence come from? </h1>

Although Gu Jia in the TV series "Thirty Only" is a housewife, she later ran her own tea factory, did not get rich overnight, but fortunately the operation is stable, so basically can also achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Gu Jia thought that everything in life had been on the right track, but it did not come to mind, her husband Xu Huanshan did not know when he betrayed his feelings, then this overtime night was actually spent around other women, it was ridiculous that he had paid so much for this family, but he was blinded like a fool.

The rarer and rarer a piece of jade is, the more she can't stand the slightest flaw on it, so when Gu Jia found out that she loved the wrong person, she immediately decided to divorce.

Love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, the confidence comes from "here" to love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, where does the confidence come from? No matter who you marry, you must understand the importance of self-independence, economic independence, is the most confident of a married woman

Even if Xu Huanshan promised to cut off contact with the woman, even if he cried bitterly and begged for his forgiveness, Gu Jia did not have a soft heart, because she knew that once a lot of things happened, it meant that there was no going back.

We admire Gu Jia's boldness, and we also admire her for being able to take it and put it down, but in essence, the confidence of all the decisions Gu Jia makes comes from the fact that she has money in her hands and she is financially independent.

In life, how many married women still choose to be patient when they find out that they love the wrong person, because they have no money, so they do not have the courage to leave.

The writer Yi Shu wrote such a sentence in the book "People in the Dream of the Red Chamber": "Only women who are economically and spiritually independent are qualified to really choose a partner, whether it is a prince or an ordinary person, they do not feel the pressure." ”

Therefore, only an economically independent woman has the courage to choose everything she wants.

Love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, the confidence comes from "here" to love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, where does the confidence come from? No matter who you marry, you must understand the importance of self-independence, economic independence, is the most confident of a married woman

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > understand the importance of self-independence no matter who you marry</h1>

Never believe the man's "I raise you", because it is easy to say it, but it is difficult to ascend to the sky when it is practiced.

There is a "law of diminishing marginal effects" in psychology, which means that when a thing gains something, it also loses something, and over time, the amount of things that can be owned will gradually decrease.

Men are also willing to give materially for women in the beginning, but for a long time, because women have been financially dependent on men.

Then in the subconscious of men, they will feel that they have paid so much, and women should submit to themselves, after all, the economic operation of a family needs to be maintained by themselves.

Love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, the confidence comes from "here" to love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, where does the confidence come from? No matter who you marry, you must understand the importance of self-independence, economic independence, is the most confident of a married woman

Then, men will become more and more complacent, in contrast, women will only promise, and gradually lose their sense of value in this marriage.

And if you always make the same kind of giving, then the positive meaning of giving will be reduced, so no matter who a woman is with, she must have financial resources, after all, the life with the palm of the hand is not easy.

Love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, the confidence comes from "here" to love the wrong person, the married woman who dares to leave, where does the confidence come from? No matter who you marry, you must understand the importance of self-independence, economic independence, is the most confident of a married woman

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" > financial independence is the most confident for a married woman</h1>

Because of financial independence, we women can buy everything we want at will without looking at anyone's face;

At the same time, we women can also refuse all the things that we don't like, even if it is marriage, because she has the capital to choose, the bread is herself, love is just the icing on the cake, the beautiful is cherished, and the beautiful is abandoned.

Financial independence means that we can say goodbye when we want to say goodbye without being attached to anyone, because we know that without the wrong person, we can live our lives alone.