
Strange Thief "Lupin III": Showa Legend, Three Generations Classic

author:Ji's usual writing desk

The first year of the "Reiwa" of the next-door neighbor Neon Kingdom has passed (May 1, 2019 - May 1, 2020) and entered the second year of Reiwa, but for anime viewers, most of the memories remain in the heisei generation that has just passed, and the long-gone legendary Showa generation seems to have become a legend.

With the change of times, with the end of the Heisei generation super-long anime such as "Gintama", "Naruto", "Death", etc., we will find that what we thought would not end will eventually end. But there are always evergreen works that will grow against time and against the trend. There are very few Showa anime that still maintain their output, and "Lupin III" can definitely be called a leader.

Strange Thief "Lupin III": Showa Legend, Three Generations Classic

Lupin III is a manga series by Japanese manga artist Kazuhiko Kato. Serialized in Weekly Comics Action magazine in 1967, it debuted on the screen four years later after being animated in 1971, until 2018's Lupin III Part 5 (although parts 3 and part 4 were separated by 30 years), which has been more than 50 years.

The 2019 Lupin series "The Lie of the Second Son" was released, which is another hardcore work. Although there are very few people who score on Douban, in the playback page of station B, you can always find the bullet screen of the same person. 10 theatrical versions + 26 special editions, such an update speed also makes it difficult for fans to forget this charming man.

From Showa to Heisei to Reiwa, the strange thief Lupin never seems to get old. Like all monster characters, he is intellectually superior, with first-class weapons, movements, scheming, and other abilities, and all the treasures he wants to steal can get what he wants. But Lupin also has a fatal death pit - coveting beauty, and there is never a shortage of beautiful people around him, just like the 007 of the past. He jokes that he is a thief, but he is always acting heroically; the target is obviously all kinds of treasures, but he often ends up empty-handed. This cynical and unbridled romance also has a very strong meaning of showa prodigal son.

In addition to the introduction of a few Lupin series by CCTV6 that year (CCTV6 also introduced transitional Shinichiro's "Interstellar Cowboy", which is also very powerful), only individuals or subtitle groups uploaded resources in China. It was not until part 4 in 2015 that it was introduced by the purchase of copyright in youtu, while part 5 in 18 was taken by Station B.

Strange Thief "Lupin III": Showa Legend, Three Generations Classic

The more well-known one is Lupin III vs Detective Conan, which appeared in 2009 and 2013. Showa's strongest monster thief and the cross-crew fight of the famous detective also left a good story among Lupin fans. It is also through Conan, the IP that is well known to the post-8090s, that Lupin has gradually been discovered by domestic fans.

In 2014, it launched a live-action film version of "Lupin III" with an unusually strong cast of Cass. Lupin, played by Oguri Shun, plays with Yan Chengxu to carry out a criminal adventure, which is also very eye-catching. But because of the existence of the "dimensional barrier", even Oguri Shun could not save this version of Lupin's plot.

In the absence of publicity resources, Lupin III still captured the hearts of a bunch of domestic fans. He has endured half a century without fading, derived from the charm of the core characters. Lupin III was like a real monster. Always driving that beige FIAT500 and using that Walter P-38 pistol to solve all kinds of enemies, these details are set like some kind of label, outlining Lupin's bohemian character.

Strange Thief "Lupin III": Showa Legend, Three Generations Classic

In addition to the hated "monkey thief" Lupin III, his friends are also unusually mavericks.

The lone gunner, Daisuke Tsubasa, a man who has never taken off his hat, is also the most reliable partner around Lu Ban (the "good friend" relationship was directly ridiculed in the 5th party of 18 years). Legend has it that he was one of the best killers to defect from the organization in order to hunt down Lupin, but eventually became Lupin's nemesis. An M19 revolver has no false bullets, but he has to wear his soft hat to shoot, which is laughed at by fans as "the hat is the body". It is worth saying that the voice actor of the dimension is the Japanese national master Kiyoshi Kobayashi, who has been dubbing the dimension since 71 years and has not changed so far.

Strange Thief "Lupin III": Showa Legend, Three Generations Classic

There is also Ishikawa Goemon, who also chased Lupin and eventually became a partner. He said "cut something boring again", but an iron sword was still cut through thorns in Lupin's crisis. And Xiao Wu's knife skills have always been the stem of fans, starting from cutting bullets, Xiao Wu has cut all the way through but not limited to cars, missiles, airplanes... In the 2012 special article "Oriental Observations", it was inadvertently cut off the artificial satellite, which is indeed a "humanoid light nuclear weapon".

Strange Thief "Lupin III": Showa Legend, Three Generations Classic

There is also the Ten Thousand Years True Love Money-shaped Uncle, as the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department that specifically arrested Lupin, he may be the person who knows Lupin the best. From the end of the world to the cape, where there is Lupin, there must be money and shape. And in the process of chasing for so many years, the two have even evolved a friendship similar to "Tom and Jerry" - "you can only fall into my hands".

Strange Thief "Lupin III": Showa Legend, Three Generations Classic

And what really makes the otaku crazy love is the woman named Feng Buzi. The positioning of "Lupin III" has always been very "adult", half of which is because of the non-second son, but it is not that the content has more than 18 prohibitions, but the ambiguous relationship between this enigmatic sexy woman and Lupin.

Neither lover nor enemy, always using Lupin to get close to the treasure, and selling Lupin out when he changed hands. Such a delicate relationship is difficult to appear in ordinary juvenile comics. The two always cooperate in the plot, and among so many female characters, Lupin is only eaten to death by the second son.

Fujiko uses beauty to achieve his goals, but he never betrays his hue. In her opinion, all men are either subservient or wary of her sexiness, only Lupin is willing to be fed but not harmed.

Strange Thief "Lupin III": Showa Legend, Three Generations Classic

For the Japanese animation industry, Lupin's significance is not just an "immortal" character. Almost all of the animation giants of that year were more or less involved in the production of Lupin - Hayao Miyazaki, Takahata, Tsuyoshi Izusaki, Kifumi Kondo, etc. all directed the Lupin III series.

The new series is produced by Telecom Animation Film, supervised by Yuichiro Yano and written by renowned screenwriter Ichifō Ōkawa. Compared with other works in Hanoi that make people "send blades", the new season's animation plot is much more tortuous, but there are also many more critical voices - while pursuing the era, the characters of people such as dimensionality and goemon are lost.

Lupin's image is inspired by Maurice LeBron's rogue Robin Yasen, and also has the shadow of Edogawa's twenty faces of the strange thief. The Neon Nation seems to have a fascination with the image of the strange thief, perhaps a compensation for the repressed national character, or perhaps a yearning for some romanticism.

Showa to Reiwa, how many 50 years of life can be, and I hope that the classic works can really "Ye Guan Geng", and after many years, they can still fascinate a vote of the audience.

【Ji Ping Is usually exclusive, reprint please private message myself】

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