
12 Zodiac Weekly Horoscope (1.31~2.6)

Auspicious Zodiac Sign

Tegi Zodiac Sign: Dragon, Cow, Rat

Zodiac signs: tiger, rabbit, snake

This week's rush

Monday rushing tiger, Tuesday rushing rabbit, Wednesday rushing dragon, Thursday rushing snake, Friday rushing horse, Saturday rushing sheep, Sunday rushing monkey.

All those who are jealous should be cautious and important. For example, if a tiger is rushed on Monday, then a friend who belongs to the tiger is not suitable for doing important things that day.

12 Zodiac Weekly Horoscope (1.31~2.6)


Overall: A smooth week. Monday "three-in-one", Saturday "six-in-one".

Fortune: Fortune is very good, there will be a return on doing things, and sales businessmen will also have rich returns, be prepared.

Love: On Tuesday, there are "Tianxi" peach blossoms into life, single people love luck is very good, easy to usher in romantic love; there are partners and lovers to communicate smoothly, get along sweetly.

Career: Career fortune is very good, the work is progressing smoothly, satisfactory, the efficiency is quite high; job seekers submit more resumes, it is easy to find a satisfactory job.

Health: No major physical problems, no troubles and unpleasant things, good mood, stable mentality.


Overall: A week of great luck. Tuesday "triple", Friday "six".

Fortune: Fortune rises, luck accompanies, especially for migrant workers will have greater gains, and there will be unexpected partial wealth.

Love: On Monday, there are "Tianxi" peach blossoms into life, single people are suitable for confessing to the opposite sex, the probability of success is high; on Sunday, there are "red luan" peach blossoms into life, and partners put their minds on the family, and be careful to annoy each other.

Career: Good career luck, talk and do things in an orderly manner, mature and stable, coupled with good fortune of nobles, half the effort.

Health: Be healthy and energetic, but be careful not to stay up too late to avoid physical discomfort.


Overall: A week of great vigour. Monday "foul rush", Wednesday "three-in-one", Thursday "six-in-one".

Fortune: Strong fortune, good fortune, good luck to make your bank deposits to the next level, Wednesdays, Saturdays and there will be partial wealth.

Love: On Saturday, there are "red luan" peach blossoms into life, and those who have partners should be cautious in making friends, and keep a certain distance, be careful of provoking rotten peach blossoms.

Career: The workplace is not smooth, the spirit is low, it is easy to make some mistakes, there are many obstacles; Tuesday work hard, it is expected to be fierce.

Health: Good mood, full of energy, no matter what you do, full of energy, good health.


Overall: A week of victory. Tuesday "foul rush", Wednesday "liuhe", Thursday "sanhe".

Fortune: Fortune is very good, the opportunity to earn accounts increases, this week is easier for you to make money; Wednesday and Saturday are a good harvest.

Love: There are "red luan" peach blossoms on Friday, single people love luck is very good, easy to end single; there is no intention of managing feelings, it is likely that there will be an emotional crisis, need to pay attention.

Career: Career luck rises, there are performance opportunities everywhere, such as fish in the water, there are many noble people around, willing to help you, make great breakthroughs and progress.

Health: General health, easy to feel tired, may wish to make a fitness plan for yourself!


Overall: A week of help. Monday and Friday "three-in-one", Tuesday "six-in-one", Wednesday "foul rush".

Fortune: Fortune is prosperous, with the care of the god of wealth, there will be a lot of money in the account, easy to harvest wealth.

Love: Tuesday "salty pool" peach blossom every "liuhe", Thursday and "red luan" peach blossom into life, single people get the moon old lead red line, actively pull into the distance with the opposite sex, is expected to hold hands successfully.

Career: Very good workplace luck, serious and responsible, strong action, can make good suggestions, good at thinking, and get praise from leaders.

Health: Health is no big problem, suitable for going out to play, swimming is a good choice!


Overall: A week of joy and sorrow. Monday "six", Tuesday, Saturday "three", Thursday "foul rush", Sunday "crime harm".

Fortune: There is money harvest on Mondays and Tuesdays, which is suitable for financial management, but it must not be overwhelmed, money should not be exposed, and be careful of being targeted by thieves.

Love: On Wednesday, there are "red luan" peach blossoms into life, single people are prone to meet the opposite sex of the heartbeat; those who have partners are stressed, may vent bad emotions to their lovers, and there are disputes.

Career: Career luck declines, all kinds of accidents and small things continue, the mood is irritable, coupled with the strict requirements of the boss and colleagues for details, inefficient.

Health: This week the ability to resist stress weakened, things increased, anxious, pay attention to adjustment and relaxation.


Overall: A week of rushing and toiling. Wednesday and Sunday "triad", Friday "crime rush", Saturday "crime harm".

Fortune: Fortune is not good, because your desires are easy to consume a lot of money, but Mondays and Tuesdays are a little lucky, so grasp them well.

Love: On Tuesday, there are "red luan" peach blossoms into life, singles and the opposite sex have more opportunities to get along, positive action is possible to fall in love; there are partners who have conflicts with their lovers due to small things, feelings become cold, and they need to tolerate each other.

Career: Career luck declines, unexpected situations continue, it is recommended that no matter what to do, be more careful, important work more than a few times, otherwise there are many mistakes.

Health: The mood is good and bad, the mood is affected, and it is easy to be irritable and insomnia.


Overall: A week of endless threads. Thursday "triad", Friday "crime", Saturday "crime rush".

Fortune: Money luck is extremely poor, whether it is positive wealth or partial wealth is not ideal, it is difficult to have the opportunity to enter the account, and it is the top priority to cover the wallet tightly.

Love: Monday there are "red luan" peach blossoms into life, Sunday and "Tianxi" peach blossoms into life, single people love luck is good, there will be happiness to knock on the door; but Friday to avoid "rotten peach blossoms", do not cause unnecessary trouble because of curiosity, pay more attention to lovers.

Career: Career luck decreases, right and wrong things increase, interpersonal relationships fluctuate, no matter who to communicate with, we must pay attention to avoid falling into a greater situation.

Health: Increased stress, poor mood, must be faced with optimism.


Overall: A week of significant increase in resistance. Thursday "committed harm", Friday "triad", Sunday "committed rush".

Fortune: fortune is not satisfactory, Sunday is easy to immerse in shopping, all kinds of buying and buying, to the end of the wallet blood loss, it is recommended to control consumption.

Love: Tuesday to avoid "rotten peach blossoms", single people are not suitable for confession, easy to be rejected; but on Saturday there are "Tianxi" peach blossoms into life, there are partners and lovers together can do romantic things, full of happiness.

Career: Career luck is average, there will not be much gain, you can use your free time to contact customers more, learn experience, and help in the future.

Health: This week the body is not very good, the mood is not beautiful, listless, it is recommended to relax and adjust, health is your greatest wealth.


Overall: A week without shock. Wednesday "guilty", Saturday "triad".

Fortune: This week's fortunes are rising, take advantage of this good luck to take action to make money, it is easy to have a satisfactory harvest!

Love: On Friday, there are "Tianxi" peach blossoms into life, the charm of singles has increased greatly, and there is a chance to fall in love; there are partners and lovers who cooperate with tacit understanding, the pace is the same, and the love is stronger than gold.

Career: There is a downward trend in work luck, and there are many obstacles to the progress of villains, and we must be doubly careful in doing things so as not to get involved in the dispute between right and wrong.

Health: Good health, usually drink more water and eat more vegetables and fruits, help to replenish energy.


Overall: A bland week. Tuesday "committed murder", Sunday "triad".

Fortune: Fortune rises, turns goals into actions, noble people are exuberant, and there is good luck in the day to enter the gold, which is enviable.

Love: On Thursday, there are "Tianxi" peach blossoms into life, single people are prone to meet the object of affection; those who have partners understand each other and considerate, and their feelings continue to heat up.

Career: This week's workplace luck is average, there are no big ups and downs, but there will be no progress and gains, bland.

Health: Health luck declines, physical strength and mood become more and more bad, must be understood stress.


Overall: A week of good luck. Monday "committed murder", Sunday "Liuhe".

Fortune: Money luck is very good, not only is the positive fortune very prosperous, but there will also be partial wealth to visit you, and there will be surprises when you take the initiative.

Love: There are "Tianxi" peach blossoms on Wednesday, and single people are easy to get the nourishment of love; but on Friday, avoid "rotten peach blossoms", and those who have partners should keep a distance from the opposite sex, and be careful of provoking their lovers to be jealous and angry.

Career: Career luck is strong, positive attitude, very hard work, remarkable performance, easy to get everyone's praise.

Health: This week, the mind is successful, the body is also very healthy, such as insisting on exercise, the physique is better.

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