
When men and women get along, there are these 3 feelings, most of them are encountering rotten peach blossoms

author:Create excellent coffee
When men and women get along, there are these 3 feelings, most of them are encountering rotten peach blossoms

In the rivers and lakes of feelings, not every encounter can achieve positive results. Some fate, from the beginning, is like a wrong payment.

When dealing with the opposite sex, if the following three feelings pop up in your heart, hey, you have to pay attention, the other party's eight achievements are your rotten peach blossoms:

1. It's not always a taste in my heart, and I feel awkward

"A good relationship is like wearing a pair of well-fitting shoes, no matter how far you go, you can be comfortable."

You think that in a good relationship, two people have to respect, understand, and trust each other, and get along with each other with that kind of relaxed energy. But if the other party always makes you feel uncomfortable, picks on you at every turn, belittles you, and makes you doubt your own value, then such feelings, withdraw as soon as possible.

When men and women get along, there are these 3 feelings, most of them are encountering rotten peach blossoms

Someone on the Internet said: "The one I talked about before found fault with me all day long and made me feel like I was worthless." Later, I pondered, which is love, it is clearly self-masochistic, and I decisively separated. ”

Look at how wise this is! Good love has to make you shine, not bleak. The other party makes you feel uncomfortable, that is not right.

Feeling uncomfortable is often because you have different views on many things, your personalities are not compatible, or some behavior of the other person is really difficult for you to accept. At this time, you have to listen to your inner voice, don't hold on.

Second, there is no bottom in my heart

"Feelings are such a thing, and a sense of security is a treasure."

A sense of security is like a needle for feelings. In a good relationship, two people have to be heart-to-heart, honest with each other, so that each other can feel down-to-earth. But if the other party always makes you mutter, hide, and make you guess, and even wonder if he/she still has someone else in his heart, such feelings, let go as soon as possible.

When men and women get along, there are these 3 feelings, most of them are encountering rotten peach blossoms

Someone else shared: "My predecessor hid everything from me, which made me worry all day long." Later, I found out that there were still people outside him. I was angry and said goodbye. ”

It's distressing to listen to. You can't pretend to be a sense of security. The other party makes you feel uncertain, that is, they don't reassure you.

If you are not sure, it may be that the other party does not love you enough, or is not sincere enough. Protect yourself and don't give your heart to someone who makes you upset.

3. Confused about the future, unable to see the end

"A good love must have hope and a direction to run together."

If two people really love each other, they must want to move forward together, plan the future together, and work hard. But if the other party always avoids talking about the future, or doesn't want to work with you at all, making you at a loss about the future, it's better to end this relationship as soon as possible.

When men and women get along, there are these 3 feelings, most of them are encountering rotten peach blossoms

Another netizen said: "When I was with my ex, he always avoided talking about the future, which made me feel very uncertain." It was only later that I realized that he had no intention of staying with me for long. As soon as I was ruthless, I broke up. ”

The reality is so cruel. The future is a dream shared by two people. The other party makes you unable to see the future, that is, he does not include you in his future plan.

If you don't have hope for the future, it may be because the other person is not mature enough, or does not love you enough. You have to find someone who is responsible, responsible, and can give you hope, and go hand in hand together.

In short, when men and women get along, if they have the above three feelings, they will most likely encounter rotten peach blossoms. Remember to stay away from rotten peach blossoms in order to find a happy harbor that truly belongs to you.

Don't forget, you deserve the best love. Don't choose the wrong person on the spur of the moment. Keep your eyes open and find the person who truly loves you, understands you, and cherishes you!

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