
The Rise of the Great Qin Empire: Whether Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the river or being deliberately murdered, revealing Qu Yuan's death

author:a light studio

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were an era of killing and contesting with the great development of culture. However, celebrities in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period rarely served the country until they died. There is a man who loves a country with an almost pedantic attitude, but he was born out of place. He is Qu Yuan, and he is also a Warring States figure that I like very much. The poems he wrote "leaving the troubles" were passed down to future generations and helped Chu Ci continue for thousands of years.

The Rise of the Great Qin Empire: Whether Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the river or being deliberately murdered, revealing Qu Yuan's death

At that time, King Wuling of Zhao implemented the reform of Hufu riding and shooting. The domestic and foreign policies of the Chu state also changed. Qu Yuan, the Grand Master of the State of Chu, repeatedly persuaded King Huai of Chu to unite with the State of Qi against the State of Qin. However, King Huai of Chu listened to Jin Shang and Gongzi Lan, who had been bribed by Zhang Yi of the Qin state, and was deceived by the King of Qin and imprisoned in Xianyang. He died in Qin in 296 BC and took the throne. This is King Xiang of Chu. Instead, he reused Jin Shang and Gongzi Lan, a group of people who compromised and made concessions to the Qin state and asked for peace. Qu Yuan was worried that the Chu state would die at the hands of this group of people, and his heart was very distressed. He constantly advised King Xiang of Chu to stay away from villains, recruit talents, encourage soldiers, train soldiers and horses, fight for the country, and avenge the previous king. Jin Shang and Gongzi Lansheng were afraid that King Xiang of Chu would rebel against the State of Qin and would not be able to live a good life themselves. They regarded Qu Yuan as a thorn in their eye and a thorn in their flesh, which must be eradicated. They hooked up and said bad things about Qu Yuan in front of King Xiang of Chu. King Xiang of Chu was furious and deposed Qu Yuan and exiled him to Shonan, in the area of present-day Dongting Lake in Hunan.

The Rise of the Great Qin Empire: Whether Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the river or being deliberately murdered, revealing Qu Yuan's death

Qu Yuan thought about saving the country and saving the people. The idea of a rich country and a strong army with one heart has been excluded. He was almost mad. He didn't want to eat or drink. He walked on the Miluo River on the shore of Dongting Lake, singing sad songs. His face was gaunt, disheveled, and skinny. A fisherman advised him, why are you doing this? Which person in the Chu Kingdom does not know that you are a loyal subject, why is it not the same as the world? Qu Yuanyue: The Great King and others are confused. Only I am the most awake. My grief is not my own frustration. Chu Guo's re-enactment like this makes my heart like a knife. How can I ignore the dangers of the country? As long as I can save chu guo, even if I die a million times, I am willing. Now the king has banished me to the wilderness, and I have no right to participate in the affairs of state. I have nowhere to go about my opinion. I cried out to the king, but the king could not hear me. I was literally tortured to the point of madness. Qu Yuan held this idea in exile and often lived with ordinary people. He hated the people of the Qin State who robbed the Chu State of land. They work hard all year round to cultivate the land. They often suffer from cold, hunger, illness and lack of money to see a doctor, and no money to bury them after death. As soon as there was a natural or man-made disaster, it caused the separation of flesh and bones, the destruction of the family, and the tragic scene of death, which deepened Qu Yuan's pain.

The Rise of the Great Qin Empire: Whether Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the river or being deliberately murdered, revealing Qu Yuan's death

He's always loved writing his songs, and now he's writing more. The famous poem "Departure" was written at that time. Life goes by quickly. More than a decade has passed. Qu Yuan did not wait for the King of Chu to summon him back. He was worried about the future of the country. He was worried about the future of the Chu state, and always wanted to return to the capital of the Chu state, Yingdu, every day. Qu Yuan wanted to use the surrounding scenery to dispel his patriotic sorrows, but in the end it made him even more sad. The politics of the Chu state was so corrupt that the beautiful rivers and mountains were gradually taken away by the Qin state. The Chu state was too dangerous. Qu Yuan wanted to immediately return to Yingdu to persuade the King of Chu. In practice this is not possible. Someone said to him, "Why do you want to stay in the Chu country and suffer this sin?" Qu Yuan said: How can I lose my hometown and the country of my parents? The birds were tired of flying and wanted to go back to their old branches to rest. The fox was dead, his head still facing the earth mountain. The road to national salvation is arduous and the road is long. I can't leave chu. I must find the way to save the country. When the bad guys came to power, Chu's disaster was finally approaching. In 278 BC, the State of Qin sent the general Bai Qi to attack the State of Chu and capture the capital of the State of Chu. When Qu Yuan heard the news, he burst into tears, and he was already a 62-year-old man.

The Rise of the Great Qin Empire: Whether Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the river or being deliberately murdered, revealing Qu Yuan's death

He knew that the Chu state had no hope, but he did not want to watch the Chu state perish and his land and people fall into the hands of the enemy. He wanted to live and die with the Chu state. On the fifth day of the first month of May, he jumped into the Miluo River with a large stone in his arms and martyred himself. Fishermen and nearby farmers hurriedly rowed small boats to rescue Qu Yuan, but where was Qu Yuan's shadow in the vast water? People rowed boats on the river to sacrifice, he sprinkled rice in bamboo tubes in the water to offer offerings, and people summoned his soul. Dr. Qu is back. Later, people called the day when Qu Yuan tossed the river on the fifth day of the first month of May as the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanyang Festival. They changed the bamboo tubes containing rice into rice dumplings, and the boats into dragon boats to race on the river to commemorate them. Qu yuan. Later, it gradually became a custom throughout China.

The Rise of the Great Qin Empire: Whether Qu Yuan committed suicide by throwing himself into the river or being deliberately murdered, revealing Qu Yuan's death

Qu Yuan of the Chu State is dead, but what about the State of Zhao? After the death of King Wuling of Zhao, King Huiwen of Zhao worshipped his brother Zhao Sheng as Xiangguo and was given the title of Prince of Pingyuan. In order to stabilize his position, Ping Yuanjun befriended various figures in the world and took them under his command. That's when this ethos was formed. The Mengjun of the State of Qi, the Lingjun of the State of Wei, and the Divine Emperor of the Chun of the State of Chu all adopted the disciples like the Pingyuan Jun. Each of them has thousands of doormen. It is said that even King Zhaoxiang of Qin was friends with Pingyuan Jun.

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