
The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

author:Xiao Liang

What is it that the Boeing spacecraft was launched despite a gas leak?

Is this a commendable act of courage or stupidity?

The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

Recently, the news of the air leak of the Boeing spacecraft has made many people sweat.

Here's the thing, Boeing detected a gas leak in the spacecraft before launch, which is not a trivial matter, after all, it is in outer space, and the slightest carelessness can be a matter of human life.

However, it was surprising that despite this major concern, the spacecraft was launched.

You say, is this the same as cooking rice in a broken pot? If the pot leaks, can the rice still be cooked? And on this "leaky spacecraft", there are a few astronauts sitting, shouldering the heavy responsibility of scientific exploration, but they are being opened in a blind box with their lives like this, which is incredible to think about.

The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

Let's talk about Boeing's management.

In fact, this is not the first time that Boeing has had problems with management.

The previous Boeing 737 MAX incident had put Boeing in a crisis of confidence.

According to insiders, Boeing's manufacturing process will have problems such as the omission of screws and worker misconduct.

This is building a spaceship, not a toy car, and such a management mistake is simply a joke with life.

Some people describe it as "dreaming", but this dream can turn into a nightmare if you are not careful.

What is even more infuriating is that these problems do not happen by accident, but are long-standing and condoned by management.

You say, can such management still expect them to build safe and reliable ships?

The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

Despite these problems, the Starliner was launched under the dual "trust" of NASA and Boeing.

The psychological pressure faced by the astronauts can be imagined, and this launch is like "opening a blind box with life", and no one knows whether this box contains surprise or fright.

Just imagine, the spaceship under your feet may go wrong at any time, do you dare to carry out the mission with ease? Behind this launch, whether it is technical confidence or profit driven, I am afraid that only the relevant decision-makers themselves know.

The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

Many have questioned NASA's decision to allow the Boeing spacecraft to launch despite knowing it had problems.

NASA has always been known for its rigor, so why did it let the Boeing ship leak this time? Could it be that there are complex interests behind it, or other hidden secrets? In the field of aerospace, decision-making is often not only a technical consideration, but also involves political, economic and other factors.

Once upon a time, every decision made by NASA was seen as a model of science and rationality, but this performance raises questions about the motives behind its decisions.

Perhaps, the benefits and pressures make them have to take risks, but is such a risk worth it?

The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

Let's turn our attention to China's space industry.

In recent years, China's space industry has advanced by leaps and bounds, especially the success of the Chang'e series of missions, which has attracted the attention of the world.

China's space missions have always been known for their steady and steady progress, and every step has been steady and powerful.

The successful return of samples from Chang'e-5 and the successful landing of Tianwen-1 on Mars are the efforts and scientific spirit of countless astronauts.

In comparison, Boeing's performance is nothing short of a drop in the bucket.

Step by step, China's aerospace industry has demonstrated self-confidence and strength, while Boeing's management chaos and technical mistakes are terrifying.

This contrast makes one wonder why the former space hegemon has now fallen to such a point.

The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

From the Boeing incident, it is not difficult for us to see that the space industry of some countries seems to be stagnant or even regressing.

In the past, the United States was a leader in the global space field, and the Apollo moon landing program and the space shuttle program were all glorious chapters in the history of human spaceflight.

But now, Boeing's mistakes and NASA's misdecisions seem to tell us that this former hegemon is self-depleting.

What caused this situation? Is it technical stagnation, or lax management, or profit-driven quick success? This series of questions is worth pondering.

The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

Whether you're building an airplane or a spaceship, safety should come first.

Any negligence may make mankind's space dream disappear in an instant.

Boeing's management mistakes and spacecraft leaks remind us that the space industry needs rigor and science, rather than blindly pursuing speed and profit.

Looking back on history, every space accident has brought us profound lessons, and the names of Challenger and Columbia are all painful.

The space industry is related to the future of mankind, and any mistake or negligence may bring irreparable losses.

The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

We are full of concern and expectation about whether the US astronauts will return safely.

This is not only a test of technology, but also a torture of people's hearts and responsibilities.

In the face of the vast universe, the unity and wisdom of mankind are the most precious treasures.

It is hoped that the global space industry can learn lessons and make progress together, so as to bring more miracles and possibilities to human exploration of space

The astronauts can't come back? There are still 6 days left, and the United States is going to go out of the ocean!

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