
"Dragons leap between heaven and earth, standing in the stars and rivers": Aerospace "big understanding" to come to the New Year!

"Dragons leap between heaven and earth, standing in the stars and rivers": Aerospace "big understanding" to come to the New Year!

Today is space with you [Issue 1381]

"Beijing understands"

"Dawn understands"

"Heaven and understanding"

"Yangtze River understands"


Are you familiar with these passwords?

"Dragons leap between heaven and earth, standing in the stars and rivers": Aerospace "big understanding" to come to the New Year!

Over the past year

The mainland's manned space industry is vigorously developing

Young Chinese astronaut

Speak calmly

A sound of "received"

Sentence by sentence "understand"

It shows the style and realm of Chinese astronauts

Bring infinite confidence and pride to the Chinese people

They are also affectionately known as netizens

Aerospace "Big Understanding"

"Dragons leap between heaven and earth, standing in the stars and rivers": Aerospace "big understanding" to come to the New Year!

Represented by the "aerospace understanding"

China's aerospace youth group

Silently adhere to their respective posts and make selfless contributions

"Especially able to endure hardships, especially able to fight."

Special ability to tackle key problems, special ability to contribute"

It concentrates on the spirit of China's manned spaceflight

"Dragons leap between heaven and earth, standing in the stars and rivers": Aerospace "big understanding" to come to the New Year!
"Dragons leap between heaven and earth, standing in the stars and rivers": Aerospace "big understanding" to come to the New Year!

But alas...

We are familiar with the voices of the Great Understandings

But there is rarely a chance to hear them say it

Sentences of more than four words outside the password

The Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger is coming

Our opportunity has come too!

Xinhua News Agency reporters invited the "Aerospace Understanders."

Sending you a Chinese New Year greeting

"Good health, all things win

The Year of the Tiger is auspicious"

"The dragon leaps and leaps between heaven and earth."

Stand in the mountains and rivers of the stars"

In their blessings

There is both human warmth and a sea of stars

That is a romance unique to Chinese astronauts

Except, of course, for blessings

The big minds also gave us some "spoilers."

This year's "highlight" of China's manned space industry

Take 2022, for example

We will also face several major manned space missions

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