
Where is the new goods in the Year of the Tiger, the big data of the e-commerce platform tells you

With the arrival of the Spring Festival in the Year of the Tiger, the New Year goods market is also getting hotter and hotter. "Online New Year gifts, online buy new year's flavor" has become a New Year custom. The National Online New Year Festival kicked off on January 10 and lasted until February 7 (the seventh day of the first lunar month). What are the new features of this year's New Year goods? Let's find the answer from the big data of the e-commerce platform.

Where is the new goods in the Year of the Tiger, the big data of the e-commerce platform tells you

The volume of off-site orders has increased significantly, and it has become a trend to buy new year goods across provinces

Affected by the epidemic and other factors, many people still choose to "celebrate the New Year in place". Good goods from the north and south of the world flow across provinces to soothe family affection.

Jingdong big data shows that in the first week of the New Year Goods Festival, the volume of "off-site orders" sent to non-resident places increased by 30% compared with the same period of last year's New Year's Goods Festival, and the proportion of off-site orders increased by more than 50% compared with the usual day. Among them, Guangdong, Beijing and Jiangsu have issued the most cross-provincial off-site orders. More than a quarter of the orders across provinces are food and beverages, and gifts, fresh food, clothing, mobile phones, home appliances, etc. have also become hot categories.

On the Pinduoduo platform, the proportion of off-site orders has also risen sharply, and among the orders sent to third- and fourth-tier cities and townships, the proportion of high-priced goods has further increased compared with the same period last year.

"On the Meituan platform, off-site orders mainly come from young people, who hope to share the good taste they found with their parents during the special festival of the Spring Festival." The relevant person in charge of Meituan said that Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan and Shanghai ranked the top five places to place orders in different places.

With high-quality and affordable goods, convenient services must also keep up. Since January this year, Meituan Flash Sale, Preferred and other businesses have jointly launched the "Spring Festival Without Closing" campaign to provide consumers with the fastest 30-minute delivery service, covering multiple categories such as wine snacks, agricultural and sideline products, and digital 3C.

In order to meet the needs of consumers to buy New Year goods online, Cainiao invested 150,000 manpower during the Spring Festival, relying on self-built and self-operated logistics systems at home and abroad, to ensure that Taobao Tmall consumers in about 300 cities across the country receive goods as usual. In addition, a number of e-commerce platforms have also joined forces with logistics companies to provide consumers with 24-hour uninterrupted goods and logistics services.

Semi-finished prefabricated dishes account for Chinese New Year's Eve rice "C position", and eat all over the "north and south of the river" without leaving home

It is inconvenient to travel during the Spring Festival, and it is also necessary to eat all over the country. This Spring Festival, the pace of people's travel may slow down, but the pursuit of delicious food will not weaken. According to the data of major e-commerce platforms, semi-finished pre-made dishes once again occupy the "C position" of Chinese New Year's Eve rice sales, and "saving time and effort" has become an important factor for consumers to consider.

On the Tmall platform, the sales volume of prepared dishes increased by more than 100% year-on-year. Semi-finished dishes with regional characteristics such as pepper chicken, Buddha jumping wall, and pork belly wrapped chicken are especially popular among consumers after 70 and 80.

According to Jingdong data, before the Spring Festival, the sales volume of online shopping Chinese New Year's Eve rice increased by more than 170% year-on-year. The Chinese New Year's Eve rice with the highest turnover during the Spring Festival in 2022 are Buddha Jumping Wall Family Dress, Seafood Gift Box Gift Pack, Long-established Cooked Food And Pork Trotter Ham Gift Box, etc.

According to Meituan data, since the start of the New Year Goods Festival, the growth rate of orders related to prepared dishes has maintained rapid growth. Among them, coconut chicken, pepper pork belly chicken, sauerkraut fish, etc. have become hot commodities. The number of orders for Chinese New Year's Eve rice group purchase packages nationwide doubled compared with the same period last year, and the number of catering merchants serving Chinese New Year's Eve meal packages online increased by more than 1 times compared with last year.

Where is the new goods in the Year of the Tiger, the big data of the e-commerce platform tells you

New Year goods continue to "upgrade", intelligent health is no longer a "patent" for young people

During the New Year Festival, consumer upgrading products are as popular as ever, the quality of New Year goods is full of standards, and smart and green have become the keywords.

Suning Tesco data show that since the start of the New Year Goods Festival, high-end furniture sales have increased by more than 30% year-on-year, and the sales of hot smart toilets and toilet lids have increased by more than 50% year-on-year. On the Tmall platform, the sales volume of the scrubber increased by more than 150% year-on-year.

Among the smart new year goods delivered by Jingdong across provinces, the sales volume of smart toilets increased by more than 15 times year-on-year, and the sales of electronic door locks increased by more than 13 times year-on-year. Punchers, dryers, and fascia guns sold to the top of the list. It is worth noting that for smart products, the purchasing power of the elders is not inferior to that of the younger generations. Jingdong sales data show that among the consumer groups aged 46 to 55, the sales of floor washers increased by 28 times year-on-year, and the sales of smart toilets increased by more than 12 times year-on-year.

Use it smarter and eat more exquisitely. A major feature of this year's Festival is the live streaming of goods by diplomats of SCO countries. Uzbekistan handmade walnut kernels, Russian king crab, Pakistan's local rice, etc., have become the "national hit" brought by diplomats. During the live broadcast, many products were snapped up as soon as they were on the shelves.

All kinds of imported New Year goods also continue to become the favorite of consumers. Overseas "sharp goods" such as Chile's cherries, American pistachios, New Zealand's kiwifruit, and Canada's peony shrimp have also landed on the Pinduoduo platform at a more affordable direct price, giving consumers the opportunity to taste more exotic flavors.

The winter Olympic wind is coming, driving strong growth in ice and snow consumption

The arrival of the Winter Olympics has also added a strong atmosphere of ice and snow to this year's Spring Festival in addition to the traditional fiery atmosphere.

Commemorative coins, stamps, mascots, etc. related to the Winter Olympics continue to sell well on major e-commerce platforms. The popularity of ice and snow sports has also led to a year-on-year doubling of sales of skiwear, snowboards and other equipment.

On the Jingdong platform, the sales of ice sports equipment are concentrated in the northern provinces, while ski goods are not only in the northern cities, but also in Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hubei, Sichuan and other regions have many enthusiasts.

Driven by the Winter Olympics, ice and snow tourism continued to grow strongly. Fliggy data shows that this year's Spring Festival ice and snow tourism bookings increased by more than 480% year-on-year. For outdoor experience enthusiasts and parent-child groups, combined with the characteristics of surrounding tours, some tourism platforms provide a variety of goods and services such as ice and snow vacations, half-day ski tours, and indoor snow world park tickets. (Reporters Yu Jiaxin and Dai Xiaohe)

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