
Thorny brother's "Flower Protector", has Brother Yundi's Cantonese improved?

author:May laughs and learns Cantonese

Let's first listen to how about Cantonese after Brother Yun Di studied very hard, right?

In the performance of "The Messenger of Flowers", did Yun Di's brother learn Cantonese?

(The performance video of Brother Yundi and Brother of the Greater Bay Area, please click on the above link)

What about Brother Lee Yundi's Cantonese?

applaud! applaud! I could tell that Brother Yundi really took the time to study hard.

How do you know? In the last lesson, we analyzed two words that could go wrong just by imitating the pronunciation.

It is "fiber" and "shadow", here, Yundi brother he sent right, "fiber" is a closed lip tone, he has done it. In addition, the rhyme mother of "Shadow" "ing" has the action of opening and closing up and down, and he is also right.

Thorny brother's "Flower Protector", has Brother Yundi's Cantonese improved?
Thorny brother's "Flower Protector", has Brother Yundi's Cantonese improved?

Is there anything that needs to be improved?

But if there is still something that needs to be corrected, it is the two words "silent" and "speaking".

"Silent" Cantonese spelling is "mak", I don't know if the little friends have noticed, the rhyme tail "k" is into the sound, the sound sounds short and powerful, the previous article has been said many times, the feeling is that you want to send "k" but did not send it out, the air flow from the throat seems to be suddenly blocked.

The Cantonese spelling of "say" is "syut3" (it is a polysyllabic word, listed here is the pronunciation in the song), and the rhyme tail "t" is also a sound, which through the assistance of the tongue, resists the palate, thus achieving the effect of blocking the air flow.

But it sounds like Brother Yundi is using his own strength to make this sound short. Of course, this is not very obvious, just a very subtle difference.

Do nuances need to be taken care of?


This situation occurs very often during the teaching process. For example, the Arabic numeral 1, many cantonese learning friends are easy to pronounce "yaa1", they will use their own strength to make this sound very short. But in fact, the correct pronunciation of this word should be "yat1", which is a rhyme ending "t" to block the air flow.

Some people may wonder if I'm picking a bone in an egg. But in fact, these three voices are one of the characteristics of Cantonese, so even if Cantonese speakers do not know that there are these three sounds, they can easily hear it, and you are not standard because you do not send these three sounds in place.

It is said that numbers are easy to learn, but in Cantonese, "1" to "10" of the ten numbers have 5 Cantonese spelling rhyme endings are into the sound, if you want to know the exact pronunciation of how to send, you can click on the following article:

Cantonese numbers, how many do you read?

Of course, if your goal is not to say that you have to be so standard, you can also say a few words of imitation!

By the way, I don't know if you have noticed what the singing master Lin Zhixuan's brother gave to Cantonese songs? As shown in the following figure,

Thorny brother's "Flower Protector", has Brother Yundi's Cantonese improved?

Haha, digression, but according to some Cantonese is the mother tongue, but also can play and sing the masters said that the tone of Cantonese and the rhythm of music is inextricably linked; in addition, the rich knowledge of phonology will make the lyrics of Cantonese songs more in line with the harmony of the song.

I'm going to keep learning about this, but there's a simple version of the description, so click here to read the article below:

Li Keqin's "Favorite", while listening to songs to learn Cantonese


Therefore, under the teaching of brothers in the Greater Bay Area, the Cantonese language of Brother Yundi has changed very much in a few days, which shows that:

Can learn to pronounce standard Cantonese in a short period of time;

Cantonese spelling needs to be learned, if you want to master it faster, you have to find a teacher to learn.

Originally wanted to write the same article, but found that this article is too long, then do the next article in advance to make a preview!

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