
Psychology: When you're talking, you just have to make a few of these moves, and I know you're lying and rubbing your nose. Second, rub your ears. 3. Cover your mouth. Fourth, divert attention. Fifth, grab the neck. Sixth, tidy up your clothes. 7. Other actions.

author:See the clouds

When a person is ready to lie or is lying, there are always some movements that are more or less unnatural. There are some movements that we will be difficult to detect if we don't look closely.

And the number of these actions, the magnitude of the action, depends on the liar himself. The better the liar can control these movements when he lies, the harder it will be for us to find out that he is lying, and for a person who is very good at lying, we often say that he "lies without even blinking his eyes."

Psychology: When you're talking, you just have to make a few of these moves, and I know you're lying and rubbing your nose. Second, rub your ears. 3. Cover your mouth. Fourth, divert attention. Fifth, grab the neck. Sixth, tidy up your clothes. 7. Other actions.

Some liars are very difficult to be seen through, so when interrogating some criminal suspects, a lie detector may be used to further determine whether the speaker is lying, of course, the lie detector can not guarantee 100% accuracy.

Some liars are very easily seen through by others, and even before they can speak, others already know that what they say next is not credible.

Here are a few common liars. Once you know, it will be easier for you to find out that others are lying.

Psychology: When you're talking, you just have to make a few of these moves, and I know you're lying and rubbing your nose. Second, rub your ears. 3. Cover your mouth. Fourth, divert attention. Fifth, grab the neck. Sixth, tidy up your clothes. 7. Other actions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > rub the nose. </h1>

Studies have shown that when a person is lying, a chemical is released that can make cells inside the nasal cavity swell. At this time, there will be an itching sensation in the nasal cavity, and inadvertently, people will rub the lower edge of the nose with their hands to relieve this uneasy symptom.

People also feel this itch when they feel uneasy, anxious or angry. Therefore, we can also judge an emotional state of others by rubbing the nose inadvertently.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27"> second, rub the ear. </h1>

When people are lying, or when they are emotionally stressed and have insufficient self-confidence. It is possible to rub the ear, and the action of rubbing the ear includes pulling out the ear, kneading the earlobe, rubbing the back of the ear, etc., these actions are often used when people feel uneasy and feel that there is nowhere to put the hand.

When you find someone you're talking to and rubbing his hand against his ear, there's a good chance he's not telling you the truth.

Psychology: When you're talking, you just have to make a few of these moves, and I know you're lying and rubbing your nose. Second, rub your ears. 3. Cover your mouth. Fourth, divert attention. Fifth, grab the neck. Sixth, tidy up your clothes. 7. Other actions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" > third, cover the mouth. </h1>

When a person is talking, use your hands to cover your mouth. He may be repenting of what he just said, or he may be trying to slow down so that he has more time to round the lie, or to think about how to continue telling the lie.

Relevant statistics show that some criminals often appear this action when they are interrogated. Others will cover up the action with a cough to make him look more natural.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" >4. </h1>

When a person is lying, he is not afraid to face the person he is talking to, and he will try some way to divert his gaze, he may become erratic and look at the west; some people will slightly lower their heads, and then rub their eyes with their hands to divert their gaze.

So when you want to judge whether the person you're talking to is lying, you can look into his eyes and see if there's a flutter. Of course, it is also possible that the person is not confident, not a lie.

Psychology: When you're talking, you just have to make a few of these moves, and I know you're lying and rubbing your nose. Second, rub your ears. 3. Cover your mouth. Fourth, divert attention. Fifth, grab the neck. Sixth, tidy up your clothes. 7. Other actions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" >5, grab the neck. </h1>

When a person is asked if they agree with another person's point of view or opinion, if the person grabs the side of the neck with his hand and then responds, it is certain that the person is answering perfunctorily, not telling the truth.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > six, organize clothes. </h1>

When a person is lying, if he finds that others have doubts about himself. He would become nervous. Feeling unnatural, he would try to tidy up his clothes, or pull on them, and try to let the cool air enter the clothes and calm himself. Some people may even blush when they lie.

Psychology: When you're talking, you just have to make a few of these moves, and I know you're lying and rubbing your nose. Second, rub your ears. 3. Cover your mouth. Fourth, divert attention. Fifth, grab the neck. Sixth, tidy up your clothes. 7. Other actions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" >7, other actions. </h1>

When people lie, they may also put their fingers between their lips and gently bite their fingers with their teeth to get a certain sense of security; some smokers will speed up the frequency of their smoking when lying; some people will fiddle with small objects around them when lying, or rub the table with their hands repeatedly, and some people will rub with their hands to speed up the frequency of chewing gum and so on.

These actions are actually due to their own inner insecurity, people will be weak when they lie, and then through these actions want to seek relief, seek cover-up. So, when you're communicating with someone, if they do these things, they're most likely lying. If he's making some promises, it's judgable that those promises aren't from his heart.

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