
Beijing: The City of The Two Olympics Green Development

author:China Youth Network

It's getting closer and closer, the Beijing Winter Olympics. The enchanting ice and snow will once again make the "Bird's Nest" burst with passion; when the green electricity illuminates the venue, when the hydrogen energy will ignite the holy flame, the light of the green Winter Olympics will shine in front of the eyes of countless people.

The Winter Olympics preparation tour is also the world's first two-Olympic city Beijing is committed to green development. If the Winter Olympic Movement is a challenge for mankind to itself, then for Beijing, the preparation for the Winter Olympics is also a journey beyond itself: can we control air pollution, achieve industrial transformation, change development paths, and improve people's well-being in a relatively short period of time?

In the past six years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out the direction for Beijing's development and preparations for the Winter Olympics again and again. Looking back on the 6 years of preparation, more than 2,000 days and nights of struggle have written a magnificent chapter in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era. The wonderful Chinese story is being shown to the world through the window of Beijing and the stage of the Winter Olympics.

The air is fresh and the forest is continuous

Adhere to the harmonious coexistence between man and nature

Yanqing Division Xiaohaituo Mountain, ice and snow shine, mountains and rivers magnificent. The 7 pistes of alpine skiing cascade cascade down from the top of the mountain like a white waterfall. As one of the sources of artificial snowmaking, the frozen lake surface of the White River Fort Reservoir is pure and flawless.

In the Yanqing Race Area, which has an altitude difference of more than 2,000 meters, the construction process is extremely arduous. The concept of "protecting the ecological environment like protecting the eyes" is firmly adhered to. There are long worm ditches at the bottom of the valley, and snakes must be prevented, but they cannot be injured; there are meadows at the top of the mountain, and the construction and movement are all hand-peeled and restored with soil; in the mountainside streams, the Beijing water buttercup lives peacefully - this seemingly inconspicuous aquatic grass is a unique species scattered in Beijing, which is called "a natural symbol of biodiversity conservation in the Beijing Winter Olympics" by Olympic Committee experts. The experts made a meticulous investigation of the ecological protection of yanqing and were "very satisfied".

The competition area is only a microcosm of Beijing's ecological protection. In the past six years, the forest coverage rate in Beijing has increased year by year. The mountainous areas around Beijing, which account for 62% of the territory, are composed of the remnants of Yanshan and Taihang Mountains, and have all been included in the ecological conservation area, only protected, not developed, and built an ecological barrier for megacities.

The blue sky and green water and green mountains have become the bright background of the capital of a big country, but the situation was once very grim. In 2015, the annual average concentration of PM2.5 in Beijing was 80.6 micrograms per cubic meter, exceeding the national standard by 130%, and the number of heavily polluted days reached 46 days.

Resolutely win the blue sky defense war. This is a commitment to bid for the Winter Olympics, and it is also China's determination. Extraordinary measures, bringing extraordinary practical results. In 2021, the annual average concentration of PM2.5 in the atmospheric environment of Beijing will be reduced to 33 micrograms per cubic meter, the 6 indicators of air quality will be fully met, and the air pollution control will achieve a milestone breakthrough. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, Beijing is a model city for effectively improving air quality while maintaining sustained socio-economic growth.

The rivers and lakes are connected, the water quality is fully repaid, the water body of the national assessment section is all up to standard, the proportion of excellent is 68%, and the inferior class V section is completely eliminated. The five main rivers, such as the Yongding River and the Chaobai River, have all reproduced the "flowing river" and penetrated into the sea. Groundwater rebounded, and 81 springs that had dried up for many years were revived.

Green up, beautiful, but also live. Since 2018, Beijing has continued to promote large-scale greening, highlighting ecosystem integrity, and the population of wild animals, including migratory birds, has gradually grown. The number of wild bird species in Beijing accounts for more than 1/3 of the number of bird species in the country, becoming one of the most biodiverse metropolises in the world, and the picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature can be seen everywhere.

In the coordinated governance of the ecological environment, the "Winter Olympic effect" has also been highlighted. The three places of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have taken ecological environmental protection as a breakthrough, continued to deepen cooperation, continuously innovated and improved the coordination mechanism, achieved remarkable results in collaborative governance, achieved synchronous and substantial improvement in the quality of the ecological environment, and continuously enhanced the happiness of the masses.

Structural transformation, digital leadership

Green industries win the surging momentum

Hosting the Olympic Games has an overall driving effect on the development of cities and regions. Whether it can drive the green transformation of the industry and achieve sustainable development in a relatively short period of time is the question of the Olympic Games that has been continuously mentioned in recent years.

As a city of the Two Olympics, Beijing needs to give a strong answer.

"I didn't expect to be able to serve the Winter Olympics one day." Wang Shicun, an ice maker at the National Speed Skating Hall, said. Six years ago, he was still the master of a small workshop, and the preparation of the Winter Olympics opened the door to a new world for him. Liu Boqiang, who is also an ice maker, was a rolling worker in Shougang. The Beijing Winter Olympics enabled him to realize the cross-border of "fire and ice" and launch a new career.

In 2000, Beijing successfully bid to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Since then, in order to hold the Green Olympics, Shougang has relocated as a whole. In 2015, Beijing successfully bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. In 2016, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee officially entered the Shougang Park. Shougang's abandoned industrial park has been revived by the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Bidding farewell to polluting enterprises and opening a catalogue of prohibitions shows determination and boldness.

Beijing has successively relieved nearly 3,000 general manufacturing enterprises, and relieved and upgraded about 1,000 regional wholesale markets and logistics centers. Shougang, which moved to Hebei, is committed to green transformation and has become a new type of steel enterprise with zero emissions, led by scientific and technological innovation. Beijing has also formulated and implemented a new industrial ban catalogue aimed at curbing the "big city disease".

The development of green industries and the realization of intelligent transformation have brought about butterfly changes and new life.

Daxing District National New Media Industry Base, 6 years ago, was an outdated, soot-filled coal-fired heating plant, and now the cinder pool has become a Western restaurant, and the "coal transmission gallery" has become a "book media gallery". Shougang Industrial Park, once an industrial site carefully planned by designers, has been transformed into a new landmark for urban rejuvenation. Sany Heavy Industry Lighthouse Factory, Xiaomi Unmanned Factory, BOE Intelligent Manufacturing... A number of high-speed smart factories are showing people a new look of China's intelligent manufacturing future factories.

Scientific and technological innovation has led to the rapid rise of artificial intelligence, 5G communications, aerospace satellites, biomedicine and other industries, and a new generation of information technology and medicine and health have become the "dual engines" of Beijing's development. In 2021, Beijing's digital economy accounted for 41.7%, and the total economic volume stepped to a new level of 4 trillion yuan, handing over a wonderful Chinese answer sheet in terms of green transformation and sustainable development.

The double carbon target is promising

Low-carbon emission reductions represent a sustainable future

The ecological demonstration of Shougang Park is non-stop, and it is echoed by Beijing's newly planned urban sub-center, a green and low-carbon new city.

"First plan the ecology, then plan the industry" and "first build green, then build the city" is a new path for the construction of Beijing's urban sub-center. In the northwest of the urban green heart forest park, the theater shaped like a "granary", the library shaped like a "red seal", and the "sailing ship" museum adopt a complex energy system, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 10,207 tons per year. Beijing's urban sub-center has become a demonstration area and test field for Beijing to practice the concept of low-carbon development, all new public buildings have implemented three-star green building standards, and the energy consumption of the 10,000 yuan regional GDP has dropped by 35%...

Achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement for the mainland to achieve sustainable development and high-quality development. Beijing is committed to being a "bellwether" by preparing for the Winter Olympics. Coal reduction is a relay race to reduce carbon emissions in the construction of Beijing's Shuangao City.

Producing coal and burning coal has been a tradition in Beijing for thousands of years. In the preparation of the Winter Olympics, realizing the green transformation of the energy structure is a fundamental task that cannot be shaken. By 2021, Beijing's coal consumption will be less than 1.5 million tons, accounting for 1.5% of the city's energy consumption. At the same time, clean energy shines brightly, Huailai's light energy, Zhangbei's wind energy, Yanqing's hydropower, together with the glow of heat, to help the Beijing Winter Olympics to achieve all venues of green power coverage, which is a "zero" breakthrough in the history of the Winter Olympics.

Green travel has become the first choice of citizens, and a green and low-carbon lifestyle is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In 2021, Beijing's urban rail transit passenger traffic will reach 3.07 billion, an increase of 34% year-on-year.

Comprehensively promote the low-carbon transformation in the fields of energy, construction, industry, transportation and other fields, strengthen green and low-carbon technology innovation, improve the carbon emission control management system, deepen the construction of the carbon emission trading market, and accelerate the construction of a legal, market-oriented and refined low-carbon governance system...... Beijing has demonstrated its image as the capital of a responsible major country in the global response to climate change.

The rich Olympic legacy of the Beijing Winter Olympics will also benefit the city and the people for a long time. According to Beijing's new version of the city master plan, by 2050, Beijing will be built into a world-class harmonious and livable capital at a higher level, and become a model for the sustainable development of megacities.

Source: People's Daily