
Demystify the real "sniper"


Xinhua News Agency, Shenyang, February 2 Title: Revealing the Real "Sniper"

Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Wei and Yu Yitong

"Rise up to Lao Tzu!" "We have a telescope in our class, but the devils have everything, we don't have anything." "I thought about it, my son's name is Teppan!" ...... In the popular movie "Sniper", a sentence of high-burning lines hit people's hearts, making a large number of viewers shout "cry wet masks".

This film, set against the backdrop of the "Cold Gun Movement" in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, tells the story of the Chinese Volunteer Army's life-and-death struggle with the US sniper squad under the circumstances of the disparity in the armament of the enemy and us. This reporter recently walked into the memorial hall in the martyrs' cemetery of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in Shenyang and unveiled this moving history.

According to reports, in 1952, in view of the long-term confrontation between the enemy and us, which was limited to small-scale combat activities every day, in order to kill and deplete the enemy in large quantities, the volunteer army carried out cold guns and cold artillery sniper activities, and soon it was fully launched in the whole line, and gradually formed a persistent tactic and achieved major results.

On the exhibition panel of the memorial hall, the reporter saw such an old photo: a soldier hiding behind the bunker, holding a gun in his hand, is fully focused on the front. The fighter was Zhang Taofang, the "ace sniper" of the volunteer army. Wang Chunjie, chief of the explanation and reception section of the Martyrs' Cemetery for The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in Shenyang, told reporters that Zhang Taofang killed and injured 214 enemy people with 442 rounds of ammunition in 33 days, setting a record for the highest record for our army to kill the enemy with cold guns on the Korean front.

In the "cold gun and cold gun campaign" carried out at that time, a number of "Zhang Taofang-style" heroes emerged in the volunteer army. Tang Zhanghong, who is 87 years old this year, is one of them. With the help of Wang Chunjie, the reporter had the honor of conducting a telephone interview with Tang Zhanghong, who now lives in Sichuan. The old man was a sniper gunner, and since he entered the Korean War in April 1951, he has participated in hundreds of battles, and Ronglite has won one and first-class merits twice. Especially in the famous Battle of Shangganling, he annihilated more than 420 enemy troops with an 82 mm mortar in his hand, effectively blocking the enemy's attack.

Speaking of those years of artillery fire, Tang Zhanghong still remembers it vividly. "At that time, the enemy, with the right to control the air and the sea, and the firepower was strong, constantly bombed us, and they were particularly arrogant, not only basking in the sun on the position, but even dancing on the position. Later, the headquarters of the Volunteer Army learned of the situation and called for the launching of a cold-gun and cold-artillery struggle against the enemy, and the requirement at that time was very simple: to organize sharpshooters and sharpshooters, adopt the tactic of 'zero knocking on the candy,' and kill the enemy with the guiding principle of accumulating small victories as big victories. The old man said.

Tang Zhanghong created many methods of his own, he wrote the distance and direction on the wooden sign, as soon as the enemy appeared, the shells immediately exploded around the enemy, he named this tactic "idle time ready to use when busy".

The hit movie has brought people's memories back to the battlefield of the flames, and also let people know more about young heroes. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the crowds who came to visit the memorial hall were endless. Tian Xiaolun, 13, said that since watching the movie "Chosin Lake" last year, he has been particularly interested in the history of confrontation with the United States and aiding North Korea. "Why the ancestors of the volunteer army have so much perseverance, I have never understood before, today I visited the martyrs' cemetery, I seem to understand, they are for the country, so that we can live better today." (End)

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