
Liu Bowen predicted the Year of the Tiger: the poor will stay 10,000, and the rich will stay 23, can we believe it? Time is like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, it is on the verge of the Lunar New Year that Chinese people around the world are looking forward to. For medium

author:Jade Rabbit said history

Liu Bowen predicted the Year of the Tiger: the poor will stay 10,000, and the rich will stay 23, can we believe it?

Time is like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, it is on the verge of the Lunar New Year that Chinese people around the world are looking forward to. For Chinese, the Chinese New Year festival is undoubtedly the most important traditional festival, and people hope to have good luck in the new year. According to the algorithm of the lunar calendar, we are about to bid farewell to the Lunar Year of the Ox and usher in the Year of the Tiger.

For the Year of the Tiger in the Lunar Calendar, Liu Bowen, a famous strategist of the Ming Dynasty who is regarded as a clever plan and is on a par with Zhuge Liang, once made such a prediction: the poor will stay 10,000, and the rich will stay 23,000. What did this ancient man, who had made many accurate prophecies in the Song of Burnt Bread, point to the year of the tiger? Can his prophecies be believed?

As an important strategist who assisted Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang in completing the unification of the world, Liu Bowen's historical merits were not only remembered by Qingshi, but also made him have a fairly high reputation among the people. In folklore, the saying "Zhuge Liang under three points under the heavens, Liu Bowen in the unification of the country" is often used to describe Liu Bowen's miraculous calculations, believing that he is fully capable of competing with Zhuge Liang.

Unlike Zhuge Liang, who spent his whole life in his unremitting struggle to revive the Han Dynasty, Liu Bowen, after assisting Zhu Yuanzhang in completing the great cause of unifying the world, devoted part of his energy to astronomical calculations, exerted the "residual heat" of his clever calculations, made many very accurate predictions, and predicted many historical events that had not yet occurred at that time and were later verified to be true.

It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang once asked Liu Bowen about the life span of the Ming Dynasty and when it would be in danger of capsizing. After Liu Bowen made some calculations on this, he already had the answer in his heart. However, Liu Bowen, who was hindered by Zhu Yuanzhang's affection and did not dare to directly disclose the heavenly opportunity, could only vaguely say that the Daming Jiangshan would spread to "ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren".

After hearing Liu Bowen's answer, Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed and felt that the Daming Jiangshan he had worked so hard to create would be passed on for generations. However, Liu Bowen's true meaning is that the Daming River and Mountains can only be passed on to the grandchildren of the Wanli Emperor and will fall. In this way, Liu Bowen replied to Zhu Yuanzhang with a pun on "ten thousand sons and ten thousand grandchildren", while making a vague and quite accurate prediction.

Liu Bowen, who is very concerned about the future trend of change, made many predictions and synthesized a monograph "The Song of Burning Cakes". With the passage of time, the accurate predictions made by Liu Bowen have all been fulfilled. So, what does Liu Bowen's prediction of the Year of the Tiger mean?

As one of the zodiac signs, the tiger is also known as the "king of the hundred beasts", and this beast with a fierce temperament has long been revered by people. In the lunar calendar, it is believed that people's luck will undergo subtle changes with the passage of time, and there are similar sayings such as "sixty koshi and one reincarnation". Compared with the docile rabbit, the appearance of the tiger tends to be more dignified and solemn.

Perhaps because of this, when Liu Bowen predicted the many changes caused by the change of the year, he would make such a prediction as "the poor will keep 10,000 and 1,000, and the rich will keep 23,000". Compared with other words that symbolize good wishes, Liu Bowen's prophecy is very grim.

The two predictions made by Liu Bowen are not difficult to understand, to the effect that the luck of the Year of the Tiger is not good for most people, the poor will be tortured to "ten thousand to stay a thousand", even if the rich people with relatively superior living material conditions will face the situation of "ten thousand left two three". At first glance, the prophecy made by Liu Bowen seems to mean that people will suffer relatively much in the Year of the Tiger and that life will not be satisfactory.

We often say today that we live in a peaceful country, not in a peaceful world. In this materialistic world, disputes and killings never stop for a day. However, how should we understand this ancient prophecy? Can we believe what it means?

Today's modern society, which has greatly improved the level of scientific and technological development, has produced some significant differences with the ancient society with low productivity levels. In the modern society where living materials have been greatly enriched, people can gradually get away from disasters such as famine. Although many of Liu Bowen's predictions are quite accurate, they may not be able to maintain accuracy in the face of the situation of material exchange and star shifting.

In fact, Liu Bowen will make some catastrophic predictions about the Year of the Tiger, and he also has a deep understanding of the society at that time. In the last year of the Yuan Dynasty, due to the flooding of the Yellow River, many serious disasters occurred, resulting in starvation and death, which triggered unrest. As a witness at that time, Liu Bowen naturally had a profound understanding of disasters.

Because of this, some of Liu Bowen's predictions of disasters can often be found in them, such as the drastic changes in climate in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, resulting in large-scale famine. Compared with the ancient society that resigned itself to fate, the modern society with rapid technological changes is still unable to achieve a complete "victory over heaven", but it has been possible to scientifically avoid and curb the occurrence of some natural phenomena.

Therefore, although Liu Bowen's prediction seems terrible, it will still be induced by some objective factors to really come true. As long as we can look at this problem dialectically and find bad signs in time to prevent them, it will not necessarily lead to any serious consequences.

That is to say, even if we inevitably have some partial belief in Liu Bowen's predictions, as long as we can deal with the problem positively and optimistically, we can avoid some catastrophic consequences. Then again, Liu Bowen's prophecy of the Year of the Tiger is more like a kind of vigilance, reminding us to live our own lives well, and at the same time to be kind to others, the so-called "home of accumulation of goodness, there will be yuqing", we can seek benefits and avoid harm.

"The flowers are similar from year to year, and the years are different", time is always and mercilessly passing without stopping, and the most important thing for us to live our own lives based on the present is to live our own lives. Whether we are indulging in the past or imagining the future, we still have to face life and live our lives bravely and firmly.

Liu Bowen predicted the Year of the Tiger: the poor will stay 10,000, and the rich will stay 23, can we believe it? Time is like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, it is on the verge of the Lunar New Year that Chinese people around the world are looking forward to. For medium

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