
#What are the occupational diseases of medical students #Not only medical students, doctors have some "habits", or occupational diseases. 1. After writing, no matter whose pen it is, take it in your pocket. medical


#What are the occupational diseases of medical students# Not only medical students, doctors have some "habits", or occupational diseases.

1. After writing, no matter whose pen it is, take it in your pocket. When the hospital goes to work, the pen used by everyone is a standard, and it often disappears inexplicably (maybe the writing is suddenly called away, and where it is put, it is forgotten when you look back). After losing dozens of pens, I developed a good habit of carrying pens. So you don't lose your pen? No, if you think too much, you will still lose [I want to be quiet] but lose less.

2. Wash your hands frequently. In hospitals, before and after contact with patients, before and after contact with items around patients, before touching sterile items, after contact with patient body fluids... Wash your hands. Wash and wash on the habit, go home is also like this: wash your hands when you get home, wash your hands after taking the courier to open the courier, feel that your hands are "contaminated", you have to wash, not to mention what is before and after meals.

3. No matter when, mention a special patient, or a difficult disease, are very excited, anytime and anywhere can be discussed, sometimes will make the surrounding non-medical friends and family very embarrassed. For example, when eating, he said: The patient is constipated, and today he pulled twice [vomiting]

4. When the operation is smooth, I like to chat and even come to some "meat strips". If the patient is awake at this time (not a general anesthesia patient), there will be discomfort. Once the main knife suddenly stopped talking, it is estimated that the operation has entered a critical stage or encountered a difficult problem. But not necessarily, some doctors (especially at the level of the grand director) are naturally serious, do not like to talk, and the whole operating room is quiet.

5. After washing your hands, dry your hands on your butt. I've seen many times in the operating room, two big handprints on the back of the pants butt of the wash-up suit [laugh and cry]

6. Especially busy on weekends, especially busy at the end of the year, participating in various academic conferences and study classes, busy "saving credits".

7. Go to the hospital to see a doctor, I will finish the medical history, if the specialty is appropriate, maybe the drugs that should be prescribed for examination are prescribed by themselves [laughs] When my classmates interned, "appendicitis" was hospitalized, and the inpatient medical records were written by themselves.

#What are the occupational diseases of medical students #Not only medical students, doctors have some "habits", or occupational diseases. 1. After writing, no matter whose pen it is, take it in your pocket. medical
#What are the occupational diseases of medical students #Not only medical students, doctors have some "habits", or occupational diseases. 1. After writing, no matter whose pen it is, take it in your pocket. medical

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