
Babies love mom or dad the most, which can be seen from the sleeping position! Who does your baby love more?

When a person is most relaxed when sleeping, one-third of a person's life is spent in sleep.

For young children, sleeping takes up more of their time. But sleeping habits vary.

Child psychologists say that by observing the sleeping position of babies, they can know the revelation of their subconscious.

The five sleeping positions of the baby introduced next can see whether he loves his mother more or his father more! If you win, you can laugh

Pose one

Rely on mom

Babies love mom or dad the most, which can be seen from the sleeping position! Who does your baby love more?

Most babies like to sleep on their mothers. Some mothers have been staying around the baby, and the time to take care of the baby is basically from morning to night, so the baby's dependence on the mother will be stronger.

The mother's breath is more able to let the baby sleep peacefully. Another reason is that many babies are breastfed from snacks, and when they sleep, they will naturally go close to their mothers because of habits.

Posture two

Put your arms around Daddy

Babies love mom or dad the most, which can be seen from the sleeping position! Who does your baby love more?

Some babies like to sleep with their father in their arms. Because dad's broad shoulders can give the baby a full sense of security, the baby will be very dependent on the father, so he likes to sleep next to the father.

Such a family is generally happier, the father is more responsible, can fulfill the responsibility and obligation to the children and the wife, and the family is very harmonious.

Pose three

C debut

Babies love mom or dad the most, which can be seen from the sleeping position! Who does your baby love more?

This type of baby must sleep between dad and mom at night. And at night, I may sleep with my mother and my father at night.

This kind of baby is as close as Mom and Dad, and both Dad and Mom can give him a sense of security.

Mainly because the parents of such babies spend a lot of time, have enough sense of security, have a lively and active personality, and have a strong sense of possession.

Posture four

Domineering president

Babies love mom or dad the most, which can be seen from the sleeping position! Who does your baby love more?

When the baby is sleeping, he occupies a large part of the bed by himself, squeezing his parents to the other side, and he is in the middle of the bed in a "big" shape.

This is all because usually mom and dad love the baby too much, and this form of sleeping posture, it can be seen that the relationship between husband and wife is relatively close, and the relationship with the baby is also very close, such a family is very harmonious and happy.

Pose five

Soar freely

Babies love mom or dad the most, which can be seen from the sleeping position! Who does your baby love more?

Some babies like to fly freely when they sleep. He didn't like to snuggle up to his father or his mother, and he liked to sleep on his own, posing a "big" word, or sleeping from the head of the bed to the end of the bed.

Such babies usually have strong independent ability, do not like to rely on parents, have a rich imagination, have a relatively high IQ, and are usually more assertive when they grow up, and do not like to be interfered with by their parents.

He does not like others to easily enter his life, and has a strong defensive mentality against the outside world.

Such children also need the love of their parents and need to establish a more stable and intimate relationship with their parents.

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