
Become a better parent by learning

Parenthood is "growing up with your children". Father's love and maternal love are instinctive, but not everyone is born to be a parent, and everyone is struggling to grow up in stumbling. As parents, we not only need to learn how to raise a baby, but also how to teach a baby.

Become a better parent by learning

1. Why do children love to lie?

True lies arise for many reasons, the most important of which is stress.

2) Extroverted children usually blurt out their thoughts.

Psychologists believe that children love to talk, or you may think that children are talking. Then you should not interrupt him, otherwise he will not find his way of thinking.

Parents who have a heart should learn to listen to their children at this time, or say, "I understand." to encourage your child to finish his or her thoughts.

3. Try squatting down to communicate with your child.

If you give up power and give up your sense of superiority, your chances of gaining your child's trust and respect are greater.

German psychologist Geertler admonished parents this way. When talking to young children, it is best to squat down, so that you are at the same height as the child, so that he feels that his existence and equality are good for the child's growth and better communication with the child.

4. Is it blessed that children are fat?

Obesity in childhood not only affects the shape of the body, but more importantly, it is easy to form obesity. Adults are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc.

A controlled study of obese and normal children from a psychological perspective found that obese children had impaired self-awareness, low self-evaluation, missocibility, more anxiety, and poor happiness and satisfaction. This degree of impaired self-awareness increases with obesity.

5. Why do children have emotional anxiety?

Psychologists believe that the causes of children's nervousness and anxiety are very complex, genetic inheritance and acquired environment will cause children's emotional anxiety.

Specifically: 1, innate temperament plays a certain role. 2. Parents are too demanding. 3. The pressure brought about by advanced education. 4. Overprotective and doting. 5. The relationship between parents is not harmonious.

6, the baby loves to cling, is it good or bad?

Psychological studies have shown that attachment behavior, like sleeping and eating, is a basic need for children's survival.

Babies do not want to play alone and like to cling to adults, which are all manifestations of the gradual attachment to familiar relatives, which is an inevitable phenomenon in the process of growth.

Babies' clingy behavior at different stages and to different degrees requires parents to pay attention to and cope with them in different ways.

7. Does the child love to resist the mouth and not come out?

From the perspective of educational psychology: although the growth process of obedient children will be relatively smooth, they are easy to be mediocre, and those children who often talk back to their parents are often the qualities that need to be possessed to achieve excellence and success.

8. Is it bad for children to resist?

Psychologists selected 100 children aged 2 to 5 years with strong resistance and 100 children with little to no resistance to follow up on adolescence.

As a result, 84 children with strong resistance were stronger-willed, more decisive and assertive. Only a few of the latter are strong-willed, the rest are unable to make decisions and take responsibility independently, and most of them become young people who have no judgment and rely on others for survival.

Therefore, do not be too arbitrary or impatient in your child's rebellious behavior.

Become a better parent by learning

9. How to reward and punish children more appropriately?

Psychological experiments have proved that praise, encouragement and trust can often stimulate a person's self-esteem and self-motivation.

But the principle of rewarding students should be that spiritual rewards are heavier than material rewards, of course, there is no education without punishment, and the necessary punishment is an effective signal to control students' behavior.

The language used in punishment should be appropriate and appropriate, so that the child understands why and how to change, and at the same time pay attention to the frequency of reward and punishment.

Research in child behavioral psychology has found that children who often experience corporal punishment between the ages of 1 and 3 are prone to hypocrisy, callousness, lying, and violent tendencies.

10. Five reasons for the emergence of children's rebellious psychology.

Reverse psychology is not an anomaly, but a normal mental process due to the inconsistency of values between fathers and children.

The causes generally include parents: 1, unrealistic expectations; 2, too strict with the child; 3, suppress the child's curiosity; 4, repeated nagging and chattering; 5, the child has a specific unforgettable experience.

11. Is it impolite for children to argue with elders?

Experts in German child psychologists believe that children who can really argue with their parents will be more confident, creative and gregarious in the future.

Therefore, parents create a relaxed and egalitarian atmosphere for their children's arguments. In the process of arguing, parents should follow the rules and persuade people with reason, and do not simply regard the child's argument as disrespectful to the elders.

12, the child's small puberty.

When there is no trouble, it is an angel, and it is more terrible than the devil.

Psychology experts remind the majority of parents that two- and three-year-old children actually have a small puberty, emotionally manifested as irritable and irritable, unreasonable, not afraid of scolding, by torturing themselves to blackmail their parents, which is the usual trick of all spoiled children.

13. More and more children with psychological disorders.

Child psychologists point out that excessive pressure is an important cause of psychological problems in children, and reducing the burden on children has become a top priority. In order to let the child grow up healthily, parents please do not put too much pressure on the child.

14. There should be four conditions for improving children's reading ability.

1, the need for a rich language environment;

2. Parents should exert positive influence;

3. Recognize the progress of the development stage;

4. Cultivate children's interest in reading.

15. Delayed satisfaction experiment.

There is a classic experiment in developmental psychology research called the "delayed gratification" experiment.

The experimenter gave each 4-year-old participant a delicious gummy and told the children, "If you eat it right away, you can only eat one, and if you wait 20 minutes to eat it, give it two."

Some children are impatient and eat the sugar immediately; others are patient, close their eyes or sleep with their heads and arms on their heads, and some children use self-talk or singing to divert their attention from passing time to restrain their desires, thus getting richer rewards.

The researchers followed and found that children who received two fudges with tenacity showed great adaptability, self-confidence, and independence when they reached middle school, while those who could not withstand the temptation of gummies often succumbed to pressure and escaped challenges.

In the following decades of follow-up observation, it was also proved that children who had the patience to wait for two pieces of candy were more likely to succeed in their careers.

Experiments have proved that self-control ability is a comprehensive ability of individuals to properly control and regulate their behavior, suppress impulses, resist temptations, delay satisfaction, and unremittingly ensure the realization of goals without external supervision.

16. Actively cultivate children's psychological endurance.

Children with weak psychological endurance show: 1, withdrawal; 2, poor patience; 3, cowardice; 4, anxiety; 5, inferiority; 6, lack of persistence in the face of difficulties; 7, in the face of unfamiliar areas, prefer not to do, because if you don't do it, you won't lose.

Children with strong psychological endurance show: 1, emotional stability; 2, tenacious will; 3, positive and enterprising; 4, dare to take risks; 5, willing to try; 6, in the face of setbacks and changes can remain optimistic, the more courageous.

Become a better parent by learning

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