
This is a list of 2 special combat heroes and 20 first-class combat heroes who sacrificed their lives in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and also includes the number of enemies they annihilated, and 1800 enemies! It's a man who destroys one

author:Oh brush partner

This is a list of 2 special combat heroes and 20 first-class combat heroes who died in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, including the number of enemies they annihilated

Gao Chengshan, annihilated 1800 enemies! This is the rhythm of a man destroying a group! I don't dare to shoot any film and television dramas, but it is the heroes of the volunteer army who really happened!

This is a list of 2 special combat heroes and 20 first-class combat heroes who sacrificed their lives in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and also includes the number of enemies they annihilated, and 1800 enemies! It's a man who destroys one

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