
The 13-year-old teenager picked up the jade seal and took the initiative to pay 20 yuan for the road, why did the expert come to the door again after 45 years

Hello everyone, I take the time out of my busy schedule today to bring you the following article, welcome to taste it together!


The gentleman's journey is to cultivate oneself quietly, to cultivate virtue with frugality, not to be indifferent to one's ambitions, and to be non-tranquil and far-reaching. - The Book of Commandments

In the face of this world full of temptations, there are really very few people who can always adhere to their own hearts. The relationship between people is becoming more and more profitable, some people are doing things that lack morality in order to be rich and prosperous, and now some people are focusing on the body of cultural relics. I believe that everyone also knows that these ancient cultural relics are valuable treasures and play a major role in our study of history.

The 13-year-old teenager picked up the jade seal and took the initiative to pay 20 yuan for the road, why did the expert come to the door again after 45 years

I have to say that being able to be strict with oneself and indifferent to fame and fortune in the face of these temptations is really a clear stream in the turbidity. Nowadays, if we want to understand history, we can only study it through archaeological documents or excavated cultural relics, but there are still many cultural relics that are buried in the ground and have not been discovered. In addition to the cultural relics displayed in the museum now, there are also some scattered in the homes of ordinary people, once, there was a 13-year-old boy, picked up a jade seal, took the initiative to hand it over to the state, more than 40 years later, and once again had a fate with this jade seal.

A 13-year-old boy picked up a jade seal

We often see the introduction of the jade seal in the costume drama of the film and television, I believe everyone knows, what does the jade seal symbolize? Whether it is ancient or modern, it is a rare treasure, extremely valuable, and it is really very lucky to be able to pick up such a treasure.

The 13-year-old teenager picked up the jade seal and took the initiative to pay 20 yuan for the road, why did the expert come to the door again after 45 years

The 13-year-old, named Kong Zhongliang, grew up in a rural area with backward conditions, and he had to walk a long way to school every day under the condition of inconvenient transportation. One day when he came home from school, he saw a shining stone on the way, and driven by curiosity, he took a closer look and found that it was a very beautiful stone, with delicate patterns carved on it, and some handwriting that he could not understand. Although he didn't know what it was, he also knew that this stone must be extraordinary, so he took it home.

When he returned home, he handed over the stone he had picked up to his father, who studied it for half a day and felt that the origin of this stone was not simple, and perhaps this stone was a very important cultural relic. After all, in the Xianyang area where they lived, many cultural relics had been unearthed, and in order not to let this thing fall into the hands of undesirable elements, the project quantity took him to the Cultural Relics Bureau nearby, planning to hand it over to the state.

The 13-year-old teenager picked up the jade seal and took the initiative to pay 20 yuan for the road, why did the expert come to the door again after 45 years

After careful study by the experts, it was learned whether this exquisite stone was a jade seal or carved from the finest Hetian jade. After the changes of the times, it can be preserved so well, which can be said to be of great value and plays a very important role in the study of the archaeological history of the mainland. It is understood that this piece of jade seal is engraved with four big characters of "Queen's Seal", and experts have speculated after investigation that this should belong to Lü Hou. This major discovery has shocked countless people, and behind this jade seal, there is also a cruel history.

The state was paid 20 yuan for the road fee

People familiar with history know that In the history of the mainland, Lü Hou was a very legendary woman who listened to the government and monopolized real power, and this jade seal is also a symbol of her rights, which is of great historical value to the archaeological community. After Kong Zhongliang learned of the value of this jade seal, he decided to hand it over to the state, it is worth mentioning that they do not want any rewards, aside from everything, just this indifferent quality of fame and fortune, it is enough to make people admire.

The 13-year-old teenager picked up the jade seal and took the initiative to pay 20 yuan for the road, why did the expert come to the door again after 45 years

The jade seal was later listed as a national cultural relic, and Kong Zhongliang's behavior greatly touched the experts. After all, taking the initiative to hand over such valuable cultural relics will have a generous bonus, which will bring great convenience to their lives, and Kong Zhongliang really does not want anything, and finally in desperation, only 20 yuan is charged as a round-trip fare.

45 years later, experts are coming back to the door

Since handing over the cultural relics, Kong Zhongliang has lived his previous ordinary life, and perhaps he did not expect that he would receive high-profile honors for this cultural relics many years later. In 2012, Shaanxi decided to set up a cultural relics protection foundation to recognize these people who have made significant contributions to the protection of the ruins, and the experts once again approached Kong Zhongliang to thank him for his contributions to the cultural relics.

The 13-year-old teenager picked up the jade seal and took the initiative to pay 20 yuan for the road, why did the expert come to the door again after 45 years

A person who has worked diligently and earnestly for decades has never thought of a thing that should be done, and he can live to such a great honor, and he can't help but shed tears when he holds the honorary certificate. Perhaps in his opinion, it is not his credit, this is what he should have done as a son and daughter of China, and there is no need to ask for any reward. I have to say that this excellent quality in him is worth learning from all of us.

Excellent qualities are worth learning from everyone

I believe we all know the importance of protecting cultural relics. These artifacts have been preserved intact over time, and they will lead us to unlock the secrets that have not been known and have been kept for a long time. Experts are experienced and can learn what is useful to our society through these cultural relics, so the protection of cultural relics is very important for each of our Chinese. We must always remember that cultural relics belong to the state, not to us personally, and people like Kong Zhongliang deserve to be respected by all of us.

The 13-year-old teenager picked up the jade seal and took the initiative to pay 20 yuan for the road, why did the expert come to the door again after 45 years

Imagine if you had this valuable treasure, would you have been able to make a choice like Kong Zhongliang's indifference to fame and fortune? For Kong Zhongliang, the stone he picked up is just a small episode in his life, in his heart, he has always remembered that as long as the country is good, he feels good, such a kind and simple person is an example for all of us.

Du Mu's "No Sleep" once mentioned: Mo Yan name and profit, fame and fortune is a vendetta.

Nowadays, people's life pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and the burden on their bodies is also increasing, and everyone wants to climb to a better position and enjoy the glory and wealth of this world, which is beyond reproach and understandable. The key point is that we need to use normal means to get what we want, and not to leave regrets in our lives because of a momentary mistake.

The 13-year-old teenager picked up the jade seal and took the initiative to pay 20 yuan for the road, why did the expert come to the door again after 45 years

At the fork in the road of life, we will always be confused, but as long as we stick to our original intentions, there will be a guiding light to guide ourselves to the right path. I also hope that everyone can be like Kong Zhongliang, always adhere to their original intentions, and do not let our country's precious cultural relics be drowned in the long river of history. If you had picked up such a valuable treasure, what choice would you make? Comment below for your opinion.

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