
An artistic feast intertwined with flowers and cultural relics! The art of Pingshan Experimental School Primary School shines in Biling

Wu Ji, chief reporter of Shenzhen Business Daily • Reading and Innovation

Recently, the teachers and students of the primary school art group of Pingshan Experimental School created an intertwined and beautiful art feast inspired by flowers and cultural relics in the district-level exhibition held by Biling Experimental School, through four workshops of fiber art, ultra-light clay, oil painting and cultural relics aesthetic education.

An artistic feast intertwined with flowers and cultural relics! The art of Pingshan Experimental School Primary School shines in Biling

Zhang Qiu, director of the Education Bureau of Pingshan District, Shenzhen, visited the school's art workshop, and the students introduced him.

In the fiber art workshop, the teachers and students skillfully used it to create a unique moss carpet. These carpets not only show the unique charm of fiber art, but also bring the audience a beautiful feeling of returning to nature and being close to the earth through the natural texture of moss.

The ultra-light clay workshop was themed on flowers, and teachers and students used delicate clay to shape colorful floral works of different shapes. These floral creations come to life, as if they are able to exude a faint fragrance, allowing the viewer to feel the beauty and harmony of nature in appreciation.

An artistic feast intertwined with flowers and cultural relics! The art of Pingshan Experimental School Primary School shines in Biling

The teachers and students of the oil painting workshop were also inspired by flowers, and showed the elegance and charm of flowers in the form of oil paintings. They use rich colors and delicate brushstrokes to depict every detail of the flowers vividly, so that the audience can feel the unique charm and artistic charm of oil painting in appreciation.

The Aesthetic Education Workshop focused on the bronze series. Through in-depth research and understanding of bronzes, teachers and students have created a series of artworks with bronzes as elements. These works not only show the historical and cultural value of bronzes, but also give new vitality and vitality to bronzes through modern art techniques.

An artistic feast intertwined with flowers and cultural relics! The art of Pingshan Experimental School Primary School shines in Biling
An artistic feast intertwined with flowers and cultural relics! The art of Pingshan Experimental School Primary School shines in Biling

The works of the four workshops are intertwined and complement each other, and together they build an art world full of beauty and creativity. When appreciating these works, the audience seems to be able to travel through the tunnel of time and space and appreciate the artistic charm and cultural heritage of ancient and modern China and foreign countries.

Yang Yurong, head of the primary school department of Pingshan Experimental School, spoke highly of the exhibited works and put forward valuable suggestions to help the art group better improve and upgrade.

This exhibition not only provided a platform for the teachers and students of the primary school art group of Pingshan Experimental School to show their talents, but also allowed them to exercise and improve in practice. I believe that in the future, the primary school art group of Pingshan Experimental School will continue to maintain the spirit of innovation and artistic enthusiasm, and make greater contributions to the school's art education!

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