
#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year

author:Black and white master

#Shanghai Headlines# Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuan is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, are the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year. Originally, I thought that she was more outgoing and wild, and her appearance was less of the gentle femininity unique to Jiangnan women, and her hometown should not be in Jiangnan Wudi. So, I had a general impression of her at first. Later, I learned that she was from Changzhou, Su Xichang, and spoke all the Wu language in southern Jiangsu, and my impression of her became better and better.

Graduated from Shanghai Overseas Chinese University, she seems to major in Japanese, and the Japanese song "Tokyo Love Story" sung in "I Have a Date with Spring" in 2022 is still good, some level. However, I would like to point out a few problems. The more exquisite Shanghainese use the Edo (Tokyo) accent when singing "Tokyo Love Story" in Japanese, just like the Hokkaido accent when singing "Spring in the Northern Kingdom". However, Yu Youku's little sister, when she sang, the Ehukou tone was not very obvious, and the Sendai accent and kanagawa accent could not be heard, but there were some Osaka accents, that is, authentic Kansai accents. I always feel that singing "Tokyo Love Story" with an Osaka accent is the same as singing "Beijing One Night" in Shanghainese, and I can listen to it, but the taste is not right, and it is awkward to listen to.

I hope that Yu Youmin's little sister will develop well in Shanghai TV, young and promising, and has a bright future. However, in the next few years, when "I Have a Date with Spring" sings Japanese songs, different Japanese songs with different Japanese accents, this problem, pay attention!

#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year
#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year
#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year
#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year
#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year
#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year
#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year
#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year
#Shanghai Headlines#Shanghai TV New Female Host Yu Youkuang is still quite talented! She and Feng Lin, as well as Luo Wenlian's daughter, were the most prominent of the newcomers introduced by Shanghai Television last year

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