
The phenomenon of homosexuality among primary and secondary school students has gradually become common, and this group has become more and more large. Gay children, their sexual orientation, in addition to a few innately like the same sex, is actually big

author:Middle school psychology teacher

The phenomenon of homosexuality among primary and secondary school students has gradually become common, and this group has become more and more large.

Gay children, in addition to a few born to like the same sex, in fact, most of them are still guided and influenced.

There is a key time node between the fourth and eighth grades, and these five years seem to be an important stage in the formation of the final sexual orientation of children.

In adolescence, children are particularly receptive and like to be different, and under certain opportunities, if children are deeply influenced by peers, books, film and television works, etc., they are easy to form their own sexual orientation, and it is difficult to change.

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