
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

The rhyme foot of Tang poetry

First, he was detained in the moonlight of Chang'an

When everything is quiet

The sound of thousands of households pounding clothes

Go deeper into the moonlight

Look for more lights

Then you can see Li Bai, who is tincturey

In the moonlight, the hair flutters and the clothes flutter

Staggering through the streets of Chang'an

Shout and sing a sentence repeatedly:

The Son of Heaven does not come to the ship,

The self-proclaimed subject is a wine immortal.

Step on it like frost moonlight

Shaky into the prosperity of Datang

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Night view of the bell tower

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Night view of the city walls

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Night view of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda

Along the clear moonlight of Chang'an

Take advantage of a waking spring

The dense flow flowed under the goose pagoda of the Great Ci'en Temple

The green lamp that illuminated Xuanzang's translation

It also illuminated the meritorious name of the forty-six-year-old Mengjiao

On a blossoming morning

He was overjoyed

Gray hair sparkles in the morning light

Spring breeze triumphant horseshoe disease,

See all the Chang'an flowers in one day.

Two years later

Twenty-seven-year-old Bai Juyi approached the Wild Goose Pagoda

Look at the spring breeze

Under the inscription of the Tower of Mercy,

The youngest of seventeen!

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Night view of Da ci'en Temple

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Great Ci'en Temple

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Ancient Guanyin Zen Temple

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Chang'an Pagoda

This Zi Yan was red over the entire Tang Dynasty glory of the rhyme foot

Silently passed through the summer of the Tang Dynasty

Autumn evening in autumn with maple leaves

Fall with the wind

Tapped on the lute strings of Chang'an Xiannu

Bai Juyi, who was drunk in the cabin, woke up

He squinted his eyes and clapped his hands in applause:

The big strings are noisy like a torrential rain,

The strings cut like whispers.

Noisy cut miscellaneous bullets,

Large beads and small beads fall on the jade plate.

Rhyme feet folded, time back ten years

Thirty-four-year-old Bai Juyi

The rhyme foot of Tang Shi was placed before the thunder of midsummer

He was placed in front of An Lushan's sword

In heaven wish to be compared to the winged bird,

In the earth wish for the branches of the lianli.

The days go on and on and

This hatred is endless.

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Summer view of Tang Paradise

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Night view of Tang Paradise

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Daming Palace

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Snow view of Datang Furong Garden

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Tang Minghuang and Yang Guifei film and television drama images

Through the love of Emperor Tang Ming and Yang Guifei

That folded rhyme foot

At the same time, it also became a turning point in the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty

Hit a roll in the deep winter

A hazy mist of snow was set off

It was also placed on the buds of the new willow in Baqiao

Thin Wang Wei

Stretch out the slender fingers that draw the Buddhist sutras

From the cold spring material steep

Fold a willow

Gently insert it on the brim of your friend Yuan'er's hat

Lift the glass of cloudy wine


Advise the king to drink a glass of wine,

There is no reason for the West Out of Yang Pass.

In his eyes was the wind and clouds of Chang'an's vast sky

There is silence in the heart

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Bridgeside willow

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Huaqing Pool

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Cuihua Mountain

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Ancient city walls

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Forest of Steles

The time of Chang'an is as shallow as a day

It was another spring night

Drip back into the plum blossom bush under the moon under the moon poured wine glass

Turned into a long sigh:

Once upon a time in Chang'an drunken flower willow,

Five Marquises and Seven Nobles have the same cup of wine.

Qi Shore Yao Ling Hao Seven Ago,

After the affair is willing to fall behind others?

The uninhibited affair of the past is now drifting away

The prosperity of Chang'an in the past has now disappeared

The grass and trees are far away

The lights are dimmed

There are a few people in the world who know

After waking up drunk countless times he murmured to himself:

Chang'an is like a dream,

When is the return date?

Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

Snow view of Daming Palace

Chang'an, Chang'an

Tang Shi's head was already white when the snow fell

The car is like a flowing water horse like a dragon

Tang Shiyun's feet hidden under the cascading green tiles


With the wind and snow sprinkled on the streets of Chang'an

Passing by in a hurry


Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry
Chang'an is the rhyme foot of Tang Poetry

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