
I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

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I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.


introduced the anecdote that the statues of the literary master Du Fu and the poet Bai Juyi could not be found due to flooding, and netizens also created some golden sentences through humor. Among them, the statue of Du Fu became an "underwater man", and the statues of Bai Juyi and Yuan Zhi also had a "whereabouts unknown". These absurd and interesting events have sparked heated discussions and creations among netizens, showing people's attention and love for cultural heritage.

Literary masters have also become "underwater people"

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

Recently, there was a news story on the Internet about a statue that could not be found because it was submerged in water. Looking carefully at the content of the news, I found out that the owner of this statue turned out to be a literary master.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

No wonder this news can cause such a big sensation, the identity of the literary master is not called by anyone, not to mention that it was only discovered after being submerged.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

It is reported that the owner of this submerged statue is Du Fu, as a literary master in the history of the mainland, Du Fu has a pivotal position in literature, and his own image has always been an admirable image.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

But I didn't expect that this admirable image of Du Fu would become an "underwater man", which is quite a big change.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

So, what's going on? The garden where the statue of Du Fu is located was flooded due to flooding, and as part of it, the statue of Du Fu was completely submerged in the water.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

And due to the flooding, the whereabouts of Du Fu's statue have never been found. In this way, not only did people feel sad about the destruction of the garden, but even the literary master Du Fu became an "underwater person".

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

Hearing the news, netizens said that they didn't expect the realm of "I am a low-class person" to be so high, and they can actually be in the same frame as a literary master.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

Some netizens even praised themselves with humor: "Only I am inferior people who can be in the same frame as Du Fu." ”

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

Seeing such a scene, netizens seemed to have returned to their childhood, "playing lanterns", "finding faults", "playing", and happily dancing in the comment area.

Although this scene is a little funny, it does show the importance and love that people attach to cultural heritage. As an indispensable part of the traditional culture of our motherland, cultural heritage embodies the vicissitudes of history and the wisdom of the people.

Therefore, whether it is in history or now, all kinds of cultural relics and heritages left on the territory of the mainland should be cherished and protected by us.

Although this incident has sounded the alarm bell for us, I believe that with the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, we will be able to do a good job in protecting cultural heritage.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

Poet statue "whereabouts unknown"

Speaking of which, in fact, Du Fu is not the first literary giant to be flooded and unable to find his whereabouts. Not long ago, a statue of a poet was also submerged by floods.

As one of the most influential ancient poets in the mainland, Bai Juyi has a pivotal position in the history of ancient poetry in the mainland. His beautiful and moving poems are still being recited today.

As Bai Juyi's loyal friend, Yuan Zhen is also known for his superb poetic talent. Although Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi are far apart in age, they learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses in poetry and become each other's best confidants.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

In order to commemorate the rare friendship between the two confidants and their mutual influence on the art of poetry, our descendants have erected a statue between the two poets who look at each other and are inseparable.

This pair of statues was originally a very important existence in the history of mainland poetry, but I didn't expect that when the flood hit last summer, the statue on Bai Juyi's side was washed away by the flood.

Although Bai Juyi's side was later recovered, the statues that were originally facing each other and inseparable were separated because of this. Until now, the whereabouts of the statue on this side of the "Motozu" are unknown.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

Such an unbelievable event has also sparked discussions and concerns among netizens about the "whereabouts unknown" of the statue of the literary giant. Everyone said that they didn't expect even literary giants to "disappear".

Some netizens ridiculed: "It turns out that the whereabouts are unknown, not only money and human lives." ”

Some netizens humorously said: "I didn't expect Yuan Zhen to look for Yuan Zhen too." ”

It was supposed to be an existence worthy of our remembrance and emotion, but now it can't be peaceful because of such an absurd reason. Such a scene is really embarrassing.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

Netizens created humorous golden sentences

In fact, not only these two incidents are happening now, but when similar situations have occurred in other parts of the mainland before, netizens have also taken them to the extreme.

It is reported that in the previous floods, many historical and cultural cities have been affected, and many cultural relics and buildings in the city have suffered varying degrees of damage.

However, when sorting out the restoration work, it was found that it was only recovered after several twists and turns, and the degree of recovery was still quite high. These legendary encounters are emotional.

Just like the joke about the "toilet fragment puzzle" before, there is also an allusion to "Amitabha Buddha fell to the ground" that appeared in many previous earthquakes on the Internet.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.

Despite the timely occurrence of many earthquake waves in the mainland, the allusion of "Amitabha Buddha fell to the ground and could not stand up" was still vividly played by netizens.

In the Internet era, any gossip and strange news may be infinitely amplified and spread rapidly through the Internet. This is not only due to netizens' keen sense of smell and grasp the hot spots, but also reflects the deep accumulation of humor and creativity in our new era.

Whenever there is a big or small event, "just watching the news" may no longer be able to meet everyone's needs for information transmission. And the humorous golden sentences created by netizens often quickly detonate topics on social platforms.

As an important existence left over from the special historical period of the mainland, cultural relics and ancient cities all contain the long history and splendid cultural heritage of the mainland.

They are like living "history textbooks", carrying rich and colorful historical information, and infecting each of us through their own unique charm. Therefore, it is very important to protect the cultural relics and buildings around us and all over the motherland.

I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.
I can't laugh anymore! The statue of Wang Lun and Li Bai in the scenic spot was flooded, and netizens can actually be in the same frame with the literary master.


Cultural heritage is the treasure of our motherland, and it is everyone's responsibility to protect heritage buildings and ancient cities. I hope that everyone can cherish and protect our cultural heritage, so that these witnesses of history can be passed on forever. Leave a comment to share your thoughts on cultural heritage!

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